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The Effects of Romantic Relationships to

Students’ Academic Performance

A Research Work
Presented to the Faculty of School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts

University Of Baguio

In Partial fulfillment of the subject



JULY 2022



Romantic relationship is crucial in the life of an individual. It has been described that this kind of
relationship entails closeness, emotionality and intimacy (Shulman, S &
McIsaac, C.J., 2011). According to researchers, they said that romantic relationship positively affects the
physical and psychological wellbeing of individuals because it heightens emotional support, self- esteem
and quality of life (Godfrey, D & Babcock, J., 2021; Sedikides et al., 1994; Voss et al., 1999; Pateraki and
Roussi, 2013). Thus, these make someone feel the love and do actions to reciprocate the emotion. In
addition, this action is not limited to intimate actions only rather it is more on the gestures that is applied
in expressing the love.

According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs, one of the human physiological needs is
intimacy. At present, it becomes a challenge specifically to adolescent males and females because they
desire mutual bonds and they look for someone to whom they will share their life with. In the
adolescent’s stage, teens become interested and involved in this kind of relationship because of their
desire to be belonging with others or to the opposite sex. As a result, it is clear that over time, romantic
relationships gain importance. Students want to have a romantic relationship to which love is given and
received without any restrictions like the love they are receiving from their parents.

According to Myers (2010), he supported the “need to belong theory” by telling that people who
find a person complimenting their needs to whom they can share their problems with, makes those people
more acknowledged. Belongingness is supported by close and romantic relationships that tend to be
healthier and happier. Because of this “need to belong” theory, it can be seen nowadays that students
spend their time in both academic and romantic aspects. It has been observed that many students indulge
themselves and prioritize their time in these aspects (Bernales and Colonia, 2011) because it enables them
to feel that someone cares for them, shows affection to them, loves them and supports them in any ways.
However, Myers (2010) stated that romantic relationships add to the things that the students’ should do in
their daily lives. It may become a burden to students’ studies because it cannot be denied that students are
facing an increasing workload of assignments, research papers, projects, tests, quizzes, reports and
examinations that requires them to spend a great amount of time and attention to their studies.

On the other hand, some say that being in a romantic relationship does not always bring
disadvantages toward the students and their academic performance. In some instances romantic
relationship also serve as an inspiration and motivation for them to do their best in their academics
(Giordano et al., 2008). Hence, there is still a need to investigate on the effects of romantic relationships
among the students involved to their academic performance. This study aims to determine the effects of
romantic relationships on the academic performance of students specifically on the problems they are
facing when they involve themselves in romantic relationship while they are studying; how they manage
their time in relationship and academics, and the levels of motivation they are receiving to become
successful in their academics.

Review of Related Literature

Students get involved in a romantic relationship due to some reasons. As stated by Aristotle,
humans are “social animals” that make them crave to form an intimate relationship in which love can be
given and received freely which the psychologists called “the need to belong” (Myers, 2010). The love
and care given by their loved ones makes them feel that they are secured with the trust and confidence
that they are also acceptable to individuals whom they can depend on for the satisfaction of their needs.

