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Sejarah Sebagai Asas

Kuliah 3
PLG 517
Pengajian Kurikulum

Dr. Shaik Abdul Malik Mohamed Ismail

Contoh: Peraturan Guru, 1872
Teachers each day will fill lamps, clean
Each teacher will bring a bucket of water
and a scuttle of coal for the day's
Make your pens carefully. You may
whittle nibs to the individual taste of the
Men teachers may take one evening
each week for courting purposes, or two
evenings a week if they go to church
After ten hours in school, the teachers
may spend the remaining time reading
the Bible or other good books
Women teachers who marry or engage
in unseemly conduct will be dismissed
Every teacher should lay aside from
each pay a goodly sum of his earnings
for his benefit during his declining years
so that he will not become a burden on
Any teacher who smokes, uses liquor in any
form, frequents pool or public halls, or gets
shaved in a barber shop will give good reason
to suspect his worth, intention, integrity and
The teacher who performs his labor faithfully
and without fault for five years will be given an
increase of twenty-five cents per week in his
pay, providing the Board of Education
Kurikulum yang diajarkan di dalam bilik
darjah, sekolah atau institusi tidak
pernah kekal atau muktamat
Sebarang kurikulum patut dilihat sebagai
sesuatu hasilan berdasarkan satu siri
keputusan manusia justeru, ia
memerlukan penilaian berterusan
Idea baru sentiasa menggantikan yang
lama, justeru kurikulum sentiasa
Jadi bagaimanakah pemahaman dari
sudut sejarah dapat mempengaruhi
perancangan dan pembangunan
Keperluan Perspektif Sejarah
Elak Kesalahan lampau
Buat persiapan untuk masa depan
Pembangunan idea dalam pendidikan adalah
sebahagian daripada kazanah intelektual dan
Seseorang yang benar-benar terpelajar
memang mempunyai konteks sejarah dalam
Pemahaman terhadap pelbagai teori dan
amalan pendidikan memerlukan pemahaman
asas sejarah
Pemahaman asas sejarah dalam pendidikan
membantu kita dalam mengintergrasikan
kurikulum, pengajaran dan pembelajaran
Sejarah dapat memberikan anjakan kepada
amalan pedagogi
Dalam pembentukan kurikulum umum atau
asas, perspektif sejarah penting
Melalui perspektif sejarah, pakar kurikulum
dapat fahami hubungan kandungan dan
proses dalam bidang mata pelajaran
Rujukan kepada sejarah misalnya dapat
meningkatkan dimensi moral dalam
pendidikan akademik
Dapat hubungkait perkara lepas yang perlu
diketahui dan perkara terkini
Sangat relevan kepada teori pendidikan dan
Tiga faktor fokus yang merujuk
kepada sejarah dan kurikulum
Keputusan kurikulum dengan merujuk
kepada 3 faktor fokus ialah:
Bidang pengajian
Bidang pengajian
Soalan: Adakah bidang pengajian
diajarkan mewakili realiti dunia sekeliling
Adakah pendekatan bidang pengajian
disusun atur menampakan logik?
Perkara yang perlu dimasukan dan
Keperluan masa untuk mengajar semua
perkara penting di dunia ini
Adakah sesetengah matapelajaran lebih
penting daripada yang lain?
Matapelajaran yang dipilih mewakili dunia
realistik dan di luar pengalaman pelajar
Matapelajaran yang dianggap baik perlu
mewakili realiti dunia dan mempunyai bukti
kukuh secara empirikal dan sejarah
Soalan: Adakah kurikulum mewakili bidang
kebudayaan, politik, ekonomi yang mana
pelajar tinggal dan juga pada hadapan dapat
membuat sesuatu perubahan untuk
masyarakat tersebut?
Memilih matapelajaran yang perlu dimasukan dalam
kurikulum adalah penting
Adakah kurikulum mempunyai nilai sejagat untuk
tujuan aplikasi
Kurikulum misalnya yang wujud daripada golongan
tertentu misalnya komputer bukan bersifat nilai sejagat
pada satu ketika dulu tetapi dalam konteks masa kini
sudah menjadi satu keperluan asas
on computers
Kurikulum memacu perubahan masa depan
dari segi tingkahlaku yang diperlukan dan
tidak diperlukan masyarakat misalnya
masyarakat yang bergantung kepada dadah,
anak jalanan dll
Soalan: Adakah kurikulum
memberikan tumpuan terhadap
individu agar individu tersebut
mendapat manfaat optimum?
Matlamat pendidikan ialah untuk
perkembangan setiap individu
Kurikulum terdiri daripada pengetahuan yang
benar dan kemahiran berguna
Kurikulum bukan matlamat tetapi sebagai
landasan untuk mencapai perkembangan
Memandangkan perkembangan tidak sama
bagi setiap individu maka kurikulum yang
sama tidak boleh diguna pakai untuk semua
Contoh di Amerika
Colonial Era and the Early United States
17th and 18th century along the Atlantic
seaboard were mainly under British control
Settlers shared two common assumptions
about education: 1) only a few people needed
much formal education
Formal education should be directed at
bringing people into conformity with some
prevailing ideal of what an educated people
should be
Kurikulum Harvard
Harvard the first higher education in the US
founded in 1636
Its early curriculum provides a good indication
of what the elementary and secondary
education in colonial America
The curriculum specified study of logic,
physics, rhetoric, history, botany, ethics,
politics, arithmetic, geometry and astronomy
Akademi Franklin
One challenge to prevailing beliefs about
education and the curriculum of
American schools was made by
Benjamin Franklin in 1749
Proposed a creation of an academy that
would emphasize training in practical
Unsuccessful, his proposal was designed to
bring education into closer touch with the
practical pursuit of colonial life
Introduced more subjects, classical studies
would be taught but not required of everyone
Students prospective professions would
