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Frequently Asked

questions and your


9/13/2017 1
About you

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Tell me about yourself?

Strongest skills
Work experience (something
YOU did - goal, solution)
Greatest personality traits
9/13/2017 3
Why did you select X college
and your current major?

College: Academics, people,

character, tradition
Major: Skills developed,

9/13/2017 4
What is your career at College best
prepares you for this position?

You want to mention things

Mix of classes (technical)
Dorm life, clubs, extra-
curricular activities

9/13/2017 5
Why should we hire you instead of
the 75 other people we are
List all of your relevant
Dont be afraid to brag a
Point out things that set you
apart from your peers

9/13/2017 6
What can you do for us that
someone else cannot do?
List skills and experience
that set you apart

Relate past work experience

to the job you are
interviewing for

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How would you evaluate
your years at college?

They have been successful

because I have learned to
appreciate ______ and gained
competence in ______.

9/13/2017 8
What have been you most
significant accomplishments
in your life so far?

Use this question to show

off your strengths again

Also, convey the things that

you value most in life

9/13/2017 9
Describe a few situations
in which you have been
Show the interviewer that
you can handle criticism
well, perhaps you even
appreciate a certain degree
for growth
Dont forget to tell what you
have learned or how you
have grown and improved as
a result of the criticism 10
What are your greatest
Show intellect (natural
aptitude), knowledge,
experience, personality traits,
and motivation (where to you
get your drive)

State general strengths and

then provide specific
9/13/2017 11
What is your biggest weakness?
How do you plan to correct that
Mention 1 or 2 areas where
you need to grow

Make sure they are fairly

easily redeemable

DO NOT say you work too

hard 12
What are your biggest

Give examples of times

when you perhaps set goals
that were too lofty and then
were unable to achieve what
you had planned

9/13/2017 13
What are your biggest

Tell about an opportunity

that you passed up

Going Abroad
Taking CAPP classes

9/13/2017 14
Describe your short-term
and long-term goals or
Show desire for continuous
learning and growth
Show ambition
Show interest in this
industry and firm
Describe areas in which you
would like to increase you
9/13/2017 15
What is your definition of
success? Of failure?

Make sure you include both a

personal and a professional
perspective of these two

9/13/2017 16
What work experience has
been most valuable to you
and why?
Tell about an experience in
which you created or managed
(not just played a small part in)

Show how you grew from the

experience and how it would be
an asset in the position for
which you are interviewing
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Give an example of a problem
you solved and the process you
Go Step-by Step through the
The star approach Situation
Do not forget to emphasize
on the result
9/13/2017 18
Describe a situation where you had a
conflict with another individual, and
how you dealt with it?
Try to convey important
traits in your answer
You stayed calm and
You listened to the other
persons view
You gave clear support for
your position 19
What types of situations put you under
pressure and how do you deal with the
Choose situations that mirror
those you may face in the
Show that you have developed
constructive ways in which to
deal with the situations
Tell how you worked through
a time when you had a couple
large projects due at the
same time. 20
Tell me about a situation when you
had to persuade another person to
your point of view?
Tell about a group project,
dorm event or a situation
from a club you were in

Show how you supported

your view with fact rather
than opinion
9/13/2017 21
Tell me about a leadership role of
yours and why you committed time
to it?
Tell about a group or club
you were in

Tell them why it was

important to you and what
you did to be successful in
the role
9/13/2017 22
How would your peers describe you?

Think of 3 or 4 descriptive
words or phrases

Use CREATIVE adjectives and

provide examples of WHY they
apply to you

9/13/2017 23
What one or two accomplishments in
the past few years have given you the
most satisfaction?
Mention things such as
being elected as an officer of
a club

Also talk about honors or

awards you may have
9/13/2017 24
Give an example of an obstacle you
have had to overcome in the past
couple years?

