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Andres, Lucas and Ruben

What is Theocracy?
Theocracy is a government that is run by priests who are loyal to God or a god.
Although it may not be one of the most popular, it promotes and inspires peace
and unity among the people because there is less exposure to poverty, meaning
there is no reason to commit any crimes.
Where is it used?



Saudi Arabia



The Vatican City
Vatican City currently holds a Catholic Theocratic government that is now
ruled by Pope Francis, who was elected in March 13, 2013 after Pope
Benedict XVI resigned. Pope Francis is considered to be one of the
greatest Popes of all time due to his advocacy for homosexual rights and
his instruction for Church officials to start prioritizing and helping the poor
and sick.
How is a Pope Elected?
When a pope either dies or resigns, the rule of the Catholic Church gets passed to
the College of Cardinals. These Cardinals are bishops and Vatican officials from
all over the world, that are personally chosen by the pope. They are usually
recognized by their distinctive red vestments. Their primary responsibility is to
elect a new pope.
Disadvantages of Theocracy
All for one and One for Nobody

This is one of the major flaws in a theocracy since the leader uses God to impose
laws, they usually over abuse this to directly benefit themselves.

No room for Chance

Since everything in these types of governments are religious they see nothing
they can improve because everything symbolizes God.

No real Freedom

Freedom of speech is limited, the media is filtered, anything that speaks ill about
the government is prohibited.
Advantages for Theocracy

Most Theocratic governments have efficient and will organized processes.

Evidence of this is that funds are easily distributed among various
government departments.

Reduced Number of Crimes

Since laws in this government form are based on religious beliefs and
teachings, there is lesser tolerance when it comes to committing crimes.
Moreover, punishments are harsher and decisions are swift.

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