determine which language they studied
Summary: Curriculum and its purposes had
changed little
Harvard course of studies of 1642 still
It was until the 19th century the second focal
point for making curriculum decisions - that is,
society became widely accepted, as
proposed by Franklin
Abad ke 19
Beginning of 19th century, formal
education in the US directed toward the
training of the mind and was still limited
to the small proportion of the population
deemed suitable
During this era, many American began to
accept the idea that the masses could
also become cultivated
Influence of the political life
Major sociological changes
Urbanised and industrialise
By the end of the 19th century, the
elementary schools of large American
cities were flooded with students and
Latin grammar school seemed
Perkembangan Kurikulum dan
Gerakan Sekolah Umum
Equal educational opportunities through
publicly controlled and financed system
of elementary and secondary education
Common school movement was an effort
to democratise American education by
making the same kind of schooling
available to all
By the mid of the century, public schools
were teaching not only the usual Latin
Grammar subjects but also subjects
such as French, Geography, Logic,
Citizenship, drawing, music, algebra,
chemistry, natural philosophy, human
physiology, bookeeping, surveying, etc
1876 Persatuan Pendidikan
Founded in 1857 the National Teachers
Association changed its name to NEA
(National Education Association) in 1870
NEA in 1876 addressed the question of what
the curriculum should be in a report titled A
Course of Study from Primary School to
The committee suggested a single unified
curriculum linking elementary, secondary, and
higher education and that the curriculum
should reflect the unified nature of knowledge
The report, was very much a defense of
subject-centred curricula
It focused on the criteria of accuracy,
breadth, and consistency of knowledge
as the justification for the specific subject
it recommended
Five essential groups of knowledge:
Inorganic Nature: Maths, Physics
Organic Nature: e.g. Natural History,
Theoretical Man or Intellect: Logic,
Practical Man or Will: Social and Political
Aesthetical Man: Fine Arts, Literature
1893: Jawatan Kuasa 10
(Committee of Ten)
By the 1890s, immigration was at its
peak and the industrialisation and
urbanisation were in full swing
Elementary school is compulsory
Most children of secondary school age
were free to leave school
Summary of the committee of ten
The classical and Latin Scientific Programs required
four years of French and German, whereas the
English Program called for four years of either Latin,
German or French. Commenting on the latter two
programs, which did not require Latin, the committee
stated: The programs called respectively Modern
Languages and English must in practice be distinctly
inferior to the other two. Thus the committee had
created a track system, with two superior and two
inferior tracks. Yet the committee intended all four
programs to be equally acceptable for admission to
1895: Jawatan Kuasa 15
One group of educators was dissatisfied with
the 1983 report was the Herbartians
Originally followers of the educational ideas of
the German philosopher Johann Friedrich
Concerned with how knowledge is organized
Advocated correlation and concentration as
principles of curriculum organisation; believed
that all knowledge could be centred around the
core subject of history and literature
Abad ke 20
Era progresif
Gerakan reformasi sosial dunia
Progresif bermaksud sekolah sepatutnya meningkatkan
taraf hidup individu
John Dewey pengasas kepada pendidikan progresif
Penulis Dewey memberi tumpuan kepada pengalaman
Penekanan kepada pengalaman dipengaruhi masyarakat
dan dapat membawa kepada perubahan sosial dan mata
pelajaran tertentu dapat meningkatkan kualiti
Prinsip Kardinal untuk Pendidikan Menengah
(The Cardinal Principles of Secondary
Greater number of children remaining in schools
Encompasses all of life experiences
Subject of education should be:
Command of fundamental processes
Worthy of home membership
Worthy use of leisure
Ethical Character
Franklin Bobbitt and Activity Analysis
Bobbitt 1924: Activity Analysis: The
procedures emphasised efficiency,
standardisation, and specialisation
Child-Centred Pedagogy
Emphasised on Child nature
Child centred pedagogy
1927 NSSE Yearbook
National Society for the Study of Education
Identified 18 central questions ranging from
schooling age, curriculum role in adult prep.,
social improvement, role of subject matter,
general vs specialised education, individual
differences, form of curriculum organisation,
methods of teaching etc.
The Eight Year Study
Two basic purposes
Establish a relationship between school and
college that would permit and encourage
reconstruction in the secondary school
Exploration and experimentation how the high
school in the US can serve youth more effectively
After World War II
America entry into WWII national attention
turn toward training and preparedness
Sputnik and the National Response
SU launch in October 1957 the first human-
made satellite to orbit the earth
Calls to train better generation scientists
Changing schools in fundamental ways
(better teachers and subject centred
Reform movements
21st Century Prospects
Curriculum alignment
High-stakes testing
How to create a balance of the focal points
despite the general drift toward uniformity and
Konteks Malaysia
Falsafah Pendidikan Malaysia