According to Raman (2010), entering in a romantic relationship involves physical contact which
causes chemical arousal to the persons involved and at the same time gain love and confidence in which
they have been waiting for. According to an article of Barber & Eccles (as cited in Luqman, 2009)
romantic relationships have its “long lasting” effects on self-confidence. It says that one of the positive
effects of being in a romantic relationship is that it teaches moral values on romance, “intimate
relationships and sexuality”. In addition to this, it could possibly benefit a student's education by
improving his or her academic performance by making his or her partner as an inspiration (Phelps, 2007).
Romantic relationships bring a positive effect to students’ life which motivates them in achieving their
goals such as performing well in their studies to bring a brighter future in their relationship. According to
Lucas & Corpuz (2007), having a quality personal relationship provides stability, trust, and care.
Romantic relationships increase learners’ sense of belonging, self-respect and self-acceptance, and
provide a positive climate for learning” and thus increase their academic performance. Based on the
theory of incentive approach of motivation – whether grades, money, affection, food, or sex – account for
person’s motivation. Moreover, theorists suggest that romantic relationships play an important role in the
academic performance of students. In addition, Vgotsky’stheory stated that social interaction plays a very
important role in the cognitive development of a person and could not be understood without looking into
the social and cultural context. Vygotsky’s ideas about “cognitive development” have become major
influences in psychology and in education today (Lucas & Corpuz, 2007). Theorists suggested that being
in a romantic relationship has a great role in the academic performance of students. Parents, peers, and
partners should also cooperate, collaborate and enrich the learning experience of the learner (Lucas &
Corpuz, 2007). In this way, students who are more knowledgeable can help in the cognitive development
of their partner. However, romantic relationships do not always behave in a positive way.

There are still some chances romantic relationships may harm students and because of this, they
need adults that will be their guide in developing healthy relationships (Luqman, 2009). In the same vein,
Connolly & Johnson (cited in Weichhold
& Barber, 2008) also said that even though romantic relationships play an important role
in the development of an adolescent, most romantic relationships in the adolescence stage lasts for only 6
months to 1 year. This situation implies frequent break-ups which cause anxiety among students.

Romantic relationships have more negative effects than positive effects on the academic
performance of students. Students nowadays consider romantic relationships as the number one source of
their stress (Manning et al., 2009). It results from break-ups or conflicts with partners. Even for those
students who prioritize their studies, spending time with one’s partner may serve as a distraction. As
stated by Crissey (2006) in her study about the impact of romantic relationships on high school girls,
there is really a challenge in "balancing romantic relationship and academic performance" in a student’s
life. It gives a lot of pressure on maintaining their romantic side and academic work as well. Crissey
(2006) then added that having a romantic affair especially when you are just a student would not just give
a "source of stress" but also a disturbance. Being in a romantic relationship is really disturbing because a
student will manage his or her time between the school and the romantic side that leads to giving
academic work a lesser priority. Students who are having any romantic affair will have a higher
percentage of stress than those who don't because instead of focusing on their academic work and
academic stresses, they also commit their time to their relationship. In the other situation, negative effects
of romantic relationships are very evident in the report of Namaganda (2009) saying that “developing
feelings of love, two weeks before exams can lead to lack of concentration during the time a learner
should be revising and thus failure”. Thus, Gaston Byamugisha (as cited in Namaganda, 2010) a
psychologist and lecturer at Kyambogo University said that there are many causes of student’s failure in
exams or in their academic performance, not just having a heart-ache.

Definition of terms

The following variables are operationally and conceptually defined to have a clearer
understanding of the study.

 Student – a person who is studying at a school.

 Romantic relationships - can be viewed as voluntary relationships between individuals who have
intentions that each person will be a significant part of their ongoing lives
 Study - the devotion of time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject,
especially by means of books.
 Effect - a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause
 Motivation - process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal oriented behaviors
 Academic performance – the measurement of student achievement across various
academic subjects.
 Reason – a cause, explanation or a justification for an action.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1
Figure 1 shows the outline of how the theories are being laid down into concepts which will be
used in the study. It can be seen in the structure that aspects of romantic relationships affect academic
performance both in negative and positive aspects.

