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Excel Training


What is Excel
Excel is the
computer equivalent
of a paper ledger
sheet. It consists of a
grid made from
columns and rows. It
is an environment
that can make
manipulation easy
and somewhat

Introducing Functions

A function is a named operation that returns a value

For example, to add the values in the range A1:A10, you could
enter the following long formula:
Or, you could use the SUM function to accomplish the same

Entering a Function

Average Function
In Excel, the Average function returns the
average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers
The syntax for the Average function is:
Average( number1, number2, ... number_n )
number1, number2, ... number_n are numeric
values - they can be numbers, named ranges,
arrays, or references to numbers. There can be up
to 30 values entered.


=Average(B2, B3)

would return 8.85

=Average(B3, B5, 45)

would return 19.2


would return 46.24

Min Function
In Excel, theMinfunction returns the smallest
value from the numbers provided.
The syntax for the Min function is:
Min( number1, number2, ... number_n )
number1, number2, ... number_n are numeric
values - they can be numbers, named ranges,
arrays, or references to numbers. There can be
up to 30 values entered.


=Min(B2, B3)

would return 7.2

=Min(B3, B5, -3)

would return -3


would return 5.4

Max Function
In Excel, theMaxfunction returns the largest
value from the numbers provided.
The syntax for the Max function is:
Max( number1, number2, ... number_n )
number1, number2, ... number_n are numeric
values - they can be numbers, named ranges,
arrays, or references to numbers. There can be
up to 30 values entered.


=Max(B2, B3)

would return 10.5

=Max(B3, B5, 45)

would return 45


would return 200

Exact Function

In Excel, the Exact function compares two

strings and returns TRUE if both values are the
same. Otherwise, it will return FALSE.

The syntax for the Exact function is:

Exact( text1, text2 )

a) text1 and text2 are the values to compare.

b) The Exact function is case-sensitive.


=Exact(A1, A2)

would return FALSE

=Exact(A1, A4)

would return TRUE

=Exact(A1, A3)

would return FALSE

=Exact(A4, "Alphabet")

would return TRUE

Round Function

In Excel, theRoundfunction returns a number rounded to

a specified number of digits.

The syntax for the Round function is:

Round ( number, digits )

numberis the number to round.

digitsis the number of digits to round the number to.


=Round(A1, 0)

would return 663

=Round(A1, 1)

would return 662.8

=Round(A2, -1)

would return 50

=Round(55.1, -1)

would return 60

=Round(-23.67, 1)

would return -23.7

Trim Function

In Excel, the Trim function removes leading

spaces from a string.

The syntax for the Trim function is:

Trim( text )

a) text is the string that you wish to remove

leading spaces from.

Trim(" Tech on the Net") would
return "Tech on the Net
Trim(" Alphabet ") would return
"Alphabet "

And Function

In Excel, the And function returns TRUE if all

conditions are TRUE. It returns FALSE if any of
the conditions are FALSE.

The syntax for the And function is:

And( condition1, condition2, ... )

a) condition is something that you want to test

that can either be TRUE or FALSE. There can be
up to 30 conditions.


=And(A1>10, A1<40)

would return TRUE

=And(A1=30, A2="Microsoft")

would return FALSE

=And(A1>=5, A1<=30, A2="Tech on the


would return TRUE

Or Function

In Excel, the Or function returns TRUE if any of

the conditions are TRUE. Otherwise, it returns

The syntax for the Or function is:

Or( condition1, condition2, ... )

a) condition is something that you want to test

that can either be TRUE or FALSE. There can be
up to 30 conditions.


=Or(A1<10, A1=40)

would return FALSE

=Or(A1=30, A2="Microsoft")

would return TRUE

=Or(A1>=5, A1=20, A2="Tech on the


would return TRUE

Left Function

In Excel, the Left function allows you to extract

a substring from a string, starting from the leftmost character.

The syntax for the Left function is:

Left( text, number_of_characters )

a) text is the string that you wish to extract from.

b) number_of_characters indicates the number of
characters that you wish to extract starting from
the left-most character.


=Left(A1, 5)

would return "Alpha"

=Left(A2, 8)

would return "techonth"

=Left("Excel", 2)

would return "Ex"

Right Function

In Excel, the Right function extracts a substring

from a string starting from the right-most

The syntax for the Right function is:

Right( text, number_of_characters )

a) text is the string that you wish to extract from.

b) number_of_characters indicates the number of
characters that you wish to extract starting from
the right-most character.


=Right(A1, 4)

would return "soup"

=Right(A2, 6)

would return "thenet"

=Right("Excel", 3)

would return "cel"

Len Function

In Excel, the Len function returns the length of

the specified string.

