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These statements has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All information is of personal views.
Prescription + Non-Prescription Drugs

 A prescription or non-prescription drug works by changing normal cellular function,

which leads to multiple disruptions on the cellular level. The chemical chaos created
by these changes is the core reason for disease

 Prescription drugs are one of the leading causes of disease and death. In America
it's the 3rd leading causes of death.

 Prescription and non-prescription drugs do not cure disease, they suppress

symptoms of disease and health imbalances

 In many cases, the side-effects of prescription drugs are more dangerous then the
symptom they are supposed to treat

 A study in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) revealed that over
2,000,000 (2million) hospitalized patients in America suffered a serious drug
reaction, resulting in over 100,000 deaths!

 American Medical Association (JAMA) also cited only 1 out of 20 reactions to drugs
are reported. Looking at the numbers, experts estimate that possibly 10,000,000+
people per year are injured by prescription drugs and an estimated 300,000-400,000
are killed!
Prescription + Non-Prescription Drugs
examples of dangers

 - Celebrex (Vioxx), pain relievers proven to cause 100,000s

of deaths - linked to heart attacks and strokes
 - Rosuvastatin (Crestor), cholesterol reducer, can cause
muscle breakdown and kidney damage
 - Pimecrolimus (Elidel) and Tacrolimus (Protopic), eczema
drugs, may increase cancer risks
 An estimated 40,000 people die each year from the use of
over-the-counter painkillers like aspirin
 Estimated statistics of deaths from normal aspirin dosages
range from 500-2000 per year
Prescription drug dangers

Estrogen alone (Premarin Menopausal symptoms and Increased risk of For menopausal discomfort, use only for
and others) or with postmenopausal osteoporosis. breast cancer, heart disease, short-term relief of severe symptoms if other
progestin (Prempro and stroke, and blood clots. steps, such as exercise and relaxation, don't
others) help. For osteoporosis, use only as last resort.

Isotretinoin (Accutane) Severe nodular acne. Birth defects, depression, Use only if less aggressive treatments don't
psychosis, and suicidal help. Don't use if you are pregnant or may
tendencies. become pregnant. Have moods monitored
closely by doctor.

Malathion (Ovide) Head lice. Flammability of Use only if other insecticides (Nix, Rid)
hair and neurotoxicity. don't help.

Medroxy-progesterone Contraception. Irreversible bone loss. Don't use if you've had blood-clotting disorder
injections (Depo-Provera) or unusual vaginal bleeding. Discuss
alternatives with your doctor.

Mefloquine (Lariam) drugfordangers
Malaria prevention Disorientation, severe People who've had psychological problems
travelers. anxiety, paranoia, should use alternative: doxycycline or
hallucinations, and atovaquone/proguanil (Malarone).
Salmeterol (Serevent) Asthma. Increased asthma-related Use only with adequate doses of an inhaled
deaths; risk may be higher in corticosteroid, and only for prevention.
Sibutramine (Meridia) Weight loss. Increased blood pressure and Don't use if you have heart disease,
heart rate; heart-rhythm hypertension, or other significant coronary risk
abnormalities, heart attack, factors.
cardiac arrest, memory
SSRIs such as sertraline Anxiety and depression. Increased suicidal tendencies Monitor mood closely
(Zoloft), and other initially or after dosage during the first few months and after dosage
antidepressants such as changes, particularly in changes.
venlafaxine (Effexor) children and teens but
possibly in adults as well. All
antidepressants may have
risks, but current evidence
appears stronger for SSRIs.
Tegaserod (Zelnorm) Irritable bowel syndrome with Potentially dangerous Use only if safer options don't help: Boost fluid
constipation. diarrhea, other intestinal and fiber intake, limit foods that trigger
problems. symptoms, exercise, and reduce stress.
 Virtually all doctors only know 2 ways of treatment: Prescribe Drugs or
Perform Surgery
 Over 98% of medical school only teaches 2 things: Prescribing Drugs
or Performing Surgery
 Almost nothing is taught to medical doctors about prevention
 Medical doctors have become spokes people for pharmaceutical
 Pharmaceutical sales people visit doctor and sell them the brand, with
benefits like cars, vacations, trips and money for certain amount of
prescriptions filled
 An experiment with the 'anti-depression' drug Paxil was done. When
patients asked for Paxil at the doctor they were 5 times more likely to
have it prescribed even if they weren't suffering from 'depression'
 Only 2 ways to get sick
– Catch something (flu,cold etc.)
– Develop something (ulcer,heart problems,cancer)
 Body can fight of bacterial and viral infections, the body is
designed to do it, and it can fight off disease if balanced and
 No drug, medicine or herb in the world can cure a disease, only
the body can cure itself
 Preventing disease by balancing your body is the most
important thing you can do
 By allowing your body to achieve homeostasis and an alkaline
pH balance, you can prevent disease and heal faster
 The body has to be healthy and able to fight off any possible
diseases or sickness
Pharmaceutical Companies?
 According to a study done by the University of Toronto, Bad reactions to prescription and over-the-
counter medicines kill more than 100,000 Americans and seriously injure an additional 2.1 million
every year.

 The Pharmaceutical companies are well aware of the side effects of prescription and non-
prescription drugs

 Advertising and promotion of these drugs continues in spite of mounting evidence of death,
disease and life threatening side effects

 All prescription and non-prescription drugs cause other serious disease. Thus, allowing
pharmaceutical companies to make money even if the symptom has been “cured”!

 For example, Vioxx which was prescribed as a pain medication caused 100,000s of deaths and
horrendous side-effects , especially for the heart. As a user of Vioxx you would have had to take
other medication to help with a new condition with your heart (caused by Vioxx!). Therefore, now
you are buying 2 types of medication from the drug companies. The new heart medication would
likely cause liver or kidney problems, forcing you to take further drugs (the cycle of profits!)

 Drug companies don’t want you to be cured, if you were cured and free of illness, how can they
make money? Think about it – if there was a $50 natural cure for disease, would the
pharmaceutical companies want you to have it? NO! they would go bankrupt as they couldn’t
patent or profit from such an cheap product.
Doctor and Insurance Costs
 Medical costs go up exponentially as you get sicker
 The more unhealthy you are, the higher the cost of
the doctor visits and procedures
 An average 30-40 year old will spend anywhere from
$1,100 to $4,500 USD per year in doctor cost and
insurance premiums
 Insurance policies are regularly cancelled due to
‘discoveries’ of preexisting conditions, even after
years of payments
 In many cases, pre-existing conditions may not be
covered at all; leaving the individual with a choice for
death or bankruptcy

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