The Theoretical Framework

To have a guide towards explaining the effects of romantic relationships on the academic
performance of college students in the University of Baguio, the researcher will use two important
theories which will also introduce the main variables of this study.
The first theory to be considered is the “Need to Belong” theory (Baumeister & Leary,
1995) which asserts that all humans share a common need to be connected with others, and common
sense signals those individuals’ lives are better for being connected. Furthermore, Baumeister & Leary

(1995) proposed that the “need to belong '' has two aspects: (1) people want a stable and enduring context
of concern and caring, (2) people need frequent interaction with the same person. Myers (2010) supported
this theory by stating that people who find a supportive person whom they can disclose makes them feel
accepted and prized. He added that this situation is associated with the arousal of behavior (i.e.,
irrepressible joy and happiness) to the persons involved which causes them to be driven by their goals in

In the meantime, as Baumeister & Leary (1995) proposed in the second feature of the need to
belong, a person has to frequently interact or get in touch with the same person or group in order to
accomplish the state of full belongingness. This aspect gives rise to the second theory which will be used
in this study. “Social Exchange” theory according to Wang (2004), explains how interactions are
maintained by exchanging benefits to each person involved in the relationship. Moreover, Wang (2004)
introduced the concept of “cost and reward” which are the basis of this theory. She stated that rewards are
the things which are received and give benefit to the receiver. Meanwhile, costs are the things which are
lost at the course of giving sources. Cost is associated with the giver of sources. Meanwhile, the second
aspect of achieving the need to belong is frequent interaction with the same individuals or group of
persons. The “Social Exchange” theory explains the behavior of how these interactions with other people
will be satisfied or maintained. It suggests that individuals who frequently interact with others will also
exchange more benefits and costs. Material or non-material things that each one gives will become costs
on the part of the giver while these will become benefits on the part of the receiver. This entails that if the
things which they usually give in the course of their interaction, were also the things that they require in
accomplishing the complex cognitive tasks, frequent interactions will affect those tasks. On the other
hand, Social Exchange Theory explains the aspect of frequent interaction which is characterized by the
exchange of sources to individuals involved in a relationship (which in this study’s case is romantic

Paradigm of the study


1. What are the reasons
why the respondents  Profile of the 1. Identified the reasons
are involved in a Participants; of the respondent’s
romantic involvement in a
relationship?  Interview romantic relationship.

2. How does their 2. Determined the effects

involvement in a
 Transcribing of Data
of student’s
romantic relationship involvement in
affect their academic
 Analysis of the Data romantic relationship
on their Academic
3. What are the performance.
advantages of being
involved in romantic
relationship while 3. Identified the
currently studying as advantages and
a high student? disadvantages of being
involved in romantic

4. What are the relationship while
disadvantages of currently studying.
being involved in
romantic relationship
while currently
studying as a high
The study’s paradigm reflects the direction of the study, as shown by the relationship between

variables. The input is found in the first column, which are 1) Why does the respondents indulge in

romantic relationship 2) how does their involvement in romantic relationship affects their academic

performance 3) Advantages of being in a romantic relationship while studying and 4) Disadvantages of

being in a relationship while studying.

The processes enumerated in the second column are as follows; 1) profile of the participants, 2)

Interview, 3) thematic analysis, 4) transcribing of data, 5) analysis.

The outputs enumerated in the third column are as follows; 1) identified the reasons of the
respondents of being involved in a romantic relationship, 2) determined the effects of student’s
involvement in romantic relationship on their Academic performance and 3) identified the advantages and
disadvantages of being involved in romantic relationship while currently studying.

Significance of the study

The purpose of this study was to see how romantic relationships affected the academic
performance of high school students in the academic year 2021-2022. This will identify the reasons why
students engage in romantic relationships while studying. This is also to identify the factors that students
consider when engaging in a romantic relationship while studying. This aims to provide advice to
students who are in a relationship while studying on how to excel academically while ensuring that the
relationship does not negatively impact their academic performance. Finally, it will shed light on the
impact of being involved in a romantic relationship on students' academic performance.

The findings of this study will raise their awareness of the effects of romantic relationships on a
student's academic performance, whether positive or negative. It will also discuss the benefits and
drawbacks of having a romantic relationship while studying. The results would also cause students who
are in romantic relationships to evaluate their time management in both romantic and academic aspects.

