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Goal setting

Goal Setting is a mental

training technique that can be
use to increase individual s
commitment towards achieving
personal goal. Having a short
or long term goal can
encourage an individual to
work harder, to be focused on
the task and to overcome
setbacks more easily.

Outcome Goals
Are to do with winning or
performing better than someone

Process Goal

process goals, over which the

individual has complete control deal
with the technique or strategy
necessary to perform well. Process
Goals can also be established to map
the route to achieving the desired
performance goals.

Performance Goals
Specify a specific standard to be achieve.
Performance Goals are about personal
standards and as such are unaffected by the
performance of others and so totally under
the control of individual.
Performance can be used to monitor
achievement of process goals and progress
towards the desired outcome goal.
Performance can encourage the
development of mastery and can make a
performer feel satisfied with a performance
even if they do not win.

Goals, Process Goals, and Performance Goals all needed to
--Specific- make them as precise and detailed as possible.
--Measurable- a method by which you can quantify or rate
your current position and then determine the amount of
improvement required.
--Accepted- goals need to be shared and negotiated with all
others involved.
--Realistic- the goal is realistic yet challenging.
--Time Phased- date is set for when the goal is to be
achieved by.
--Exciting- goal motivates the individual.
--Recorded- the goal in progress towards it are recorded.

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