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Bobby M. Syahrizal
A study was conducted on medical student to
examine the difference between pulse rate and
physical activity
Data are included in the file pulse.sav
Smoke 1=smokes regularly, 2 = does not
smoke regularly
Sex 1=male, 2=female
Length Height in inches
Weight Weight in pounds
Activity Usual level of physical activity:
1=slight, 2=moderate, 3=high
Pulse1=999; Pulse2=999; Smoke=9
Ask for descriptives under analyze descriptive
statistics. What other information is given besides the
mean and standard deviation? Is it possible to obtain
more information?
Make a frequency table of the variable activity.
(analyze descriptive statistics frequencies).
Interpret the table. Investigate which charts can be
made under frequencies.
Make a frequency table of activity for males and
females separately (use split file which is to be
found under data)
Make a frequency table of activity for males only by
using the select cases option under data. Also make a
pie chart of activity.
Compute pulsedif=pulse2-pulse1. This new
variable expresses the difference in the two pulse
rates. Obtain descriptive statistics for this new
variable. Why is there a difference?
Use split file and then obtain descriptive statistics
on the variable pulsedif separately for the
students who ran and did not run. Rather than
split file you can also obtain separate descriptive
statistics with analyze descriptive statistics
explore. Enter the variable ran in the factor list
and pulsedif in the dependent list.
Make a frequency table of pulse1. how many
persons have a score above 120? What is the
difference between percent and valid percent?
How many persons have a score of 120 or less?
Charts are available under the char menu but are
also option under most statistical procedures. For
example, analyze frequencies charts a
number of charts can be made. Make a bar chart
of the variable pulse1! Does a bar chart seem
appropriate? Make a histogram of pulse1? Which
do you prefer and why?
Make a histogram of the variable weight. Does the
variable seem to be normally distributed?
Penugasan kunjungan
Penugasan kelompok
Pada saat melakukan kunjungan lapangan ke
Posyandu, kumpulkan data balita yang datang ke
posyandu pada hari itu. Data tersebut mencakup
variabel sebagai berikut:
Umur anak (dalam bulan)
Jenis kelamin
Berat badan
Tinggi badan
Status imunisasi (BCG, hepaB, DPT, polio, dan
Kumpulkan data yang sama pada 2 kali
kunjungan balita ke posyandu sebelumnya
Kelompok 1
Topik: Status gizi balita berdasarkan BB/U
Buatlah analisa deskriptif sederhana untuk
menggambarkan status gizi balita tersebut,
berdasarkan kelompok umur dan jenis kelamin
Kelompok 2
Topik: Peningkatan berat badan balita dalam 3
bulan terakhir (3 kali kunjungan ke posyandu)
Buatlah analisa deskriptif sederhana untuk
menggambarkan peningkatan berat badan
balita tersebut, berdasarkan kelompok umur
dan jenis kelamin
Kelompok 3
Topik: Status imunisasi balita
Buatlah analisa deskriptif sederhana untuk
menggambarkan status imunisasi balita
tersebut, berdasarkan kelompok umur, jenis
kelamin, dan jenis imunisasi yang sudah

Kelompok 4
Topik: Pola kunjungan ke posyandu (3 kali
kunjungan ke posyandu)
Buatlah analisa deskriptif sederhana untuk
menggambarkan pola kunjungan balita ke
posyandu berdasarkan kelompok umur dan
jenis kelamin

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