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Invisible Cities

Online Greenlight Review























The City of my choice

In the center of Fedora, that gray stone metropolis, stands a
metal building with a crystal globe in every room. Looking into
each globe, you see a blue city, the model of a different Fedora.
These are the forms of the city could have taken if, for one
reason or another, it had not become what we see today. In
every age someone, looking at Fedora as it was, imagined a way
of making it an ideal city, but while he constructed his miniature
model, Fedora was already no longer the same as before, and
what had been until yesterday a possible future became only a
toy in a glass globe.The building with the globes is now Fedoras
museum: every inhabitant visits it, chooses the city that
corresponds to his desires, contemplates it, imagining his
reflection in the Medusa pond that would have collected waters
of the canal (if it had not been dried up), the view from the high
canopied box along the avenue reserved for elephants (now
banished from the city, the fun of sliding down the spiral, twisting
minaret (which never found a pedestal from which to rise).On the
map of your empire, O Great Khan, there must be room for both
the big, stone Fedora and the little Fedoras in glass globes. Not
because they are equally real, but because all are only
assumptions. The one contains what is accepted as necessary
when it is not yet so; the others, what is imagined as possible
and, a moment later, is possible no longer.

Why Fedora
After exploring every 19 city given to us and testing out all new techniques taught to us in Photoshop, I
went for Fedora because the story of this city interests me in that it's not just one city but multiple
cities in a museum trapped inside a crystal Ball, also i find i can push the boundaries of structure with
this cities buildings.
I find this interesting because the mystery and some magical feel that I get when listening or reading the city and i want to capture this feeling in my
concepts. When I hear this city I start in vision a city. I want this cities to be a mixture of exotic and deco art for that is how I envision Fedora as a
modern/ancient culture in this concept, I think looking at cities from Africa and India to further develop my thumbnails from being just a modern city to a
mixture and my vision if Fedora
The colours of Fedora will be a mixture of bright and dark colours ranging a dark gritty colours to bright light colour to bring out patterns and details of
the city, the palette will consist of different grey and bright colours for the city. I will use a wide range of greys, creams, blues, greens, reds and

This is much better with more detail in the scale and depth with the Exterior, as for the interior I want it to be more colourful inside to give off a glow effect
from the crystal balls to give of a sense of a lure as if it is calling you to look at it and bask in what Fedora could have been then what it is now.
As for the scale of these concepts I want the exterior of the museum to be a huge structure almost at angel making the building welcoming and show
that inside there is much to see as well as Minaret in the middle of the city as well as elephant as delivery animals. AS for the interior I want it to be a
balcony view downwards filled with pathways and globs in the room for all to see as well as a giant glob in the middle of a design that the creator might
of went for before the exterior Fedora was created with small clay elephant to hold the globe in every room.
So i will look it to how I will make this vision that I have and what Calvino has written come to life and bring the same feeling that i got from reading this
city to others.

Influence map - Exterior

Influence map - Interior

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