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process of matching a steam trap to
the needs of a steam system and its
associated equipment

1. Sizing it correctly
2. Selecting a suitable type of steam

Steam Trap Sizing

Process of choosing a trap which has
the capabilities to meet the
operating conditions of pressure,
temperature and condensate
drainage rate

Steam Trap Selection

choosing the type of trap, from one
of the major trap technologies;
mechanical, thermostatic,

Industrial steam trapping

applications are themselves typically
divided into two major classifications:
1. Protection Service
2. Process Service

Process Service
1. Steam main drip
2. Steam tracing

Process Service
Steam using Equipment:

The Basic Sizing Steps

1. Step 1: Determine the inlet and outlet
pressure conditions of the trap.
2. Step 2: Calculate the condensate load
produced by the equipment being drained.
3. Step 3: Select a suitable safety load factor
4. Step 4: Solve the equation: (Condensate load)
x (Safety Load Factor) Desired Trap Capacity
5. Step 5: Choose trap from manufacturer's
catalog with appropriate pressure and
capacity ratings.

Determine the pressure conditions

at the trap.

Calculate the condensate load

to be handled-PROCESS TRAPS
Steam heats a liqUid indirectly
through a metallic wall.

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