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Verbal Communication.

We may often think that, having good

communication skills is all about the ability
to speak well..
Or all about SPEAKING.

We are right
But only 50% right.
Verbal Communication has another very
important part LISTENING.

Speaking + Listening = Verbal Communication.


Most of the successful people I've known

are the ones who do more listening than
talking. Bernard M. Baruch

To listen well, is as powerful a means of infl

uence as to talk well, and is as essential to
all true conversation
Chinese Proverbs
We have two ears and one mouth so
that we can listen twice as much as we

There are different kinds of listening
Appreciative Listening
Empathetic Listening
Comprehensive Listening
Critical Listening
Sympathetic Listening.

Broadly, LISTENING may be

classified into
Sympathetic Listening
Empathetic Listening.

Sympathetic LISTENING

In sympathetic listening we care

about the other person and show this
concern in the way we pay close
attention and express our sorrow for
their ills and happiness at their joys.
In other words there is sharing of

Example for sympathetic


On your way back from office, you slip

and fall and hurt your back. When
you reach home your family members
Feel for you.
They share your hurt feelings and
maybe even shed a tear in sympathy.

Empathetic LISTENING

When we listen empathetically, we go beyond

sympathy to seek a truer understanding of how others
are feeling. This requires excellent discrimination and
close attention to the nuances of emotional signals.
When we are being truly empathetic, we actually
acknowledge what they are feeling.
In order to get others to expose these deep parts of
themselves to us, we also need to demonstrate our
empathy in our demeanor towards them, listening
sensitively and in a way that encourages selfdisclosure

Example for empathetic

On your way back from office, you slip and
fall and hurt your back. You visit your
Your doctor does not share your feelings.
He does not reject or trifle your feelings, but
on the contrary, he acknowledges your
feelings totally and treats you for your
Here, there is no sharing of feelings, but
acknowledgement of feelings.

For effective Verbal

Communication Skills
We need to develop our skills at
Empathetic Listening.
How do we do it ???
*First of all, we would need to acquaint
ourselves with the parameters that
constitute Empathetic Listening while
evaluating someones speaking skills.

Parameters of evaluation

Speed.number of words per minute.

Clarityif audible & free of distortion.
Pronunciationutterance of speech.
Familiarity...acquaintance with words used.
Punctuationuse of various kinds of pauses.
FluencyAble to express easily.
Expressiontransforming of ideas into words.
Content meaning or substance of speech.

Exercise in evaluation
*An exercise in reading is evaluated by
the rest of the class.
Listeners will evaluate a reader on the
given parameters.
All parameters carry a maximum of
10 marks except Content, which
carries a maximum of 30 marks.
Finally feedback is given for a total of
100 marks, in the PNP format.

To speak and to speak well are two things. A
fool may talk, but a wise man speaks. ~Ben
It is better to keep one's mouth shut, and be thought a
fool, than to open it and resolve all doubt.
~Abraham Lincoln
The words you choose to say something are just as
important as the decision to speak. ~Author

Speaking consists of two


1) What to Speak.

2) How to Speak.

1) What to Speak.
Content development:
*The first step is Brainstorming.
*The next step is to choose a
Presentation Format/ Storage
*The Final step is the Presentation

Brain Storming

Individual Brainstorming is the process of you

getting your ideas out on paper.
The idea is to put down all of / most of your ideas on
paper. This has two advantages.
1.It encourages the unrestricted flow of thoughts.
2. It facilitates the strategic or comparative
evaluation of your ideas .ie. Once on paper, you
have the opportunity of ranking your ideas in terms of
importance and efficacy. You may now pit your ideas
against one another and choose the best ones.

Putting them all together

Now that we know what we are going to
speak, we need to put down all our
ideas in the most presentable manner.
We need a Format as per which we may
present these Ideas. We may call it a
Presentation/Display Format or a
Storage System.

Need for Storage Systems

Asked a question, Do we forget due to
nervousness or Do we get nervous due
to forgetting?
We may ponder .
Eg. What if you had to recite the alphabet
in front of an audience?
would you get nervous? Obviously


Why do we get Nervous?

Nervousness does not cause as much
Forgetting as..
Forgetting causes Nervousness.
*One of the main causes of Nervousness is
Forgetting, or rather, The Fear of
*In other words, we would not get nervous
if we knew for certain that we would
not forgetour lines.

So, to prevent forgetting, we

A Good Storage System or
A Good Retrieval System.
A Good Storage System or Display
Format, also makes it easy for our
listeners to understand our Ideas easily.
Let us check out a few of these Filing

Storage System 1
IBCIntroduction, Body,

Conclusion format
1.Introduce the Topic or what you
are going to say.
2.In the Body, add a few Supporting
ideas to build further.
3.End with appropriate Conclusion.

Storage System 2
1.What Begin with the End/Conclusion.
2.How.How do we support the Conclusion..
3.Prove It. Using examples/Case
4.Conclude with I hope I have been able
to..(use conclusion used in the

Storage System 3
Time Sequence
1.Start with Reference/Relevance to
The Past
2.Continue with Reference/Relevance to
The Present
3.Project The Future (With Personal

Storage System 4
+ve , -ve, personal touch
1.Introduction with +ve
2.Continue with ve
3.Give your Personal opinion based
on how youve evaluated the +ve and

Now lets move to the next part

of Speaking. How to Speak.

Speak clearly, if you speak at all;

carve every word before you let it
fall. Oliver Wendell Holmes.

2) How to Speak.


Speed.number of words per
While Most Indians speak at 170 to
180 wpm,
their foreign counterparts speak at
110 to 120 wpm.
Slowing down on rate of speech is
the first step towards better speech.

Clarityif audible & free of
Speech should be loud enough to
carry to all the listeners. Judge the
acoustics of the room.
Voice Clarity can be mastered with
regular practice.

Pronunciationutterance of speech.
Always remember that English is not
"phonetic". That means that we do
not always say a word the same way
that we spell it.
Use a Good Dictionary or work with
your Trainer to Correct

Punctuationuse of various kinds
of pauses.
Pause at Full Stops.
Pause at Commas.
Pause at Semi colons.
Pause at Interjection marks.
Pause at Question marks.

Familiarity...acquaintance with
words used.
Learning new words
Using known words in new contexts
Understanding contexts and
situations before reading again..

FluencyAble to express easily.
Developing Fluency is a matter of
having all the other parameters in
Fluency indicates that a comfortable
working ability with the language has
been established.

Expressiontransforming of ideas
into words, and also the outward
manifestation of a mood or a
disposition by way of words.
Expression of different feelings with
words,word stress, tone, pitch and

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