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Juno Poster Analysis.

The female character

is side on to
exaggerate her baby
The male character
is not making eye
contract with the
viewer, un like the
female. He looks
embarrassed and
nervous by the whole
Her body language
suggest that she is
not fazed or
panicked by the
birth of her child.
How she is pushing
out her stomach make
it look like she is
proud of it. Her
dress shows that she
is slighting
immature, and dose
not care what people
think; as she is
wearing jeans with a

The colour theme is

kept though out the
film and the
posters, witch is
evident due to her
top and the
background of the
The strips also add
structure to the
poster as the text
in in the centre of
the different colour

The items of his

cloths show the
viewer that he is a
runner. The running
trainers, shorts and
sweat banned. The
logo on his T shows
that he is still in
school, and possibly
runs in the school
team. It also links
to the silhouettes
of a bunch of people

These are some more movie posters that were used to promote the film. The use of
orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated
with joy, sunshine and represents enthusiasm, happiness, creativity,
determination, attraction and encouragement. The word attraction links to how Juno
feels about the male character, and encouragement is fitting to how the parents
act towards her pregnancy.
Orange increases oxygen supply to the brain, produces an invigorating effect, and
stimulates mental activity. It is highly accepted among young people. This suggest
why it is so heavily used in the movie posters. As a citrus color, orange is
associated with healthy food and stimulates appetite, this connects with the
amount of tic tacks the male character eats. Orange is the color of fall and
harvest, which links to when the baby is born.

These are the international poster that were used to promote the film. The films
international gross was $87,954,837, contributing a lot to its Worldwide Box
Office of $231,450,102. Poster 1 is French and shows a mid shot of the
characters. Allowing the audience to see them and there cloths, allowing us to
make judgements about them and there personalities. I like the use of the arrows,
in a stretch style to show who they are. Poster 3 is completely different to all
the others. It is trying to party the film in a different way; as more of a cute,
girly chick flick, rather than a gritty, truthful coming of age film. The third
poster is German and is very similar to the French poster. It advertises the
awards the film has gotten, unlike the other two. They are all different as to
appeal to that countries target market.

This is my favourite Juno poster that I found. Although it dose not

use the signature orange that is consistent thought the film, it
instantly shows the audience that characters and the connections they
have to each other.
The pink,
rather than
nature and

I like the
way that
and gave
them a
linking her
with people
I really like this font, as it looks
jagged and sketched, liking with the
style of the heart.

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