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What is your Learning Style?

Morgan, Mera, and John

Types of Learning Styles
Linguistic: Communicating and interpreting knowledge
and information through language
Logical-Mathematical: Analyzing logical problems and
statements, investigate matters scientifically, and
calculate mathematical operations
Bodily-Kinesthetic: Use of the body to solve problems,
manipulate objects, create products, and to express
Musical: Ability to perceive, appreciate, compose, and
perform musical patterns
Interpersonal: Capacity for perceiving, interpreting, and
understanding the intentions, desires, moods, and
motivations of others (working with a group)
What is your learning style?
How often is your learning style utilized in your classes?
What is your gender?
What college is your major in?
Do you play an instrument?
Do you play a sport?
What is your GPA?
Initial Thoughts
Not everyone learns the same
Analytical questions we hope to answer using
the data:
Is learning style practiced in the classroom?
What are some potential reasons students learn
Could the representation of the learning style,
or lack there of, effect the GPA of the student?
What is your learning style?
Majority of those surveyed learn linguistically
This is something to consider while going
through the data
This shifted our focus of analysis
We then tried to understand why linguitic
learning was heavily represented amongst
those who were surveyed
How often is your learning style utilized in your
Majority of those survery found their learning
style respresented either frequently or
sometimes in the classroom
Bring awareness to how students are taught to match
their individual needs
Create an inclusive classroom
Lingusic learning is represent in the class so heavily
because most students learn that way
There are many linguistic learners because that is
What is your gender?
More than half surveyed were Female
Men and women are often socialized differently
We wanted to see if the discrepancies in
socialized behaviors effected the learning style
Analysis: The difference between Male and
Female in realtion to gender showed no gender
favors one way of learning over the other
What college is your major in?
This data garnered analysis that potentially explains
our earlier questions
If colleges teach in different ways to cater to the discipline
If a discipline lends its self to a certain way to be taught
The arts and sciences had equally represented linguistic and
interpersonal learners
Highly collaborative and communicative discipline
Education majors are overwhelmingly linguistic learners
Projecting the way they learn onto students
Do You Play a Sport of an Instrument?

Initially, we believed that playing an instrument

would be indicative of a musical learner, same
as playing sports would be indicative of a
kinesthetic learner
However, the data proved no strong evidence to
support this
Although, intrapersonal learners had a low out
turn of also playing sports
A highly collaborative activity
What is your GPA?

Most students fell between the A and B average

range for GPA
Importance: We looked at GPA to see if any one
capacity of learning produces a higher GPA
Analysis: Though there were more linguistic
learners, there was still a significantly more
amount of A average students amongst them
compared to the other learners
Final Thoughts
How learning style is used in the classroom could
effect GPA
Linguistic learners had highest amount of A
average students
Linguistic Learning was also the most represented in
the classroom as well
Could potentially interpret this data:
Since education majors have a higher amount of
linguistic learners, they could be projecting this
learning style onto others
Nurturing even more linguistic learners

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