The findings of this study would also raise awareness among parents of students who are
involved in both academic and romantic activities. The findings could help them guide their children on
how to balance time wisely, motivate them to prioritize their studies, and set aside or minimize romantic
relationship factors (i.e., more frequent interaction with the partner) that can affect their children's
academic performance.

Teachers will benefit from the information in this study because it will help them guide and pay
attention to their students who are involved in romantic relationships. Teachers will also be able to help

their students improve their academic performance by teaching them lessons on the course or subjects
they are handling.

 For the community, this study can support and justify action and show the way to developing solutions
and they can also take part in the research.

  This study benefits the researchers by allowing them to learn more and by assisting them in solving any
problems or figuring out unknowns.

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of the study is to determine the effect of romantic relationships on the
academic performance of male and female high school students of University of Baguio High School
(A.Y. 2021-2022) who are involved in a romantic relationship during the academic year 2021-2022.
Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the respondents' reasons for being in a romantic relationship?

2. How does the respondent’s involvement in a romantic relationship affect their academic
3. What are the advantages of being involved in romantic relationship while currently studying as a
high student?
4. What are the disadvantages of being involved in romantic relationship while currently studying as
a high student?



This chapter contains all the processes utilized in the gathering, analyzing, classifying, and
organizing of the data throughout the research proper from the main design and its components to gather
sufficient and quality information. It also includes guidelines to be manifested in order to provide
sufficient protection for the participants of the study.

The Design of the Study

The descriptive research design was used by the researcher. According to a study conducted by
Nurs 2020, qualitative descriptive research translates into researchers being concerned with understanding
the individual human experience in its unique context. Although descriptive research design is commonly
used in quantitative studies, descriptive research design can also be carried out using the qualitative
research method to properly describe the research problem. This is because descriptive research, which is
appropriate for this study, is more explanatory than exploratory or experimental research.

The researcher analyzed the responses provided by the respondents and divided them into
meaning-laden statements using the descriptive research design. The necessary statements for describing
the study are gathered, allowing the researcher to write a description. The researcher employed thematic
analysis to further analyze the data. According to Braun and Clarke (2006), thematic analysis is a method
for analyzing qualitative data that involves searching across a data set to identify, analyze, and report on
repeated patterns.

The Population of the Study

The research participants include seven grade 11 males and eight grade 8 females, for a total of
fifteen (15) University of Baguio senior high school students. The following are the set characteristics by
the researcher in selecting the respondents; (a) must be enrolled in the academic year 2021-2022 and are
engaged in a romantic relationship, (b)

The participants are selected through purposive and voluntary sampling. The purposive sampling
will be used because the selection of participants should be according to the aim or goal of the study. The
voluntary sampling will also be used in selecting the participants so that the selection will be according to
their willingness to be a part of the study because the participants’ perspectives, experiences and insights
will be a great help to fulfill the objective.

Data Gathering Tool

In order to get answers about the study, the researchers employed the use of semi- structured
interview guides in order to get the responses of the participants. Series of questions are pre-determined
and prepared as the basis of the interview’s flow. These questions will serve as the backbone of the
interview questions as more questions aroused further. This method will allow the researchers to gather
more information from the respondents allowing a more in- depth analysis.

A video recorder will be used during data collection because participants will be interviewed
face-to-face for those who prefer to be interviewed that way. This is used to successfully record all
necessary information and for safekeeping. For those who prefer to be interviewed online, the mediated

interview can be used in the same way that Face book Messenger is, with screen recording. This is done
so that the information is saved and can be reviewed later.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering will be started as soon as the study is all settled. The researcher will need to
make a letter to the respondents containing the title, aim, significance and purpose of this study. The letter
will give the participants the overview about the study being conducted. Next, the researcher will look for
potential participants who will participate in the study according to the qualification needed. Then, the
researcher will ask the respondents for their available time and date when to conduct the interview. The
interview will be conducted online via Google meet or Zoom according to the preference of the
participants. A semi structured interview guides will be used during the interview to maintain the flow
and to avoid forgetting the information that should be gathered. If there will be follow- up questions, the
researcher will ask for it. After the interview, the researcher will assign a code per participants to avoid
mismatch of responses. Moreover, the researcher will transcribe the responses so that it can be easily
categorized per theme. Thematic analysis will be used in the analysis so that the answers per question can
be easily distinguished or formed. After careful analysis, the result will be formulated.

