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- Ninoska Urbina
- Miguel Garcs
- Claudio Brevis
Nursing its about the autonomous and
collaborative care provided to people of
all ages, families, groups and
communities, sick or healthy, in all
contexts, including sick prevention, and
the care of the sick, disabled, and dying
Nursings functions:
function: Its the one that is
aimed at supporting the individual in the
conservation of his health and helps him
to increase that health, is in charge of
supporting him in the recovery of the
pathological processes. Assistential
functions are performed in the
hospitable and extrahospitable medium.
Teaching function: Nursing as a science has
a body of knowledge that is specific to it
and which creates the need to convey it.
On the one hand the training of future
professionals in the levels of planning,
direction, execution and control of
teaching. On the other hand, as a health
professional who is and as part of his
activities he will want to intervene in the
process of health education
Administrative function: By definition,
management is to act consciously on a
social system and each of its subsystems,
in order to achieve certain results. It is a
linking activity that allows to take
advantage of the capacity and efforts of
all the members of an organization
directing them rationally towards the
achievement of common objectives.
Investigative function: In nursing, a
research function is carried out through
all those activities that will encourage
nursing to advance through research,
establishing the fields in which nursing
is considered to work (in collaboration
with other health teams). It allows you
to learn new aspects of the profession. It
improves the practice.
Nursings labor field:
The graduate of Nursing can execute in:

A. Health Sector: health institutions, whether private

or public at national and international level.

B. Industrial Sector: in companies dedicated to the

detection and prevention of occupational risks, in
the occupational health areas of any organization.

C. Others: in research, teaching, consulting, or start

your own company.

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