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Penyebab pasti belum diketahui. Diduga

karena paparan sinar matahari yang lama,
terutama oleh sinar ultraviolet.
The exact cause is unkknown. Allegedly due to
exposure to long sublight, especially by
ultraviolet light
Diagnosis KSB
Small nodules such as moles and wound lesions are easily bleeding
Bleed the existence of fine scales
Thin scabs without itching
Pemeriksaan fisik
Usually occure at the location of the face, especially the cheek,
fold, nasolabia, forehead, and eyelid
Pemeriksaan histopatologi
Iregular mass of basoloid cells
Located in the dermis with cells foring a layer of palisade on the
Fibrous reaction
Diagnosis Banding
Nevus pigmentosus
Nevus pigmentosus
In the junctional naevus : the nevus cells lie in the basal
layerof the epidermis of some polygonal cell, the large
nucleus, the real pigment, and nevus cell are visible at the
ends of the tiered rate ridge
Nevus compound : nevus cells in the basal layer of the
epidermis zona taut dermo epidermis and dermis
Keratosis seboroik
hyperkeratosis, akantosis, and papilomatosis
The boundary of the tumor lies in line with the normal
Dilakukan tindakan eksisi luas disertai
penutupan dengan H-flap. 7

Teknik operasi. 7
Insisi fusiformis
Flap sederhana
Tandur kulit full thickness
Split thickness
Extensive excision in performed with H-flap
Operating technique
Simple flap
Full thickness skin tone
Split thickness
Penanganan operasi : eksisi tumor ganas kulit
besar irisan diluar batas tumor biasanya o,5-1
Dilakukan penutupan defek disertai
penutupan lapisan kulit
Tindakan lanjut : dilakukan follow up 2, 6 dan
12 bulan kemudaian
Tiap 6-12 bulan selama 5 tahun. 7
Handing surgery excision ofa large malignant
skin tumor of the incision outside the tumor
boundary is usually 0,5-1 cm
Performed closure of the defect accompanied
by the closure of the skin layer
The follow-up action is followed up 2,6 and 12
months of youth
Evwry 6-12 months for 5 years
Paparan sinar matahari yang terus menerus dapat
menginduksi terhadap pertumbuhan kanker kulit
Penggunaan tabir surya topikal merupakan salah
satu cara yang dapat mengurangi resiko terhadap
tumbuhnya kanker kulit.
Penggunaan tabir surya pada kegiatan berbeda untuk
pemakaian sehari-hari sudah cukup dengan SPF 6-8
sedangkan kegiatan luar rumah seperti berolahraga
atau berekreasi diperluka SPF diatas 15-30. 7
Continuous exposure to sunlight can induce
the growth of skin cance
The use of a topical sunscreen is one way that
can reduce the risk of the growth of skin cacer
The use of sunscreen in different activities
with SPF 6-8 whereas outdoor activities such
as exercising or recreation are required SPF
above 15-30.

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