The syntax for the Len function is:

Len( text )

a) text is the string to return the length for.



would return 13


would return 12


would return 5

Upper Function

In Excel, the Upper function allows you to

convert text to all uppercase.

The syntax for the Upper function is:

Upper( text )

a) text is the string that you wish to convert to




would return "ALPHABET SOUP"


would return "TECHONTHENET"


would return "EXCEL"


would return "123ABC"

Lower Function

In Excel, the Lower function converts all letters

in the specified string to lowercase. If there are
characters in the string that are not letters, they
are unaffected by this function.

The syntax for the Lower function is:

Lower( text )

a) text is the string to convert to lowercase.



would return "alphabet soup"


would return "techonthenet"


would return "excel"

Proper Function

In Excel, the Proper function sets the first

character in each word to uppercase and the
rest to lowercase.

The syntax for the Proper function is:

Proper( text )

a) text is the string argument whose first character

in each word will be converted to uppercase and
all remaining characters converted to lowercase.



would return "Alphabet Soup"


would return "Tech On The Net"


would return "Alpha Beta"


would return "Excel"

Concatenate Function

In Excel, the Concatenate function

allows you to join 2 or more strings

The syntax for the Concatenate

function is:
Concatenate( text1, text2, ... text_n )

a) There can be up to 30 strings that are

joined together.


=Concatenate(A1, A2)

would return "Alphabet"

=Concatenate("Tech on the ", "Net")

would return "Tech on the Net"

=Concatenate(A1, "bet soup")

would return "Alphabet soup"

Count Function

In Excel, the Count function counts the number of cells that

contain numbers as well as the number of arguments that contain

The syntax for the Count function is:

Count( argument1, argument2, ... argument_n )

argument1, argument2, ... argument_n are either ranges of cells

or values. There can be up to 30 arguments.



would return 3

=Count(A1:A6, 129)

would return 4

=Count(A1:A6, 129, "techonthenet")

would return 4

=Count(A1:A6, 129, "techonthenet", -2)

would return 5

If Function

In Excel, the If function returns one value if a

specified condition evaluates to TRUE, or
another value if it evaluates to FALSE

The syntax for the If function is:

If( condition, value_if_true, value_if_false )


condition is the value that you want to test.

value_if_true is the value that is returned if condition evaluates
to TRUE.
value_if_false is the value that is return if condition evaluates to



=If(A1>10, "Larger", "Smaller")

would return "Larger"

=If(A1=20, "Equal", "Not Equal")

would return "Not Equal"

=If(A2="Tech on the Net", 12, 0)

would return 12

CountIf Function

In Excel, the CountIf function counts the number of cells in a

range, that meets a given criteria.

The syntax for the CountIf function is:

CountIf( range, criteria )

range is the range of cells that you want to count based on the
criteria is used to determine which cells to count.


=CountIf(A2:A7, D2)

would return 1

=CountIf(A:A, D2)

would return 1

=CountIf(A2:A7, ">=2001")

would return 4

SumIf Function

In Excel, the SumIf function adds all numbers in a range of cells,

based on a given criteria.

The syntax for the SumIf function is:

SumIf( range, criteria, sum_range )

range is the range of cells that you want to apply the criteria
criteria is used to determine which cells to add.
sum_range are the cells to sum.


=SumIf(A2:A6, D2, C2:C6)

would return 218.6

=SumIf(A:A, D2, C:C)

would return 218.6

=SumIf(A2:A6, 2003, C2:C6)

would return 7.2

=SumIf(A2:A6, ">=2001", C2:C6)

would return 12.6

Nested IF Functions

It is possible to nest multiple IF functions within one Excel

formula. You can nest up to 7 IF functions to create a complex
IF THEN ELSE statement.

The syntax for the nesting the IF function is:

IF( condition1, value_if_true1, IF( condition2,
value_if_true2, value_if_false2 ))

This would be equivalent to the following IF THEN ELSE

IF condition1 THEN
ELSEIF condition2 THEN

condition is the value that you want to test.

value_if_true is the value that is returned if condition evaluates
to TRUE.
value_if_false is the value that is return if condition evaluates



would return 120


would return 64


would return 36

Transpose Function

In Excel, theTransposefunction returns a transposed

range of cells. For example, a horizontal range of cells is
returned if a vertical range is entered as a parameter. Or a
vertical range of cells is returned if a horizontal range of
cells is entered as a parameter.

The syntax for the Transpose function is:

Transpose( range )

rangeis the range of cells that you want to transpose.