Treatment of the Data

After the interview, the researcher will assign a code per participants to avoid mismatch of
responses. Moreover, the researcher will transcribe the responses so that it can be easily categorized per
theme. Thematic analysis will be used in the analysis so that the answers per question can be easily
distinguished or formed. After careful analysis, the result will be formulated. There will be no
computation that will be utilized during the analysis of information since the answers will be formed
through themes.

After collecting the data, the researcher will also notify the participants regarding the overall
purpose of the research to express openness to the question or concerns about the data that will be

Ethical Consideration

Ethical measures will be strictly observed. Participants will be informed about the required ethics
to ensure their safety especially in these pandemic. The researcher will ask permission from the
participants via voluntary issuance of consent through internet channels like messenger and Google docs.
Data transcribing will be conducted in a private room using earphones to avoid the possibility of
recordings being heard by other people. The identities of the participants will be removed during data
transcription; including their names or any significant aspect of identity rather codes will be used. In
presenting the findings of the study, the participants will be identified through codes in the verbatim
quotes The access of data will be explained to the participants and their consent regarding this matter will
be obtained. Data analysis will be conducted after data collection. The researcher will transcribe and
analyze the information independently. The information will be stored in encrypted devices and password
protected. As for the purpose of cross checking in data analysis, the transcripts will be shared with two
qualitative researchers through password protected email.



This chapter tackles the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered which were

illustrated with tables and discussed in the same order as they were presented in the statement of the

problem and objectives of the study.

Theme 1:

Reasons why the respondents are involved in a romantic relationship

a.) It boosts self-confidence/self-growth

The respondents claim that being involved in a romantic relationship boosts self-

confidence. Furthermore, majority of them tells that when they are in romantic

relationship they have the confidence to participate in school activities because they

know that they are being supported by their partners. Self-confidence is a good trait of a

person because he or she will be able to express their feelings without any doubt. Being

confident can also lead to self growth because according to one of the respondents, he or

she learns how to be mature and starts to think positively for their future relationship.

The following are response from our participants:

RA: The reasons why we enter into a romantic relationship is because it boosts our self
confidence. When we show intimacy with each other we felt happiness and love with each
RB: The reasons why we are involved into a romantic relationship is because it gives a
positive effect on our academic studies and we learn to be mature.
RC: It is because it builds self-esteem and feeling of being loved by the opposite gender.

b.) Curiosity

Respondents claim they pursue romantic relationships out of curiosity. They only wanted

to know what it's like to be loved by someone of the opposite gender. The respondents

want to know how they handle a relationship without anyone to guide them. Curiosity is a

key component in romantic relationships. Curious relationships are more intimate and

satisfying to their partners. Curiosity promotes optimism, engagement, and connection.

According to recent research, curious people are more open to new social experiences,

more willing to embrace uncertainty, and better able to navigate difficult social situations.

The following are response from our participants:

RD: The reasons why we involve into a romantic relationship are because of curiosity.

We want to feel what others felt being in a relationship if it will bring happiness or


RF: I am just curious in having a relationship especially because it’s my first time. I just

want to know how it feels being in a relationship and what affect it will bring.

c) Companionship

Respondents say they are in a romantic relationship for companionship. They want

someone who cares, loves, and supports them, especially during difficult times. They also

want to brag about being in a relationship in order to join the trend of most high school

students now being in a relationship rather than college students. Companionship is

similar to friendship, and a companion is usually a friend or romantic partner. However,

the term companionship implies that a significant amount of time is spent in each other's

company. Companionship is also important because depression is becoming more

common among students who are dealing with a variety of issues, and scientists believe

that having a companion in such situations is essential in order to avoid thinking


The following are response from our participants:

RG: The reason why I am in a romantic relationship is for companionship. Having good

company around makes me feel relaxed, comfortable and keeping my mind out of

negative vibes.

