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The masthead of this magazine which is,

Entertainment has been written in a large bold
font. The use of this choice of font and size allows
the masthead to stand out and attract readers.
In addition to this the masthead has been written in
the colour whit which suggests that the magazine is
neutral and may feature a variety of different film
genres inside.
Main Image:
The main image on the cover of the magazine is of a
hooded figure in a mask. This is an iconic figure as the
image is of the mask used in the blockbuster film
Scream. Additionally the use of this image will attract
a larger audience as Scream fans will purchase the
magazine as they are intrigued to find out what is
happening with the film.
The colour used behind the main image is a black to
red gradient. The use of these two contrasting colours
suggest danger as well as death and horror, due to red
being associated with blood and gore and black being
associated with death and funerals. The use of these
two colours reinforces the genre of horror.
Cover Lines:
The use of the cover line on the cover which read,
Scream Returns in large caps is a key factor which
will make the magazine sell. The reason for this is
because different demographics of people such as
young horror lovers will be interested in finding out
why and when Scream will be returning, which will
result in them purchasing the magazine.
The masthead of this magazine Empire has been written in a
faded red colour against a black background. The use of the
colour red which connotes danger and is associated with
violence and blood has. This colour has been used to enforce
the theme of horror. In addition to this the use of the faded
red could be linked to the theme of dried blood which links to
Main Image:
The main image on the cover of the Empire magazine
looks as if it has been take from a horror film and put on the
cover. This is effective as it would generate a larger audience
response as well as a larger target audience due to fans from
the film the image has been taken from wanting to purchase
the magazine.
Cover Line:
On the cover there are a few cover lines but the one that sticks
out to me is the quote from the film which says, I'm not gonna
ya. I'm just gonna bash your brains in. This is because it will
once again increase the target audience as well as audience
response to the magazine.
The colours used are quiet dated and faded. The reason for this
could be because the film is and old film or the cover is an old
issue. However the use of dated look follows the conventions
of a horror film as Insidious for example uses dated faded
colours in their production and other films such as Annabel
use dated objects such as an old wooden doll to convey horror.
The masthead has been written in a large white font and
outlined with red. The use of these two colours are a
juxtaposition of light and dark and contradict each other.
The reason for this is because white is associated with
purity and innocence whereas red is associated with
danger and violence. Therefore by the red outlining the
white suggests that evil overcomes good.

The colours used on the Fangoria cover are:
Red which connotes danger, white which connotes
purity ,yellow which is associated with hope, blue which
is associated with stability, black which connotes death
and grey/dark green all come together to create
different enigma codes and questions about what will
happen in the film and why etc.
Main Image:
The main image which is a grainy dated photo of a
woman with a vale over her face screams horror. The
reason for this is because the image which has been
taken from the blockbuster hit Insidious implies death
because the woman is pale and blends in with the
shadow/ darkness. The use of this follows the codes and
conventions of a horror film.

Cover Lines:
The cover lines contain words such as: blood, Dracula
and shotgun which are all linked to violence which
links to horror. The use of these worlds are useful as it
would be appeal to a specific audience which is horror

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