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Creating Personalized Learning Environments

General Purpose
To provide an online tool for building skills
and concept mastery that can be
To reteach material through videos and tips
To collect data for teachers to specify
student misconceptions and needs

How can TenMarks

contribute to SIP?
Common Core aligned lessons
PARCC/SBAC aligned assessments
Assignments can be issued to individual
students that are on or prior to the
current grade level
Site has a simple design that is easy for
students to use

How does it work?

After student logins are set up...

teachers can either make assignments for a

group/class, or individual student

How does it work?

The assignments can be set by the standard

or based on an album(topic). Five assignments
can be set at one time.

Students See?
Students have a
dashboard where
they can see all
assignments, or
do a skills jam
session for

Students See?
While answering
questions the
students can
use the help
video or hints.
The questions
take on multiple
forms, and
includes an
audio feature.

Students See?
Once the assignment is
complete students can
immediately receive a
score, and have the option
to correct their mistakes.
After the second try,
TenMarks explains the
correct answer for
questions that were still

Which Students Could

Curriculum from grade levels 1 - 8,
Algebra I & II, and Geometry can
be added.
All students in need can work on
earlier or later material.

The premium package, which includes
the assessments and differentiation
interventions, costs $20 per student
per year.

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