Talk about an area

that was a weakness
for you that is
relevant to the job
that you are
interviewing for
9/13/2017 25
Do you work more effectively
alone or as part of a group?
Make sure to mention
examples of how you do
both very well

You dont want to commit to

one or the other completely
because it would be
admitting a weakness
9/13/2017 26
What is the biggest
mistake you have made?
Mention things like choosing
not to go abroad during
college or deciding not to take
advantage of some other
opportunity that was available
to you

9/13/2017 27
Tell me about a time you had to
make a decision, but didnt have
all the information you needed?
Tell how you first tried to
find the information on your

Then explain how you made

reasonable assumptions
when it was necessary
9/13/2017 28
Are you good at gathering data and
computing the results or analyzing
these results and drawing
Again, tell how you are
effective in both tasks

Focus more on your skills in

analyzing results as this is
the more challenging part of
the process
9/13/2017 29
Tell me about someone you didnt
particularly get along with?

Describe someone who

embodies traits that are
undesirable to the firm

Examples of these traits

would be unethical,
unreliable, dishonest, etc
9/13/2017 30
Are you an organized person?

Obviously you should

answer yes, unless you want
to cut the interview short

Be sure to give examples of

how you are organized

9/13/2017 31
Do you manage your time well?

Again, youll want to answer

yes and give an example of a
busy time when you were able
to manage everything well

9/13/2017 32
What do you like to do when you
are not at work?

Show that you are a

community-minded, well-
rounded person with an
interesting personality

Give a variety of activities to

show broad interests
9/13/2017 33
Is there anything else I should
know about you?

Yes, use this one to close

the sale

Be sure to mention any

relevant strengths or skills
that havent come up thus
far in the interview
9/13/2017 34
What are you bad at?

Name something that isnt

key to the position, but
something that is not
irrelevant to you life such as
basket weaving

9/13/2017 35
I'm looking at your experience and it
troubles me. Can you explain to me why
you have no pertinent work experience?

Mention group projects,

dorm council, sports teams,

9/13/2017 36
Why are you interested in
our organization?
Leader in the industry

New Products

Plans for expansion

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About the company

9/13/2017 38
What do you know about
our company?


Be sure you know as much

as possible!

9/13/2017 39
What characteristics do you
think are important for this
Analytical, communication,
writing skills

Be sure to mention how you

possess them!

9/13/2017 40
How long would you expect to
stay with company?
Say a minimum of 2 years, No
company would take you for
less than that or probably say
as long as you grow with the

9/13/2017 41
What aspect of the job I have
described appeals to you least?

Think of something that is of

secondary importance and
why it doesnt appeal to you

9/13/2017 42
Are you willing to travel?

Say yes regardless - you can

negotiate it once you have
an offer

9/13/2017 43
What aspect of this job would be
hardest for you to adjust to if you
were hired?
Dont mention anything too

9/13/2017 44
What kind of position do you believe
you are interviewing for?

One in which I can apply my

X, Y and Z skills

Dont be too specific or too


9/13/2017 45
Describe a time when you were
in a management position?

Think of Something!

Group project, activity or


9/13/2017 46
Describe a time when you added
value to an existing work process?
Eliminated busywork

Eliminated unnecessary

Put in check-balance system

to save time later
9/13/2017 47
Where do you find yourself in
5 years time?
Tell him you are a growth
oriented person and your
willingness to grow with the

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Questions to ask

9/13/2017 49
About the interview
What are the next steps in the
interview process
How long would it take for a
decision on the appointment
Should you follow up with
them, if so to whom and when

9/13/2017 50
About the training?
Find out whether you will be
put on a training program by
the company or its affiliates
If so, for what period etc

9/13/2017 51
About the job?
Ask him about the exact role
you have to play in the job
The skills you have to employ
The group you have to work
with etc

9/13/2017 52
Any other information?
Find out whether they would
require any other information
about you, your skills,
education, experience etc

9/13/2017 53
Questions not to ask?
Do not ask any questions
about the salary, perks or
Working hours, recreation,
vacations or holidays.

9/13/2017 54

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