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certain man went down from

usalem to Jericho and on the way
l among the thieves. They took
ay his clothes, wounded him and
parted leaving him half-dead.
chance, a Jewish priest passed by
w the man but did not stop. A
vite also passed by and saw the m
too, went on his way without

Then, a certain Samaritan, as he

urneyed, came where the man wa
hen he saw the man lying on the
round, he took pity on him, went
own, and treated his wounds,
uring on him oil and wine. Then h
et him on his own beast and broug
m to an inn and took care of him.

The next day, before he departed,

took out two gold pennies and
ve it to the innkeeper and said
to him, take care of this man, an
he spends more, when I come aga
will pay thee.

. Where was the man going when

he fell among the thieves?
. On his way to Israel
. On his way to Jericho
. On his way to Samara
. On his way to Jerusalem

Who first saw the wounded man

A Levite c. a Samaritan
A traveller d. a Jewish priest
What did the Levite do, when he
Saw the wounded man?
Ignored the man
Treated his wounds
Took him to the hospital
Called somebody to help him

. Who helped the wounded man?

. A Levite c. the innkeeper
. A Samaritan d. the Jewish priest

. What character trait did the

Samaritan show?
. Loyalty c. helpfulness
. Patience d. trustworthiness

Which of the following statement

s false?
The Levite took the wounded ma
o an Inn.
The Samaritan took pity on the
wounded man.
The Jewish priest saw the wounde
man but did not stop.
A man fell to the hands of the
ieves as he travelled on to Jericho

After treating the mans wound,

what did the Samaritan do?
He set the man free.
He poured him oil and wine.
He took the two pennies and
gave it to the man.
He brought the man to an Inn
And took care of him.

How would the Samaritan feel if t

keeper would not take of the man
c. happy
Angry d. disgusted
What is the main idea of the
The good deeds of the Samaritan
The Samaritan treated the wound
f the man

The Samaritan took the wounded

man to an inn.
. The Samaritan took good care o
the wounded man
0. Which is the first sentence as it
Happened in the story?
. A Samaritan went down and too
care of him in an Inn.

A Jewish priest passed by,saw th

man but did not stop.
A Levite also passed by, saw the
man but continued his journey.
A man fell among the thieves, to
Away his clothes, and wounded

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