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What is an opening


Tamia Mullaney-Downer
What is an opening
An opening sequence, is a small snippet of the film, which
exemplifies the basic disruption of the equilibrium, in order to
intrigue the audience into watching the actual film. Within our
two minute sequence, it exemplifies the young protagonist
(Emily Wilson) tied up in a shed and the brutalisation of her
escape. It then cuts to a forest scene of her escaping the
antagonists (Kevin Leroy and Alfonso Bianchi). This is effective
because it includes the most thrilling parts of the film, without
revealing key themes or plot twists. It also leaves the audience
asking questions about what will happen next, which makes
the likelihood of them watching the actual film extremely high.
The opening sequence of a film includes credits also, in order
to epitomize the makers and famous actors of the film, as well
as highlighting and publicising the Directors work.
The importance of an
opening scene
Opening scenes of a film are important for the
marketing process. This is because, production
companies rely on consumer money and the publicizing
of their film, in order to make it successful. When the
opening sequence is made, it means consumers have
an insight on what the film is about. As well as this, the
opening sequence exemplifies the crucial parts of the
film which convey an unanswered question. This
intrigues the audience, due to the enigmatic elements
within the opening sequences. This means more mass
audiences will want to discover the secrets and
underlying themes behind the film itself.

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