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Potted plants in and

around your home

Create a haven for positive thought and restful breaks
By Myrene Dickinson B.S, M.A., C.Ht
Spring symbolizes the end of hibernation
and the beginning of new life. Spring also
means cleaning, organizing, and eliminating the old,
starting new projects, embarking in new endeavors,
and celebrating the wonders that mother earth gifts us
year after year.

Studies have found that having plants around the home can improve focus,
which translates to an increase in productivity and a rejuvenated sense of
purpose. These characteristics help give us a sense of wellness and
contentment. So, if you want to increase your memory retention and lift
your spirits, consider adding a few plants to your dcor.

Whether your space is limited or not, a potted plant can be just as

rejuvenating to your spirits as views of sprawling lawns from your kitchen
Calms your frazzled nerves

One of my favorites is lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). With its slightly tinted

silver foliage and tube-shaped blue-purple hued flowers, lavender stands out in
any garden.

This flower emanates a subtle fragrance that works to calm

any anxious fidgeting. Sit beside this plant for a few minutes
and breathe in slowly and deeply as you silently tell yourself
heal my anxious mind. Now, breathe out slowly and softly
while you guide yourself to a more relaxed state. Slowly
repeat in your mind, relax, relax.

Lavender is a magnet for butterflies and can easily be planted in a large pot,
preferably one made out of clay. Use organic soil and follow simple ecological
planting guidelines to ensure a pest-free garden. This will also improve the health
of the butterflies around you. Plant a hedgerow-like shrub or a miniature fruit
tree nearby to ensure a safe shelter for your newly-acquired winged friends.
Lily of the Valley
Will ensure you look at your issues positively

Dainty and fragrant, Lily of the Valley (Convallaria

majalis) inspires positive thoughts. Be careful
though as every part of this plant is poisonous. Lily
of the Valley grows from a rhizome, a fleshy
underground stem.

As you breathe in the fragrance of this flower, keep

your eyes on the tiny blooms and you will find
yourself easily loosing yourself in positive thoughts.

Whether it is the tiny fragile beauty of its flowers or its fragrance, Lily of the
Valley will naturally help you ponder the positive side of your issues. Other
than keeping your plant in a sunny spot, you should not have difficulty with
your Lily of the Valley since it thrives in a wide variety of soils.
A natural memory booster

If you are looking for an ideal background to your wonderful display of potted flower
plants, nothing beats a rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) bush. It has a clean and
crisp fragrance that is associated with memory-enhancing properties.

Rosemary produces delicate Its name originated with the

small flowers in shades of legend of the Virgin Mary who
lavender and pink; however, turned the flowers blue when
the best part is that its known she spread her mantel over a
for it natural pesticide rosemary bush. Presently,
properties, but it doesnt mystics use this bush near doors
affect the livelihood of and windows to keep a good
butterflies. aura in homes and to deter evil
As long as you grow rosemary in a container with good drainage and keep it
planted 6 to 8 inches deep in loose organic potting soil, it should thrive with
beautiful foliage. Just remember to clean the container well before you plant
your rosemary.
Ideal to help you sleep better

According to Feng Shui practitioners, orchids (Orchidaceae) increase

positive energy in a room. This is one plant that you may want to
keep in your bedroom since it not only absorbs carbon dioxide but it
also releases oxygen at night, helping you sleep better.

Theres another reason why they are excellent to place in the

bedroom: Orchids are used to ignite positivity and passion in a
relationship. Place it on your nightstand to keep you in tune with
your partners desires.

The care of orchids is fairly simple as long as you keep an eye on the
soils humidity.

Check for its watering need by poking your finger about an inch into the soil. If it's dry, give it
some water; otherwise, dont.

