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Organisational social

A term referring to the development of organisational
decision processes where managers anticipate, respond
to and manage areas of social responsibility.
Two methods:
Monitoring social demands and expectations.
Internal social response mechanisms.

Monitoring social demands and

Social forecasting
Opinion surveys
Social audits
Issues management
Social scanning

Internal social response

Individual executives
Temporary task forces
Permanent committee
Permanent department
Combination approaches

Being an ethical manager

The difficulties and concerns with business ethics raises
three important issues about being a manager.
Types of managerial ethics
Ethical guidelines for managers
Factors affecting corporate social responsibility and
managers ethical behaviour
Ethical career issues

Types of managerial ethics

Immoral management can we make money with this
action, decision or behaviour?
Amoral management within the letter of the law, can
we make money with this action, decision or
Moral management Is this action, decision or
behaviour fait to us and all parties involved?

Ethical guidelines for managers

Obey the law.
Tell the truth.
Show respect for people.
Stick to the Golden Rule.
Above all, do no harm.
Participation not paternalism.
Responsibility requires action.

Ethical career issues

Assessing values and protecting yourself
Seek experties and support from a wide network of trusted
Take action to change what you see as not being ethical.
Take actions to protect yourself.

Anticipating ethical conflicts

Check weather the company is an ethical company.
Is there any unethical behaviour in the company?
Aviod the unethical behaviour.

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