The range value in the Transpose function must be entered as an
array. To enter an array, enter the value and then press Ctrl-ShiftEnter. This will place {} brackets around the formula, indicating
that it is an array.


Based on the Excel spreadsheet above:

We've placed values in cells A1, A2, and A3, and we'd like to view
these values in cells C1, D1, and E1 (transposed). To do this, you
highlight cells C1, D1, and E1, then enter the following formula:

The easier way to use the Paste Special transpose option to do

the same

Highlight the cells that you want to copy. In this example,

we've highlighted cells A1:A3. Then right-click and select Copy
from the popup menu.

Then right-click on the cell where you'd like to paste the

values and select Paste Special from the popup menu.

Then select the Transpose checkbox and click on the OK


Now when you return to your spreadsheet, you'll see that

the values have been copied and transposed.


In Excel, the VLookup function searches for value in the left-most column of
table_array and returns the value in the same row based on the index_number.

The syntax for the VLookup function is:

VLookup( value, table_array, index_number, not_exact_match )

value is the value to search for in the first column of the table_array.
table_array is two or more columns of data that is sorted in ascending order.
index_number is the column number in table_array from which the matching value
must be returned. The first column is 1.

not_exact_match determines if you are looking for an exact match based on value.
Enter FALSE to find an exact match. Enter TRUE to find an approximate match,
which means that if an exact match if not found, then the VLookup function will
look for the next largest value that is less than value.

If index_number is less than 1, the VLookup function will return #VALUE!.
If index_number is greater than the number of columns in table_array, the
VLookup function will return #REF!.
If you enter FALSE for the not_exact_match parameter and no exact match is
found, then the VLookup function will return #N/A.


=VLookup(10251, A1:B21, 2, FALSE)

would return "Tofu"

=VLookup(10251, A1:C21, 3, FALSE)

would return $18.60

=VLookup(10248, A1:B21, 2, FALSE)

would return #N/A

=VLookup(10248, A1:B21, 2, TRUE)

would return "Queso Cabrales"

Match Function

In Excel, the Match function searches for a value in an array and returns the relative
position of that item.

The syntax for the Match function is:

Match( value, array, match_type)

value is the value to search for in the array.

array is a range of cells that contains the value that you are searching for.

The Match function does not distinguish between upper and lowercase when
searching for a match.
If the Match function does not find a match, it will return a #N/A error.
If the match_type parameter is 0 and a text value, then you can use wildcards in the
value parameter.

Wild card


matches any sequence of characters

matches any single character


A2:A5, 1)

would return 3
(it matches on 10571 since the match_type
parameter is set to 1)

would return 3
(it matches on 10571 since the match_type
parameter has been omitted and will default to
A2:A5, 0)

would return #N/A

(it doesn't find a match since the match_type
parameter is set to 0)

would return 4
A2:A5, 1)
would return 4
A2:A5, 0)

Pivot Table

First, our data that we want to use to populate the pivot

table resides on Sheet1.

Under the Data menu, select "PivotTable and PivotChart


A PivotTable wizard should appear. Make sure that the

"Microsoft Excel list or database" and "PivotTable" options are
chosen. Click on the Next button.

Select the range of data for the pivot table and click on the
Next button. In this example, we've chosen data from Sheet1.

Select the position to create the new pivot table. It will automatically
default to the cell that was highlighted when you started this process. In
this example, we want to create our pivot table on Sheet2 in cell A1.
Click on the Layout button.

Now drag the fields that you want to appear in the Page, Row,
Column, and Data sections of the pivot table. In this example,
we've dragged the Order ID field to the Row section and the
Quantity to the Data section.
Click on the OK button to continue.

Now click on the Finish button.

Your pivot table should now appear on Sheet2. What this pivot
table displays is the total quantity for each order ID.

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + S = Save
Ctrl + O = Open (file)
Ctrl + ; = Insert Date
Alt + Down Arrow = Open drop down list
Ctrl + = Copy above cell (visual)
Ctrl + D = Copy above cell (numeric)
Ctrl + F = Find
Ctrl + Space bar = Select row
Shift + Space bar = Select Column
Ctrl + 9 = Hide row
Ctrl + 0 = Hide Column


Ctrl + Shift + 9 = Unhide row

Ctrl + Shift + 0 = Unhide Column
Ctrl + - = Delete selection (single
Ctrl + + = Add cell (single cell/row/column)
Ctrl + Home = Move to start of worksheet
Ctrl + Arrow = Move to end of current data region
Shift + Arrow = Select another cell (arrow
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow = Select ALL full cells in
F2 = Edit cell
F7 = Check spelling (entire worksheet)

Thank You

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