RI: It is because I want to have someone who are always there for me no matter what

problems may occur in our lives. like we are best friends but in reality we are lovers.

Theme 2:

Being involved in romantic relationship effect on their academic performance

a.) Having good or high grades

Respondents claim that being in a romantic relationship has a positive impact on their academic

performance. One example is having high or good grades because they are inspired or courageous to

complete their tasks, such as assignments or projects. Respondents also believe that having a relationship

is normal as long as it is viewed positively rather than negatively. The impact of a romantic relationship is

determined by how the person handles it. Having good grades gives their partner the impression that they

will have a successful life in the future. Being in a relationship has no effect on a student's academic

performance as long as they know how to manage and balance their time.

Here are some responses of our participants:

RH: The effect of being in a relationship romantically for me is having high grades

because I know how to balance my time between studies and my partner.

RJ: I have good grades because of the support and motivation that my partner gives me.

My partner also helps me in finishing my assignments or tasks because we both are in the

same school and the same year.

b) Finish studies/Graduate

Respondents claim that the effect of being in a relationship was they are able to finish

their studies because of the support or help given by their respective partners. The

respondents were able to pursue their dreams because they thought about their future.

Their partners push them to participate in class and aim good grades for them to be able

to graduate. The respondents also claim that being in a relationship is not bad because

their partners serve as their influence to study harder for them to achieve their dreams. If

without their partners, they won’t be able to make it to where they are now. Having a

partner is good but choose the one who wants you to succeed not the one who wants you

to fail just because they want to be chosen over the studies.

Here are some responses from our participants:

RI: in my opinion, I was able to pass or graduate senior high school because my partner

helps me in my studies.

RK: I passed my all the subjects because of my partner who supports me. My partner

influences me to finish my task on time and to participate in class without having fear.

d) Having low grades

Respondents claim that sometimes they got low grades because of being in a relationship.

The respondents got low grades because they give much time and focus on their partners rather

than their studies. They also realize that they lose focus sometimes while in school because they

think much of their partner. First of all, the respondents must prioritize first their studies before

anything. They must know how to balance their time. The respondents also have fear of reciting

in class because his or her answers might be wrong and the teacher may get mad. Another reason

is that their partners don’t help or support them in their studies rather they disturb them not to be

able to finish it.

Here are some responses from our participants:

RL: I got low grades because I lost my focus on my studies. There are times that I don’t

attend classes because I wanted to spend time with my partner.

RN: My partner doesn’t help me w/ my assignments especially if it is difficult to do. In

addition, he disturbs me that’s why I won’t be able to finish my tasks.

Theme 3:

Advantages of being involved in romantic relationship while currently studying as a high student

a) Motivation

The respondents claim that one of the advantage of being in a relationship while studying is

that it gives motivation. It gives motivation for the respondents to excel in their class and

study harder because their partner gives positivity.

According to Kendra Cherry (2022), motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and

maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation is frequently used to describe why does a

person do something he or she may have done before. When it comes to relationship,

motivation has a big impact. This motivation keeps the relationship in achieving their goals

such as performing well in class.

The following are response from our participants:

RM: as a student, it will help me finish my assignments/projects because of the motivation

given by my partner. It also helps me to improve my positive personality.

RO: as a student, being in a relationship while studying helps me to aim high grades and

makes me eager to go to school.

b) Happiness

The respondents claim that being in relationship romantically brought happiness or joy on

their own. Happiness that is different from what their family gives. In addition, when the

respondents are happy, they felt like they have their own world that no one else is watching.

