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By Max Fatchen
Practice 1
1. Max Fatchen
2. The title News Break means reporting something that is unusual. The
poet uses the title to indicate that the boy is doing something unusual
whereby he is showing a change in his behaviour.
3. Five stanzas and the rhyme is a,b,c,b
4. He offers to help her with house chores.
5. His appearance surprises the mother because he looks clean and tidy.
6. He is compared to a lamb because he appears gentle not his usual
boisterous self.
7. It means to be involved in an accident in a game where the boy might
have been hit.
8. The boy is not acting his normal self so the mother wonders if he is a
9. The reason is he has brought back his school report. The mother looks
closely at him and see the report in his hand.
10.It means to be prepared to make changes in the face of urgent needs.
The boy displays an unusual good behaviour and appearance.
Practice 2
1. d
2. f
3. a
4. g
5. b
6. c
7. e
Practice 3
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. False
6. True
7. True
8. False
9. True
Pt3 Practice 1
a) They are at home.
b) The boy kissed the mother// The boy
hugged and kissed the mother
c) He has offered to do some house
d) Reaction: the mother is surprised
Evidence : For goodness sake,
whats this
Practice 2
a) His face is clean for once.
b) He must have stayed quietly at school and did
not run or play very much.
c) Possibly, after getting his school report he had no
appetite to eat.
d) Reason: The child is behaving differently from
his usual self.
Opinion: I think it is not right because a child will
behave like a child that is behaving
differently and unexpectedly every day.
Practice 3
a) Normally they are thrown down to
the floor.
b) He does not throw his books and he
does not scream and shout.
c) Simile
d) E1: The boy kicks up a fuss about
having too much work at school.
E2: The boy cries that he is not
going back to
school anymore.
Practice 4
a) He did not throw tantrums or create a fuss.
b) It means he was hurt in some way. She says this
because she is totally unable to understand the
change in the boys behaviour.
c) She wants to have a better look to make sure he is
her son.
d) Feeling : She must felt relieved.
Reason: She feels this way because this is what
she expects him to do, where he
hoodwink (deceive or trick) her with his
good result for possibly a poor school
Practice 5
a) The title News Break means something unusual just
happened. It is relevant because the boy is showing
unusual behaviour, out of the ordinary.
b) Hyperbole, because it is an exaggeration of the mothers
feeling with regards to the reason for the change in
c) He is not screaming or throwing tantrum.
d) Expectation: Yes, she expects her son to be noisy
after coming back from school.
Reason : It is normal for children to be loud and noisy
when they get home especially since they have
been away from home for half a day.

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