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Awareness and
Malaria is an infectious disease that is spread by a certain mosquito family.
Malaria is not contagious as it CAN NOT be spread through contact. Although,
if a mosquito takes some blood from an infected person it will transfer
Malaria to the next victim.

Early stages of Malaria resemble the Flu and should be watched over with
caution. When traveling to areas where the disease is known to be located,
such as most of Africa, India, and northern areas of Brazil, make sure to use
protective drugs against malaria before, after and during your trip. Malaria
without treatment is lethal and there are no current vaccines. If not treated
soon, the chances of living decrease and will quickly result in death. Severity
of Malaria depends on the species of plasmodium.
If you or someone you know has recently traveled to a country where Malaria
transmission is common, be on the lookout for early signs. However, Malaria
does not kick in right away. Its incubation time can be from 10 days to 4
weeks, sometimes even up to a year later before symptoms arise. Early
symptoms include fever, sweats, chills, headaches, malaise (uneasiness or
pain and is most likely the first indication of a disease), muscle aches, nausea,
and vomiting. These can be mistaken for the Flu virus and if any suspicions of
having Malaria occur go to have a diagnostic test of your blood. Malaria can
come in waves as it tries to evade your immune system or reproduces. If
waves began to start, check in with a doctor immediately.
The only ways to contract Malaria is by an infected mosquito or with
contaminated needles. Different types of protective drugs are recommended
based on the area, make sure to research the best type of drug. Be aware no
drug is 100% protective due to the complex structure and the continuous
cycles. For the best chance of preventing Malaria take your own safety
measures by applying bug spray or wearing long sleeves, using insecticide-
treated bed nets, and setting up mosquito nets over your bed.

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