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The Problem


Background of the study

Have you ever experienced or engaged in romantic relationship with others? How about
having experienced it during the early days of your adolescence or during your school days? Bit
weird right? Nowadays, many people are engage in a Romantic Relationship, adult, seniors and
especially teenagers. Because of too much affection between two individuals towards each
other, it leads them into a deeper connection, which is being in a Romantic Relationship that will
measure and prove how strong their love for each other is. This usually happens during your
high school life. In fact, Furman, 2002 states that young people spend much of their time
thinking about, talking about, and being in romantic relationships. Most of students desire to
enter a relationship to which love is given and received without limitations. We can see
nowadays that most students more specifically high school students enter such a relationship in
order for them to feel that someone loves and cares for them, and give and receive affection
from their partners without much knowledge and not knowing what would be the possibilities or
the outcomes of their actions. But if we talk about “studying”, is there a good benefit of the word
“Love” and “Relationship” regarding to one’s academic performances?

We can see these days that most high school students are struggling in managing their
time in both academic and romantic aspects. As a matter of fact, it is clear that over time
romantic relationship gain more importance than their schooling. They are much concerned
from their relationship status than in their academic performance in school.

This research dispute and figure out how “love” can hugely impact their time in their studying
and with their partners whether the consequences are good or bad. They may be more
responsible for what that they have at the same time they may become more independent and
their maturity level may increases but sometimes they’ve been neglecting the most important
part which is their education. Prioritizing their relationship with their love partners makes their
time less spent especially on their subjects and other school activities that can affect their
performance. On other hand it may negatively impact or affect the academic outcomes of the
students. As a result they’re struggling in keeping their grades up while trying to maintain their
relationship status.

As a further matter, some students from Laoac National High School have also involved
themselves in a romantic relationship. Having been in these circumstances, are their parents
are aware to their academic performance in school? Those who are in a relationship may face
the challenge in maintaining good grades from their academic performance.

We all know that being in a romantic relationship is a tough obligation for some reason
especially when it’s a young love and what makes it tougher is when you’re still studying. If we
engage in a romantic relationship we should know our priorities and responsibilities in life. We
should manage our time on relationships but also on our studies in order for us to succeed in
life. But being in a relationship doesn’t also mean a bad thing for it also has a good benefit,
those who are in a relationship can be the inspiration of one another. But we should not forget
our limitations and the restrictions of love. It is necessary for the students to have knowledge
and understand the consequences of being in a Romantic Relationship while studying. The sure
thing is it will have an effect on your studies. The impact might be positive, the impact might be
negative. It is just depends on how you deal with it.

Thus, a question on the effect of romantic relationship among the grade 10 students
involved, whether they can manage their time in school works productively or not still remains.
As well as how they get motivated and gets distracted or cause anxiety in the life of the romantic
partner and how they affect their academic performance still remain unanswered.

Learning all these mentioned concepts, our group was motivated to conduct a research to
determine the effects of romantic relationship on academic performance of Grade 10 students of
Laoac National High School. This study aims to inform students who are involved in a romantic
relationship to know the things need to consider before going in a relationship. This will also let
the students know how they’re going to balance their study from their relationship. Also to
promote proper connection between students and their academic performance.
Statement of the Study

This study aimed to determine the impact of being in a romantic relationship while studying
among the Grade 10 students in Laoac National High School.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following sub-problems:

1. What is the profile of the Grade 10 students in terms of:

a.) Age;
b.) Sex;
c.) Parents are at home?

2. How the students are benefitted or distracted by their romantic relationship in terms of:
a) Reliance on relationship partner
b) Motivation
c) Contribution to Academic Performance
d) Anxiety

3. What are the positive and negative effects of teenage relationship on academic
performance of grade 10 students?
4. What are the recommendations to attain a good academic performance of students who
are involved in a relationship?

Significance of the Problem

The result of the study would be beneficial to the following entities:

Students- They may be able to control, limit and manage their time in focusing in their studies
while in a relationship.

Parents- They will help their children to focus in their studies despite of having a romantic
Scope and Limitation

This study focused on the Impact of having Romantic Relationship among the Students
on their Academic Performances.

The subject of the study was the Grade 10 students of Laoac National High School. The
data gathered delimited on the profile in terms of age, sex, and the number parents or guardians
that are at home and identifying the positive and negative effects of being in a relationship while

Definition of Terms

Laoac National High School – This refers to barangay nationalized high school bound in the
Laoac and used as a locale of this study.

Romantic- this refers to the involvement of love between two people among the Grade 10
students of Laoac National High School.

Relationship - This refers in a way which two or more people are connected. It is an
interpersonal relationship among the Grade 10 students of Laoac National High School

Romantic Relationship- This refers to the expressive and pleasurable feeling from an
emotional attraction towards another person. This feeling is associated with, but does not
necessitate, sexual attraction.

Positive- This refers to the good impact of romantic relationship in the Grade 10 students
Academic Performances.

Negative- This refers to the unfavorable impact of romantic relationship in the Grade 10
students Academic Performances.

