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The occipitofrontalis overlies the dome of the
It is divided into the frontalis of the forehead
and occipitalis at the rear of the head,
They are connected to each other by a broad
aponeurosis, the galea aponeurotica
Frontalis Elevates eyebrows in glancing upward
and expressions of surprise or fright; draws scalp
forward and wrinkles skin of forehead
O: Galea aponeurotica
I: Subcutaneous tissue of eyebrows
Occipitalis Retracts scalp; fixes galea
aponeurotica so frontalis can act on eyebrows
O: Superior nuchal line and temporal bone
I: Galea aponeurotica
The Orbital and Nasal Regions.
Orbicularis Oculi : Sphincter of the eyelids;
closes eye in blinking, squinting, and sleep;
aids in flow of tears across eye
O: Lacrimal bone, adjacent regions of frontal
bone and maxilla, medial angle of eyelids
I: Upper and lower eyelids, skin around
margin of orbit
Levator Palpebrae Superioris : Elevates
upper eyelid, opens eye
O: Lesser wing of sphenoid in posterior wall
of orbit
I: Upper eyelid
Corrugator Supercilii : Draws eyebrows
medially and downward in frowning and
concentration; reduces glare of bright
O: Medial end of supraorbital margin
I: Skin of eyebrow
Nasalis : Widens nostrils; narrows internal air
passage between vestibule and nasal cavity
O: Maxilla just lateral to nose
I: Bridge and alar cartilages of nose
The Oral Region
Orbicularis Oris : Encircles
mouth, closes lips, protrudes lips
as in kissing; uniquely developed
in humans for speech
O: Modiolus of mouth
I: Submucosa and dermis of lips
Levator Labii Superioris : Elevates
and everts upper lip in sad,
sneering, or serious expressions
O: Zygomatic bone and maxilla
near inferior margin of orbit
I: Muscles of upper lip
Levator Anguli Oris : Elevates
angle of mouth as in smiling
O: Maxilla just below infraorbital
I: Muscles at angle of mouth
Zygomaticus Major : Draws angle
of mouth upward and laterally as
in laughing
O: Zygomatic bone
I: Superolateral angle of mouth
Zygomaticus Minor Elevates
upper lip, exposes upper teeth in
smiling or sneering
O: Zygomatic bone
I: Muscles of upper lip N: Facial n.
Risorius Draws angle of mouth
laterally in expressions of
laughing, horror, or disdain
O: Zygomatic arch, fascia near ear
I: Modiolus of mouth
Depressor Anguli Oris : Draws
angle of mouth laterally and
downward in opening mouth
or sad expressions
O: Inferior margin of
mandibular body
I: Modiolus of mouth
Depressor Labii Inferioris :
Draws lower lip downward and
laterally in chewing and
expressions of melancholy or
O: Near mental protuberance
I: Skin and mucosa of lower lip
The Mental and Buccal Regions.
Mentalis : Elevates and protrudes
lower lip in drinking, pouting, and
expressions of doubt or disdain;
elevates and wrinkles skin of chin
O: Mandible near inferior incisors
I: Skin of chin at mental
Buccinator Compresses cheek
against teeth and gums; directs
food between molars; retracts
cheek from teeth when mouth is
closing to prevent biting cheek;
expels air and liquid
O: Alveolar processes on lateral
surfaces of maxilla and mandible
I: Orbicularis oris; submucosa of
cheek and lips
The Cervical and Mental Region
Platysma : Draws lower lip and angle of
mouth downward in expressions of horror or
surprise; may aid in opening mouth widely
O: Fascia of deltoid and pectoralis major
I: Mandible; skin and subcutaneous tissue of
lower face
food manipulation
food manipulation
Genioglossus : Unilateral action draws
tongue to one side; bilateral action depresses
midline of tongue or protrudes tongue
O: Superior mental spine on posterior surface
of mental protuberance
I: Ventral surface of tongue from root to apex
Hyoglossus : Depresses tongue
O: Body and greater horn of hyoid
I: Lateral and ventral surfaces of tongue
Styloglossus : Draws tongue upward and
O: Styloid process of temporal bone and
ligament from styloid process to mandible
I: Dorsolateral surface of tongue
Palatoglossus : Elevates root of tongue and
closes oral cavity off from pharynx; forms
palatoglossal arch at rear of oral cavity
O: Soft palate
I: Lateral surface of tongue
Muscles of Chewing
Muscles of Chewing
Temporalis : Elevation, retraction, and lateral and
medial excursion of the mandible
O: Temporal lines and temporal fossa of cranium
I: Coronoid process and anterior border of mandibular

