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What is a Christian Family

ï we are die hard fanatics of

Christ (like Noranians or Vilmanians)

But what is a description of a family

!he very basis and stability of
the family of today are under
ï Many broken homes,
separations, live-ins, unwanted
ï Even the traditional family is
being challenged
We want to face up to this attack,
and to come out with our
families intact and even stronger



Vod¶s plan for the Family

* First we must be reminded that

the family is the basic unit of






"   "  

Venesis 2 18-24
And the LORD Vod said, It is not
good that the man should be alone. I
will make a helper suitable for him.
And out of the ground the LORD
Vod formed every animal of the field
and every fowl of the air, and
brought them to Adam to see what
he would call them.
And whatever Adam called
each living creature, that was
its name. And Adam gave
names to all the cattle and to
the birds of the air, and to every
animal of the field.
But there was not found a
suitable helper for Adam. And
the LORD Vod caused a deep
sleep to fall on Adam and he
slept. And He took one of His
ribs, and closed up the flesh
underneath. And the LORD Vod
made the rib into a woman. And
He brought her to the man.
And Adam said. !his is now
bone of my bones and flesh of
my flesh. She shall be called
Woman because she was
taken out of man. !herefore
shall a man leave his father
and this mother, and shall
cleave to his wife and they
shall be one flesh
ï !he family is a place for
teaching and training children

± a place to transmit wisdom and

values of life
A japanese koi or carp only
grows according to the size of
his living environment
ï Same way with people, we are not
talking about physical growth, but
emotionally, intellectually and
spiritually, we should ³breed´ like
they live in an ocean even if it
means it could be uncomfortable
or even painful
ï!he family is a place for training

1 !imothy 3: 4-5
Ruling his own house well,
having children in subjection
with all honor. For if a man does
not know how to rule his own
house, ,how shall he take care of
the church of Vod?
ï!he family is a domestic church
± Parents especially fathers, are
to be the priests in their families

Deuteronomy 6:7 And you shall

carefully teach them to your
sons, and shall talk of them
when you sit in your house and
when you walk by the wayand
when you lie down, and when
you rise up
Deuteronomy 6: 8-9 And you
shall bind them for a sign upon
your hand, and they shall be as
frontlets between your eyes.
And you shall write them upon
the posts of your house, and on
your gates
But Vod¶s plan for families is not
happening. Why not?

ï Vod has lost His central place

in the family
ïParents no longer bring up their
children in the discipline and
instruction of the Lord

Ephesians 6:4 And fathers, do

not provoke your children to
wrath, but bring them up in the
nurture and admonition of the


$In India, hunters make a small hole in a
coconut, put a banana inside and bury the
whole thing. A monkey finds the coconut,
puts his hand in the hole to grab the
banana, but then can't get it out because
his closed hand is too big for the hole.
Instead of letting go of the banana, the
monkey stays there wrestling with the
impossible and gets caught.'



Ephesians 5 22-25 Wives submit
yourselves to your own
husbands, as to the Lord. For the
husband is the head of the wife,
even as Christ is the head of the
church; and He is the Savior of
the body. !herefore as the
church is subject to Christ, so let
the wives be to their own
husbands in everything«
«Husbands, love your wives,
even as Christ also loved the
church and gave Himself for





ï !he family itself is losing its

Education in schools
Livelihood in factories and office
Recreation in malls
Live-in situations
Divorces and separations
Fast pace of modern life
ïFamily is under attack by evil

1 Peter 5:8 Be sensible and

vigilant, because your adversary
the Devil walks about like a
roaring lion, seeking someone
he may devour.



ï !ake time and give attention to the task
of building a strong family (prioritize
quality family time, talk with each other
about any concerns, have fun with an
activity common to every family
ï Pray together as a family (start slowly,
during mealtimes, go to church as a
family, insert praising words in any
ï Fathers or any other member of the
family should take steps to assume full
responsibility for the spiritual and
material needs of the family (!each or
share with the other family members)
ï Learn more about Vod¶s vision for our
family (read the Bible, church
teachings, talks, books and other )
ï Seek other Christian couples who
share your concern about family life
(Singles, Couples for Christ, V , etc.)
ï  *
!he teacher placed a large glass jar on the
table., and began placing stones in the jar.
When the jar was filled, he took some gravel
from another bag and managed to fit in quite a
lot of gravel. 'Is it full now?' !he students said,
yes, this time it was definitely full. At that point,
the teacher opened a third bag, this time full of
fine sand, and he began to pour it into the jar.
!he sand filled up any empty spaces between
the large stones and the gravel,
What this little demonstration shows us is that
we have to put the large stones in first because,
afterwards, they won't fit.
Now what are the important things in our lives?
Ask which are the large, solid stones that keep
Vod's flame alive in you and put them into your
jar of decisions now, because very soon there
will be no room for them.'



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