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Etika Penelitian

Dr. Tahlil

Principle Of Beneficience
MAXIM = above all, do no harm.
Bebas dari kecelakaan
Penelitian mungkin akan mencelakai fisik

(cedera, kelelahan), psikologi (stress,

ketakutan), sosial (kehilangan kerabat) dan
finansial (loss of wages)
Minimalisasi tipe dari bahaya
Bebas dari eksploitasi

Risk- benefit ratio

1. Antisipasi yang tinggi antara manfaat
2. dengan tingginya resiko.
3. Harus nyaman
4. Bermanfaat bagi profesi keperawatan

Principle of Human Dignity

Aturan dasar
1. Right to self determination and right for

full disclousure
2. Is based on the principle of respect
3. Humans capable of contolling their own
activities and self determination

Autonomy voluntary participate and withdrawal

1. No coercion
2. Full disclourse
3. No deception
4. Voluntary consent

Full disclousure
Researcher has fully describd the nature of study, the

persons right tu refuse participation, the researchers

responsibilities, and likely risk and benefits.
Participants have the right to make informed,
voluntary decisions about study participation
Full disclosure is normally provided to participants
before they begin the study.
Prospective partisipants who are fully informed about
the nature of research and its potential risk and
benefit are in the position to make rational decission
about participating in the study

Informed consent participant have

adequate information
Consen forms-what should a concent
Implied consent-difine?
Process consent-what does that mean?

Issues Relating to the princple of

human dignity
Full disclosure : 2 biases
Bias resulting from distorted information
Bias resulting from failure to recruite a

good sample
Tehniquas issue
1. Covert data collection/ concealment
2. Deception
(Both problematic from an ethical standpointwhy?

Self determination
Prospective participants have the right to

decide voluntary whether to participate in a

study, without risking any penalty or
prejudicial treatment.
A persons right to self determination
includes freedom from coercion.

The principle of justice

Include right to fair treatment and right to

1. Fair treatment (even is choose not to
2. Right to privacy
. Anonymity
. confidentiality

Vulnerable groups

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