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Adrenal Medulla and the Hormones Secreted

It was very late in the evening, and yes! I cant sleep, even if my
body wants to, but my mind doesnt. And I do know the reason
why, I just keep myself unaware of the feeling what Im going
through. The feeling which everyone wishes to feel with
somebody and for some people, its the feeling that they dont
want to go through anymore. Wait! Im not supposed to discuss
this. Back to the real topic which is the ADRENAL MEDULLA and
the Hormones it Secretes".
Medula adrenal e os hormnios secretados
Era muito tarde da noite, e sim! Eu no consigo dormir,
mesmo que meu corpo quer, mas minha mente no. E eu sei
a razo por que, eu apenas me manter inconsciente do
sentimento que eu estou passando. O sentimento que todo
mundo quer se sentir com algum e para algumas pessoas,
a sensao de que eles no querem passar por mais.
Espere! Eu no tenho que discutir isso. Voltar para o tema
real, que a "medula adrenal e os hormnios que secreta".

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Stress related Adrenal Fatigue is so common that an estimated 80% or more of people in Western developed nations worldwide suffer fro
lives, yet conventional medicine still does not recognise, adequately diagnose or treat this debilitating fatigue and stress syndrome.
According to American experts from the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER) "Persistent or chronic stress has
individuals at a substantially increased risk of depression, anxiety and many other emotional difficulties".

With compromised adrenal function, conventional medicine only recognises Ad

after Sir Thomas Addison, who first described it in 1855. Addisons disease is life threatening if left untreated and can involve structural a
to the adrenal glands. People suffering from Addisons disease have to take corticosteroids for the remainder of their lives in order to fun
rarest form of poor adrenal function, with an occurence of about 4 persons per 100,000.

But what about people who suffer on a daily basis with poor adrenal function, who are not Addisons patients? The result is that millions
suffer decreased quality of life for long periods of time. Adrenal Fatigue is a common health disorder that can affect anyone who experie
emotional or physical stress. It is an important contributing factor in many acute & chronic health conditions.

Many people who have been helped by Dr. Wilsons extensive research over 30 years into stress and adrenal fatigue previously have spe
thousands of dollars going from practitioner to practitioner before recognising themselves in Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Sy

One of Dr. Wilsons patients had been to 37 doctors before she was finally helped by a doctor who knew about adrenal fatigue, and recog
More than a few have told us what a relief it was to finally see what they were experiencing in Dr. Wilsons book and know they were not
them a renewed sense of hope that they could be well again.

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Wilsons program is available through our clinic and we have seen exceptional res
following the recovery programme by treating the causes of stress and fatigue, not merely the symptoms.

Once Adrenal Fatigue sets in, you may become susceptible to a long list of health complaints including respiratory infections, asthma, al
syndrome, fibromyalgia, and other immune disorders.
Manifestations of adrenal fatigue:
Anxiety, anger (short-fuse), irritability, depression
Arthritic pain
Adult-onset diabetes - Type 2 Diabetes
Auto-immune disorders (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ulcerative colitis, many more)
Confusion, poor concentration, and memory recall
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Cravings for salt or sweet foods
Decreased immune response - recurrent coughs, colds, flu






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