"Pendidikan di Malaysia adalah satu usaha berterusan ke arah

memperkembangkan lagi potensi individu secara menyeluruh
dan bersepadu untuk mewujudkan insan yang seimbang dan
harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi dan jasmani. Usaha
ini adalah bagi melahirkan rakyat Malaysia yang berilmu
pengetahuan, berakhlak mulia, bertanggungjawab,
berketrampilan dan berkeupayaan mencapai kesejahteraan
diri serta memberi sumbangan terhadap keharmonian dan
kemakmuran keluarga, masyarakat dan negara."
Sistem Pendidikan

Sistem yang sama untuk sekolah rendah dan menengah

menggunakan kurikulum kebangsaan. Terdapat sistem
penilaian yang sama bagi semua sekolah. Bahasa
Kebangsaan ialah bahasa rasmi dan bahasa pengantar di
semua sekolah di Malaysia
Falsafah Kurikulum Malaysia

Kurikulum sekolah dijangka memberikan sumbangan

kepada perkembangan holistik murid (jasmani,
emosi, rohani dan intelek) melalui penyampaian
pengetahuan am dan kemahiran tertentu, menyemai
nilai yang baik. Matlamatnya ialah untuk
menyediakan rakyat Malaysia yang seimbang,
terlatih, berkemahiran dan mengutamakan aspirasi
kesatuan. Hala tuju reformasi kurikulum di Malaysia
ialah untuk mencapai Falsafah Pendidikan
Central Curriculum Committee. (Secretariat: Central
Curriculum Committee, Ministry of Education.) Functions:

formulate curriculum policies, as well as study their

determine the direction of curriculum development and co-
ordinate efforts to achieve this goal;
consider and make recommendations concerning education
planning and implementation, as well as to present these
findings to the Educational Planning Committee;
study the implications of curriculum programmes
make decisions accordingly;
determine aspects which require research and study
Careful planning is necessary to ensure the implementation of the
curriculum. Thus, the school plays an important role in creating a
conducive environment encouraging excellence. In this respect,
headmasters and teachers need to understand and internalize the
National Education Philosophy, the aims and objectives of the
National Education Policy and the integrated approach of the
curriculum. Apart from the school and parents, society also plays
an important role. The success of the curriculum depends on
societys support in assisting the school to develop pupils
personalities and to participate actively in matters relating to
Isu: Malaysia
Pendidikan Seks
Transformasi Penilaian Sekolah

Terima Kasih

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