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My Study Guide


What does the tag
HTML mean, and
what does it look
It creates a It makes the
html screen
document bigger
<html> html/
</html> /html

It makes the
It creates a computer
technology turn off and
code on
<html> <html>
<html/> <html>
What does the
tag TITLE mean,
and what does it
It puts the
look like? It puts the
title in the title in the
cartoon title bar
<title> <title>
<title> </title>

It deletes the It names

title anything
<title/> /Title/
<title> /Title/
What does the
HEAD tag mean
,and what do it
look like?
Part of human
Header body

Sets up the
Boss or chief title
of something <title>
What does the BODY
tag means ,and what
does it look like?

An animal A person

It sets off the

portion of A paragraph
the in a letter
What does the HREF tag
means ,and what does it
look like?
Creates a
hyperlink Creates a
<href> document

Creates a Creates a
word new world

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