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Outdoor experiences are now seen

to be a commodity,
- something that can be bought or
Eg. use of Brisbane Ranges or You
Yangs by climbing companies.
Trekking companies in Nepal,
South America.
Commercialisation generally means
exploitation of a resource for profit.
In terms of outdoor experiences many
activities take place, some stretch back to
Early European times. E.g. When Settlers
explored they hired Aboriginal locals to
lead them.
Today a commercial Outdoor experiences
range from:
- Tour guides in National Parks
- Adventure tour buses Oz Experience
- Flying over Antarctica
- Rafting the Franklin (Tas)
- Attempting to summit Everest.
This should be easy we know it........

Australian Social and Economic changes

Mass media / marketing
Packaged commodities consumer

-Further details on next slides

36 hour working week
More available leisure time
More disposable income
Group travel, guide books, tours
Transport & Accessibility
Internet and TV advertising flights, group travel
tours, accommodation and travel deals, e.g. S.T.A
Travel, student flights.
Magazines articles and photos on new
locations/places to visit, advertising for companies
who use the environment for their business
Newspaper articles current issues, deals +
advertising for companies who use the environment
for their business.
Brochures direct advertising in visitor centres, mail
drops, Bilboards
Roads makes more places accessible
Car available to more people
Planes/boats travel to more remote places
More disposable income money to be spent on more leisure
and recreation opportunities in the outdoors
Accommodation near visited sites, e.g. Alpine Resorts, Chalets.
Below historical Wallace's hut at Falls Creek & Whistler in
Package deals accommodation, travel, food
Tour guides to interpret areas visited,
Instructors and guides to teach and supervise
adventure activities
Companies associated with travel to places
Within developed countries
such as Australia a large
number of commercial
companies have developed in
response to the publics
desire to undertake outdoor
These companies offer a
wide variety of activity-
based experiences.
Another consequence of the
increasing desire for
individuals from developed
countries to seek outdoor
experiences, is to find places
that are less developed and
so provide opportunities for
more adventure.
Places such as Asia, Africa
and South America are often
seen as the ultimate
destination for those serious
about adventure.
The Nepal, Pakistan, the
Andres for mountaineering
and trekking.
Africa for rafting
South Sea Islands for sea-
Some of these companies offer, for a price,
the chance to climb Mt. Everest. Sail and
spend time on Antarctica.
We need to be able to:
-analyse and evaluate factors influencing
contemporary societal relationships with outdoor

So in simple words (for this topic):

how does/is commercialisation of the outdoors
influencing (changing for good or bad):
- What people are doing in the outdoors
- Their experiences/impacts (positive/Negative)

Make some judgement based on your

The use of experienced or
qualified instructors means that
less skills are required by those
taking part in adventure.
Safety levels are usually higher.
Less planning is required by
All the above mentioned
factors generally result in the
experience being more easily
accessed by individuals.
Organised adventure travel or
experiences generally are quite
high cost meaning no chance of
access for some within our
Decreases the feeling of
Participants are usually
always being lead, therefore
dont learn appropriate
skills, or adventure not
gained based on their own
decision-making. May be said
that you experience someone
elses idea of adventure.
Increasing numbers who can
access areas as result of the
commercialisation of outdoor
experiences results in greater
impacts on an area. E.g
More tracks and track erosion
in National Parks.
Loss of trees that are burnt
in to provide warmth for the
Western run trekking industry
in Nepal has been a
significant environmental
problem in that country.
Those who pay significant
sums of money to seek
outdoor experiences may see
the outdoors as simply a
resource they have paid to
use as they like, and thus use
it as such.
Individuals who visit and
make use of an area through
commercialised adventure
may become more aware of
the need to look after the
environment and so take
action to protect it.
Commercial companies who
make use of an area, usually
wish to re-use this area and
thus try and act responsibly
to protect the environment
to ensure their on-going
access to the sites used.
Positive: Negative:
Positive: Negative:

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