Happiness also brings positivity on the relationship that even if there will be a problem, it

always has a solution. Many studies have found that satisfying relationships are linked to

better health, happiness, and even a longer life. This effect is not limited to romantic

relationships; close friendships and social connections also have this effect.

The following are response from our participants:

RB: being in a romantic relationship brought me happiness because I feel loved by my partner.

RF: Having fun is the first step to a fulfilling relationship. Your life can become more focused,
active, and humorous when you have fun. A relationship ought to be enjoyable for everyone involved, not
just for the two of you. Spending time together doing something you both enjoy is crucial.

c) Inspiration

The respondents claim that their romantic relationship w/ their partner serves as an inspiration for them to
attend their class and recite. They are also inspired to do their activities in school and don’t wait or copy
the answers of their classmates. The inspiration became the reason for the respondents to do their
activities and submit it on time. They also want to impress their partners that they are doing their best to
achieve their dreams so that in the future they will be successful. Being inspired is one key to successful
life and to successful relationship. Inspiration is what fuels strong and healthy personal growth. Without
it, you will feel stagnant. Without finding a person who inspires you, your relationship will feel stagnant.

Here are some responses from our participants:

RN: I am inspired to go to school every day and participate in all class activities.
RH: with the inspiration given by my partner, I was able to do and finish my projects and
assignments then submit them on time. I was able to pass all my subjects because of her.

d) Future reference

The respondents claim that their experience in being in a romantic relationship will serve as

their reference in the future so that the next time they will enter to a new relationship, they

already know how to handle problems and challenges on their relationship. It also serves as a

reference on what kind of a person they want to be in a relationship with. They already know

how to move on from pain and on what’s best for them and for the relationship they have in

the future. It is okay to have a relationship because there are new things to learn from other

people. The respondents also claim that the lessons they learn from their past, they can apply

it in the future.

Here are some responses from our participants:

RA: the advantages of being involved in a romantic relationship while studying is that for us

we can develop some experiences for our future relationships.

RB: the advantages of being involved in a romantic relationship while studying is that for me

I can use it as a reference in the future. Furthermore, being in a romantic relationship

brought me happiness because I feel loved by my partner.

Theme 4:

Disadvantages of being involved in romantic relationship while currently studying as a high

school student

a) Destruction

The respondents claim that most common disadvantage of being in a relationship while
studying as a student is that it became destruction to studies. Being in a relationship while
studying can distract from doing schoolwork. It is important to know that while spending time
with each other, there is a need to study. Studies and love life are two different things. According
to dictionary, distraction means it is a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to
something else. That is why the respondents realize that they must know how to balance their
time between love and study.

Here are some responses from our participants:

RE: I get distracted from studying because my partner wants me to stop studying and visit other
RM: My partner wants me to pay attention to him and to our relationship rather than paying
attention to my studies and finishing my assignments.

b) Stress/Depression

Stress, according to respondents, has a negative impact on their relationship. Their

partners find it difficult to understand that respondents should have time to study, especially
during exams. Respondents are having difficulty dealing with problems with their partner,
which causes stress while studying because they frequently think of their relationships rather
than their academics. Some people experience stress as a result of the attitudes of their own
partners. Every couple faces stress. Some stress is caused by problems at work, in families,
or among friends that affect relationships. Couples arguments, insecurities, or jealousy can
all cause stress.

Here is some response from our participants:

RA: The disadvantage of being in a romantic relationship is that it can cause stress or depression
especially when we have separated ways. In addition to that we can also gain lower grades because we
are not doing our best in class.

RC: It can cause pain and stress, and because of that pain, i will not be able to perform well on my
class and I may get lower grades.

c) Lost focus/concentration

Respondents claim that when they are in a romantic relationship, they lose focus or have difficulty
concentrating on their studies. They spent more time thinking about their partners, and some of them do
not listen to discussions. Respondents also stated that they lost focus while studying because they spent
more time with their partners rather than attending their classes, which is one of the reasons they failed or
did not pass their academics. Their studies will suffer if they lose focus. Respondents were also distracted
by their partners, which caused them to lose focus. Unfortunately, regardless of the cause, a lack of
engagement and focus can lead to poor performance and grades, a dislike of school, and the continuation
of disruptive behavior.

