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Propps Stock Characters

By Ashley Hamilton
The Hero

- The hero is usually the main character of the

- The hero receives something from the donor
that will help them on their journey

- The hero will receive the prize at the end of
the story, or will wed the princess
The Villain

- The villain is the evil character of the story

- The villain is opposed to the hero, and struggles
against them during the story

- The villain aims to stop the hero from achieving
their goal
The Donor

- The donor is the character who prepares the
hero for their journey

- The donor will give the hero something to aid
them, such as a magical object
The helper

- The helper is the character that helps the hero
throughout their quest

- They will sometimes have magical powers that
they use to aid the hero
The Princess/Prize

- The prize that the hero will receive upon
completion of their quest

- This can either be a physical prize for the hero,
or the hero can be rewarded by being wed to
the princess

- The hero deserves this throughout the story,
but the villain prevents them from getting it
The Dispatcher

- The dispatcher is the character that sends the
character off on their quest

- The dispatcher can also act as the donor, giving
the character something before sending them
on their quest
The False Hero

- The false hero is a character who tries to take
credit for the heros actions

- The false hero will sometimes try to marry the
princess instead of the hero

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