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Project by: Fuga Georgic
Apostu Simona Mihaela
Venices history
Told in brief, the history of Venice can be any city history. But what
distinguish it is its situation: on the water. So a question arises: how a city
built on water? The answer is simple: using wood and skilled architects and
builders. Venice buildings today are placed on wooden pillars, wood
brought from the continent of Europe in Slovenia and Croatia today. The
pillars were placed very close to each other, and above them were made of
brick or stone building foundations.
It is situated on a lagoon of the Adriatic, Venice is build on numerous islands
that are separeted by canals and linked by bridges. Is was a powerful
repuplic in the Middle Ages and from the 13 th to the 16 th centuries a
leading sea power, controlling trade to the eastern Mediterranean. After the
Napoleonic wars Venice was placed under Austrian rule and was incorporate
into a unified Italy in 1866.
Definition of Venice can be: a city romantic, full of love and
passion and closed within walls with old monuments of
their own love stories where magnificent landscapes catch
the eye everywhere.
Venice is one of Italy's top cities and a unique and romantic
destination. Its walkways along winding canals make for great
strolling. Venice consists of 117 bodies of land connected by more
than 400 bridges over its 150 canals. You'll find many magnificent
churches and palaces, lively squares, museums, and shops.
The transport in Venice:
TheGrand Canal is like main street, cutting through the center of the
city. The main public transport in Venice are thevaporetti, boats that
play the principal waterways. The #1 goes along the Grand Canal
from the train station and makes many stops, so its a good way to
cruise the main canal and get a good overview of the city. There are
also more expensive water taxis and gondolas.
Of course, the real Venice is not just humdrum daily life or
the remnants of history. Its churches house some of
Europes finest art, including Tintorettos Paradise witch
is the largest oil painting in the world. Crowds are thickest
in Piazza San Marco, where children caught up in the
excitement queue to have their faces painted, and tourists
and revellers alike gather in the Cafe Florian, making it
seem like a curiosity shop into which passers-by peer.

Tintorettos Paradise
Piazza San Marco
Caffe Florian

Basilica di Santa
Maria della Salute

Basilica dei Frari

The Carnival and gondola are probably the most famous children
of Venice. It is said that the origins of Carnival must be looked
back in time through 1094, when the doge of Venice, Vitale
Faliero, it was first mentioned in a document, but the carnival was
present in Latin Saturnalia or events related to the Dionysian cult.
It seems that the Venice carnival was born for that, at least briefly,
the humble spa or equal to the rich. Thus, during the carnival, the
poor to the city permission to publicly mock the rich. Gondolier
song, romance soft pillows and a walk in two gondola made the
attraction of Venice, a gondola rides indulgence but is not
currently allowed anyone, if you come to count your money .
Nightlife in Venice is reputed to be dull, but after dark is
one of the most thrilling cities on earth. If youre lucky a
think fog will roll in. Stole walls begin to drip; you hear
snatches of conversations, and footsteps and voices echo
from shadowy alleys. It is certainly a fascinating
experience, one that is unique to this beautiful, multi-
faceted city.

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