Here are some responses from our participants:

RD: I lost my focus on studying because I focus more on our relationship. I cannot aim high
grades because I am contented on what I can perform on the class.

RK: I lost my focus on studying because I spent time thinking my partner.



The conclusions drawn and recommendations arising from the study are presented in this chapter


1. The reasons why the respondents are involved in a romantic relationship varies accordingly curiosity,

for experience, boosts self-esteem or confidence and reinforce self-growth.

2. The respondent’s Involvement in a romantic relationship effect on their academic performance are

eagerness to go to school every day, finish or do the tasks assigned, aim high grades, increases

participation in class activities.

3. The advantages of being involved in romantic relationship while currently studying as a high

student are it serves as a motivation, it brings happiness or fun, it can be used as a future

reference and it serves as an inspiration.

4. The disadvantages of being involved in romantic relationship while currently studying as a

high student are it will be destruction especially when it lacks on time management or balancing

studies and relationship, getting low grades, lose focus on studies, stress or depression.


The following recommendations are made based on the findings and conclusions reached:

1. It is recommended that further research should be undertaken to understand the teacher’s views

towards students being involved in a romantic relationship especially when inside the school


2. It is recommended that there should be a study tackling the correlation relationships of the

students' grades and the students spent time talking to their romantic partner in a span of a day.

3. It is recommended that students themselves must realize all the potential harm of being involved

in a romantic relationship and responsibly approach their parents or teachers.


This research would not have been possible without the support, guidance and encouragement of

the precious people who continuously believed in the researcher’s ability to succeed.

With the utmost sincerity, the researchers would like to express gratitude to those who

contributed, helped and supported them in a way or another in this research. Most importantly to the

Almighty God who has given the researchers guidance, wisdom, patience, motivation and knowledge to

fulfill another academic endeavor of their lives. 

 To their adviser, Mrs. Grace L. Duenas, for the valuable guidance and constructive criticism that

made this study better. For her encouragement and careful monitoring throughout this study.

To all the participants who give their time in answering the interview guide questions. Thank you

very much! God bless.

The researcher


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Interview Guide Questions

1. Are you in a romantic relationship?

2. What are your reasons why you engage in romantic relationship?

3. Does your involvement in romantic relationship affect your academic

performance? How?

4. In your opinion, what are the advantages of being involved in romantic

relationship while you are studying as a senior high school student?

5. What are the disadvantages of being involved in a romantic relationship

while studying as a senior high school student?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Baguio
University of Baguio
General Luna Road, Baguio City

Dear Respondents:


I, the undersigned researcher from Third Year University of Baguio Bachelor of Elementary Education is
conducting a research entitled “Effects of Romantic on Student’s Academic Performance” as compliance
for or subject Teares1.

Your participation in this research will be highly appreciated. Data that will be collected from the
interview will remain confidential. It will be used for academic purposes only.

Respectfully yours.
Galingan,Daniela B.

Noted by:
Grace Duenas
Research Teacher


Lamut, Beckel, La Trinidad, Benguet


Date of Birth: May 19,2000

Place of Birth: Lamut, Beckel, La Trinidad, Benguet
Citizenship: Filipino
Civil Status: Single


Secondary: Senior High School

AMA University
Lower Magsaysay, Baguio City
May 2018

Junior High School

Eastern La Trinidad National High School
Beckel, La Trinidad,Benguet
April 2016

Elementary: Lamut Elementary School

Lamut, Beckel, La Trinidad, Benguet
March 2012


May 2017 Academic Awardee, Best in singing,

Best in composition

May 2018 Academic Awardee


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