Indoororchidplants need adequate humidity, about fifty to seventy percent, so depending on

your environment, you may need to use a humidifier in the orchids area at least a couple of
times a week.
Money Plant
Brings tidings of prosperity

Many people vow that the money plant (Epipremnum

aureum) attracts good luck and fortune. It reduces
anxiety and helps eliminate negativity. According to
traditional beliefs, you should place this plant
pointing upward to attract health and prosperity in
your life. Feng Shui principles regard the money
plant as one of the best plants to purify polluted air
because it energizes the home by filtering air and
increasing oxygen inflow. Photo courtesy of Nekole

The money plant is exactly that; its a plant, not a tree. Its a pothos, similar to
ivy, and easily propagates. It can be grown indoors or outdoors. Whether you
believe in good luck or not, know that this plant is considered as a positive
energy recharger and will keep you focused in your financial endeavors.
Lucky Bamboo
Beacon of good energy

Feng Shui experts say that if lucky bamboo (Dracaena braunii) is

placed in the right places in your home, it will bring you abundances.
While for some this belief becomes an actual ritual that brings them
fortune, for most of us, its symbol that represents good energy,
growth, and abundance.

Dont get bamboozled with beliefs that a plant is going to bring the
wealth you so desire; this plant is a tool for you to utilize as a
concentration point. This plant brings balance into a room, thus
creating a sense of safety.

Caring for bamboo plants couldnt be simpler. Plant it in a jar with

water, in a wet rock environment, or in very wet soil in a pot with a
drain hole. Always, keep your bamboo plant away from hefty sunlight.
This flowering vine plant has a
sweet and calming fragrance,
Jasmine exactly what is needed after a
Wakes up inner femininity heavy-duty day at work.
Jasmine (Jasminum officinale)
is considered an aphrodisiac
because it entices your inner
child which creates a balance
between the mind, body, and
spirit, addressing both physical
and emotional needs. There
are tales entangled with actual
practice that jasmine'ssweet
scent has a profound effect on
frigidity and impotence.
Jasmine thrives in moist, well-drained soil and near a stake or trellis where it can
climb. This vine prefers full sun to partial shade and a warm location, so if you have a
balcony or enclosed patio, place it by a balustrade or near an outer wall and watch it
climb and grow.
Symbol of enduring happiness and safety

Rose plants are In general, most roses

individualistic; they like have a sweet
to be planted at distances fragrance associated
away from others. Roses with cleansing of the
(Rosa) come in a myriad spirit and the mind.
of varieties and colors, Roses are used in
but all essentially give the special occasions as
same meaning of symbols of safety and
affection. Though a red enduring happiness.
rose in Christianity it
symbolizes the blood of Plants your rose bush according to the type of bush you
Christ, it also makes a bought. Most rose plants like to be watered and pruned. As
great Valentines gift. long as you cut the flower blossoms, your plants will
continue to produce them. Keep pests away with neem oil
and plant your bush near garlic, parsley, and feverfew to
maintain its prolific growth.
Gerbera daisies
Visualization of happiness

These daisies (Asteraceae) are the symbol of innocence and

purity. They come in many colors and can easily brighten
anyones day. Take a couple of steps back and stare at your
daisies, breathe in and out slowly, and gently push away any
negative thoughts away from your mind. Concentrate on the
beauty of your daisies, their symbolism of purity, and soon
you will find your spirit cleansed from any negativity.
Potted gerbera daisies can be tricky to care for, but as long
as you keep them in an area that gets plenty of sunlight, your
gerberas will thrive. These flowers like to face toward the
sun. Water them well when the soil begins to dry to the
Like orchids, gerbera daisies remove trichloroethylene,
formaldehyde, and benzene from the air and release plenty
of fresh oxygen through the evening hours. Because of their
air cleaning characteristics, these daisies will help you sleep
through the night.

Keep your plants bug-free by making your own earth-friendly bug pesticide. You may
be able to deter most bugs by making your own concoctions with the following:

Steep two cups of fresh tomato leaves into a quart of water overnight. Use this water
to spray your plant foliage.
Mix equal parts of vegetable oil and mild castile soap to make a spray.
Sprinkle cinnamon around the plant pot.
Dust cayenne pepper to keep cats away.
Sprinkle garlic mixed with chili powder over the whole plant.

Last but not least, have your watering can, gardening gloves, hand trowels, and soil
scoop handy.

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You can create a new relaxing, peaceful, inspiring home solace this Spring. As you
welcome the fresh season with your wide-open arms, the above potted plants can help
to ring in the renewed season with positivity and good vibes. Bring smiles to yourself
and your home with these plants!

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