Academic Performance- This refers to the is the extent to which the Grade 10 student, teacher
or institution has achieved their short or long-term educational goals

Review of Related Literature


According to a research conducted by Campbell and Oliver (1994) found benefits in

having a romantic relationship such as “companionship, feeling of happiness, feeling of being
loved or loving another, intimacy, self-growth and self-understanding and more positive-esteem.
These Benefits found in romantic relationship were said to be the cause of motivation in
pursuing their studies.

However, Campbell and Oliver (1994) also pointed out some negative cost of having a
romantic relationship, namely stress, and worry about the relationship, social and nonsocial
sacrifices, increased dependence on the partner, flights time and effort investment, and feeling
worse about the self which were said to be the cause of anxiety of the student. Desiring a
romantic partner is natural, expected part of adolescence. However, involvement in a serious or
exclusive romantic relationship in the preteen/early teen years can create problems.

Developing a romantic relationship is considered as an elating experience by many

youth. Premarital romantic relationships develop through the course of adolescence and young
adolescents can characterize romantic relationships with passion and commitment which were
consistent with adult’s view of love (Connolly, Craig, Goldberg & Pepler, 1999).

In fact, Furman (2002) reported thatromantic relationships become more and more
significant to adolescents in their socialworld as they also develop from puberty towards late
adolescence in which it showshow prevalent is romantic relationship among adolescents

Over a period of time they develop strong beliefs about love and they endorse that
involvement in romantic relationship conquers all aspects of life .
(Knox, Marty, Schacht & Zusman, 1999).
During teenage years there was a significant increase in behaviors related to romantic
interests and analyzing from a lifespan perspective, romantic experiences could represent a
singular phase of meaningful development spanning across periods (Collins, Hennighawen,
Schrnit & Sroufe, 1997). It was also understood that adolescents functioning in teenage
romantic relationships were contributed by caregiver-child and peer relationships from early
stages including preschool and middle adulthood.

Humans, particularly adolescents get involve in romantic relationships with variety

of reasons. According to Aristotle, humans are “social animals” which made them long to form
an intimate relationship in which love can be given and received freely which the psychologists
called “the need to belong” (Myers, 2010). Rest assured of the love and care given by the
persons close to them, they are secured with the trustand confidence that they are acceptable
to individuals whom they can depend on for the satisfaction of their needs. Raman (2010) stated
that being in romantic relationship involves physical contact which causes chemical arousal to
the persons involved and at the same time gain love and confidence in which they are longing
for. Koob & Bloom(1982) also explained this by stating that the individuals who are in love
release a number of chemicals within the brain such as oxytocin, vasopressin and
endorphinswhich cause “short-term” joy and pleasure

On the other hand, According to Arnet (as cited in Fincham & Cui, 2011) "late
adolescents" is the stage where teenagers experienced how to be totally and socially
independent. This is the time for curiosity & explorations in choosing and having apartner, and
explores this kind of curiosity that somehow leads to romantic relationship. However, this kind of
relationship may not lead to a pleasant and intense love affair. This is just a result of their
inquisitive mind and a sort of finding on how to fit into the world. “What is life all about?”
Questions such as these assume special significance during teenage years, as adolescents
seek to find their place in broader and social world. This quest takes adolescents along several
routes .

Consequently, “half of all teens have been in a dating relationship and nearly one third of
all teens have been in a serious relationship”
(Teenage Research Unlimited, as cited in Luqman, 2009). According to Furman (2002),
romantic relationships become more and more significant to adolescents in their social world as
they also develop from puberty towards late adolescence. This shows how prevalent is romantic
relationship among adolescents.

Luqman (2009) said that an adolescent relationship plays an important role to adolescents
as it develops the ability for committed relationships. Additionally, Pelt (2004) stated that those
relationships help develop personality. She also added that it is a way of knowing one’s unique
qualities of opposite sex and at the same time choosing the right life partner. Moreover,
researchers theorized that romantic relationship is essential to the development of adolescents
in different aspects such as “transformation of family relationships, close relationships with
peers, sexuality, and career planning” (Furman, 2002).

An article of Barber & Eccles (as cited in Luqman, 2009) talked about the importance of
romantic relationships to adolescent development and its “long lasting” effects on self-
confidence. It affirmed that romantic relationship teaches moral values on romance, “intimate
relationships and sexuality”. In addition to this, healthy romantic relationship could possibly
benefit student’s education (Phelps, 2007). Romantic provides positive outlook of adolescents’
life which motivates the adolescents in achieving goals such as performing well in the studies.
According to Zulueta & Maglaya (2004), “motivation constitutes the degree of an individual’s
behaviour as manifested by his interests, attitudes, and aspirations to satisfy his desired goal. It
is an urge to satisfy goal object” (p. 212). Provided a positive romantic relationship, adolescents
would strive hard on performing well in studies to bring a brighter future in their relationship.

According to Lucas & Curpuz (2007), “quality personal relationships that provide stability,
trust, and caring such as romantic relationships can increase learners’ sense of belonging, self-
respect and self- acceptance, and provide a positive climate for learning” (p. 16) and thus
increase academic performance. According to the theory of incentive approach of motivation,
the desirable properties of external stimuli – whether grades, money, affection, food, or sex –
account for person’s motivation.

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