Masseter : Elevation of the mandible, with smaller

roles in protraction, retraction, and lateral and
medial excursion
O: Zygomatic arch
I: Lateral surface of mandibular ramus and angle

Medial Pterygoid : Elevation, protraction, and

lateral and medial excursion of the mandible
O: Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate, palatine
bone,lateral surface of maxilla near molar teeth
I: Medial surface of mandibular ramus and angle

Lateral Pterygoid Depression (in wide opening of

the mouth), protraction, and lateral and medial
excursion of the mandible
O: Lateral surfaces of lateral pterygoid plate and
greater wing of sphenoid
I: Neck of mandible (just below condyle); articular disc
and capsule of temporomandibular joint
Hyoid MusclesSuprahyoid Group
Digastric : Depresses mandible when hyoid is fixed;
opens mouth widely, as when ingesting food or
yawning; elevates hyoid when mandible is fixed
O: Mastoid notch of temporal bone, digastric fossa of
I: Hyoid bone, via fascial sling
Geniohyoid Depresses mandible when hyoid is
fixed; elevates and protracts hyoid when mandible
is fixed
O: Inferior mental spine of mandible
I: Hyoid bone
Mylohyoid Spans mandible from side to side and
forms floor of mouth; elevates floor of mouth in
initial stage of swallowing
O: Mylohyoid line near inferior margin of mandible
I: Hyoid bone
Stylohyoid Elevates and retracts hyoid, elongating
floor of mouth; roles in speech, chewing, and
swallowing are not yet clearly understood
O: Styloid process of temporal bone
I: Hyoid bone
Hyoid MusclesInfrahyoid Group
Omohyoid28 Depresses hyoid after it has
been elevated
O: Superior border of scapula
I: Hyoid bone
Sternohyoid : Depresses hyoid after it has
been elevated
O: Manubrium of sternum, medial end of
I: Hyoid bone
Thyrohyoid Depresses hyoid; with hyoid
fixed, elevates larynx as in singing high notes
O: Thyroid cartilage of larynx
I: Hyoid bone
Sternothyroid Depresses larynx after it has
been elevated in swallowing and
vocalization; aids in singing low notes
O: Manubrium of sternum, costal cartilage 1
I: Thyroid cartilage of larynx
Muscles of the Pharynx.
Pharyngeal Constrictors (three muscles)
During swallowing, contract in order from
superior to middle to inferior constrictor to
drive food into esophagus
O: Medial pterygoid plate, mandible, hyoid,
stylohyoid ligament, cricoid and thyroid cartilages
of larynx
I: Median pharyngeal raphe (seam on posterior
side of pharynx); basilar part of occipital bone
Muscle of the neck
Muscle of the neck
Muscle of the neck
As the
passes obliquely across
the neck, it divides it
into anterior and
posterior triangles
Flexors of the Neck
Sternocleidomastoid Unilateral action tilts head slightly upward
and toward the opposite side, as in looking over ones contralateral
O: Manubrium of sternum, medial one-third of clavicle
I: Mastoid process and lateral half of superior nuchal line

Scalenes (anterior, middle, and posterior) Unilateral contraction

causes ipsilateral flexion or contralateral rotation (tilts head toward
same shoulder, or rotates face away), depending on action of other
muscles. Bilateral contraction flexes neck. If spine is fixed, scalenes
elevate ribs 12 and aid in breathing.
O: Transverse processes of all cervical vertebrae (C1C7)
I: Ribs 12
Extensors of the Neck
Trapezius Extends and laterally flexes head
O: External occipital protuberance, medial one-
third of superior nuchal line, nuchal ligament,
spinous processes of vertebrae C7T3 or T4
I: Acromion and spine of scapula, lateral onethird
of clavicle
Splenius Capitis and Splenius Cervicis Acting
unilaterally, produce ipsilateral flexion and slight
rotation of head; extend head when acting bilaterally
O: Inferior half of nuchal ligament, spinous processes of
vertebrae C7T6
I: Mastoid process and occipital bone just inferior to
superior nuchalline; cervical vertebrae C1C2 or C3
Semispinalis Capitis and Semispinalis Cervicis Extend
and contralaterally rotate head
O: Articular processes of vertebrae C4C7, transverse
processes of T1T6
I: Occipital bone between nuchal lines, spinous processes
of vertebrae C2C5

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