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Design for Engineering

Unit #1 Introduction to the Engineering Profession

Annette Beattie
April 10, 2006


ETP 2006 Annette Beattie

This material is based upon work supported by the National
Science Foundation under Grant No. 0402616. Any
opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do
not necessarily reflect the view of the National Science
Foundation (NSF).

Engineering Definitions

Problem solving
The profession in which knowledge of the mathematical and natural
sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment
to develop ways to economically utilize the materials and the forces of
nature for the benefit of mankind. (OSU, n.d.)

What does it take?

Drive & perseverance!

How do you get those?
Have to be willing to make the effort.
Dont let anything stand in your way.
Know what youre getting into.

Engineers have in common the desire to make the world a better place.

(VCSU, 2006)

The First Engineer

Designed the pyramid near Memphis, Egypt around 2550 BC. (BBC, n.d.)


He set a precedent by including temples,

pavilions, corridors, chapels and halls within the
closed walls.
He was a commoner by birth.
Which means he did not have a formal
education (that was only for the rich).
At that time engineers learned the trade through
the apprenticeship system. (BBC, n.d.)


He became one of the kings most trusted advisors.

His reputation lives on still today in many fictional stories such as:
The Mummy &
The Mummy Returns

(BBC, n.d.)

Engineering School

Since the industrial revolution began in England about 1750, most would
think the study of engineering began there, too.
But military engineering was taught in France in the 1600s.
The Corps des Ponts et Chaussees was the first engineering school in the
world. Opened in France in 1747. (VCSU, 2006)

American Engineering

During the Revolution, the need for military and civil engineers became
George Washington, whose background was in civil engineering, called for
the formation of engineering schools. (VCSU, 2006)

American Engineering

West Point included an engineering school in the 1780s.

Before the Civil War, land expansion and the growth of railroads fueled
the need for engineers.(VCSU, 2006)

American Engineering

From the Civil War to 1900 there were two major

influences affecting engineering.

The continued economic boom

Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 - Pres. Lincoln

This provided public land to have a college in

each state.
Specified a practical education to the masses,
which lead to engineering schools. (VCSU,
NDSU, known for its engineering program, was
established through this act in 1891. (NDSU,

American Engineering

The 1900s
The automobile & two world wars demanded large numbers of engineers.
America was cut off from Europes scientific knowledge because of WW II.
This exposed a weakness in science and engineering education.(VCSU,

American Engineering

1958 - National Defense Education Act

This was set up to stimulate the advancement of education in math and
sciences and other fields.
It established a student loan program for colleges. (,

American Engineering

1963 Vocational Education Act

Funding for vocational education was greatly increased.
Also provided work study programs.
These 2 acts greatly increased the number of people that could enroll in an
engineering study. (VCSU, 2005/2006)

American Engineering

What else happened to increase Americas engineers?

Hitlers Holocaust drove the best of the scientists and engineers out of
Europe and to America.
Freedom and opportunity sealed the deal. They stayed and helped
America become a super power.(VCSU, 2005/2006)

American Engineering

America also captured Germanys best scientists

and engineers in the field of rocketry and
brought them to America during WW II.
America didnt use them right away, but it kept
Russia from having access to their knowledge.
However, while America was falling in love with
the field of aviation, Russia put a satellite into
orbit. (The Sputnik Crisis) (VCSU, 2005/2006)

American Engineering

America quickly created NASA in 1958. The U.S. also put a man on the
moon before Russia in 1969.
John F. Kennedy closed the missile gap by deploying 1000 Minuteman
missiles - far more than Russia had. (VCSU, 2005/2006)

American Engineering

America has prospered on the educational investments made in the 60s.

Can we sit back and relax?
Hardly, the scientists, engineers and teachers (baby boomers) we educated
in the 60s are now about to retire. (VCSU, 2005/2006)

American Engineering

For America to secure its superpower position, we need more engineers!

America produces 70,000 engineers/yr
India produces 350,000
China produces 600,000 (VCSU, 2005/2006)

Why study engineering?

Job satisfaction
The No. 1 cause of unhappiness is job dissatisfaction.
Important to find a career you enjoy.
Variety of career opportunities
Neil Armstrong, Jimmy Carter, and Alfred Hitchcock all started with an
engineering education. (ASEE, 2004)

Why study engineering?

Challenging work
Problems will be open-ended
No single answer
No answer in the back of the book
No teacher to tell you that you are right or wrong
You find a solution and persuade others that yours is the best one
(ASEE, 2004)

Why study engineering?

Intellectual development

An engineering education will develop your ability to

think logically and to solve problems

Benefit society
You can choose projects that benefit society
Cleaning the environment
Developing prosthetic aids for disabled persons
Finding new sources of energy (ASEE, 2004)

Why study engineering?

Financial security
This should not be your only reason for choosing a career in engineering
However, you will be well paid
Engineering graduates receive the highest starting salary of any discipline
(ASEE, 2004)

Why study engineering?


Engineers greatly help

sustain our nation's international competitiveness

maintain our standard of living
ensure a strong national security
protect public safety

People know that engineering requires hard work and

strong technical skills. As a member of this profession,
you will receive a high amount of prestige. (ASEE,

Why study engineering?

Professional environment

You will work in a professional environment in which

you will be treated with respect and have some
freedom in choosing your work.

Creative thinking
We are in a time of rapid social and technological
changes, therefore, the need for engineers to think
creatively is greater than ever before. (ASEE, 2004)

Why study engineering?

Technological and scientific discovery

Do you know why golf balls have dimples?

When you drive on a mountain road, do you look at
the guard rails and understand why they were
designed the way they are?
Do you know why split-level houses experience
more damage in earthquakes?
An engineering education can help you understand
how many things in the world work. (ASEE, 2004)


Engineering gives shape to our world

We all know cars, computers, airplanes, and
bridges are all products of imaginative
But did you know bubble gum, baseball bats,
movie special effects, roller coasters, and
synthetic human tissue replacements are also
engineering products? (ASEE, 2004)


Engineers design, create, or modify nearly

everything we touch, wear, eat, see, and hear in
our daily lives.
Their innovations and inventions fuel economic
growth, fortify national security, improve
healthcare, and safeguard the environment.
(ASEE, 2004)


ASEE. (2004). The top 10 benefits of an engineering career. Retrieved April 15, 2006 from the website:

BBC. (n.d.). Imhotep (fl. 2667-2648 BC). Retrieved April 15, 2006 from the website: (n.d.). National defense education act. Retrieved April 15, 2006 from the website:

North Dakota State University. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2006 from the website:

Ohio State University. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2006, from Ohio state University website:

Valley City State University. (2005/2006). Technology education 675 research and assessment in technology
education unit 1 reading assignment realizing excellence. Retrieved April 15, 2006 from the website:

Valley City State University. (2006). Technology education 660 design for engineering unit 1 reading assignment.
Retrieved April 15, 2006 from the website:


Standard 1: Students will develop an understanding of the

characteristics and scope of technology
K. The rate of technological development and diffusion is
increasing rapidly.
Standard 7: Students will develop an understanding of the
influence of technology on history
H. The evolution of civilization has been directly
affected by, and has in turn affected, the development and
use of tools and materials.
I. Throughout history, technology has been a powerful
force in reshaping the social, cultural, political and
economic landscape.
N. The industrial revolution saw the development of
continuous manufacturing, sophisticated transportation

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