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Unit 1

The Travel and Tourism

Who is a Tourist?
Any person who is travelling or visiting a place
for pleasure other than his/her native place usually
on holidays

Major types
International tourist
Domestic tourist
Inbound tourist
Outbound tourist
Domestic travel duration
Short break or VFR (Visiting Friends and

International travel duration

Short haul (< 1500 kms)
Medium haul (1500 4000 kms)
Long haul (> 4000 kms)
What is a tourism?

Tourism is the temporary short term

movement of people to destinations outside
places where they normally live and work, and
their activities during their stay at these
Types of tourism

o Leisure tourism o Cultural tourism

o Business tourism o Sports tourism
o Medical tourism o Adventure tourism
o Pilgrimage tourism
o Nature tourism
o Mass tourism
Tourism Industry
Roles of the sub sectors
Role of travel agent
Role of tour operator
Role of accommodation providers
Role of catering outlets
Role of transport providers
Role of attraction
Role of entertainment venue
Role of information guiding
Role of ancillary tourist service
Role and function of tourist boards
Role of travel agents
A travel agency provides travel and tourism
related services to the public on behalf of
Role of tour operator
A travel agent specializing in package
Role of accommodation providers
Hotel ,Motel
Guest house, Hostel
Holiday home/village
Bed and break fast
Serviced and Non serviced
Role of transport providers
Air transport
Water transport
Rail transport
Coach transport
Car transport
Role of attraction
Natural attraction
Built attraction
Role of entertainment venue
Role of information guiding
Tourist Information Centre (TICs)
Role of ancillary tourist service
Specialized facilities
Role and function of tourist boards
National Tourism organization(NTO)
Tourism potentially contributing to the
reduction of poverty in LEDC
Less Economically Developed Country -

In MEDC , tourism helps to regenerate the

declining areas
Most Economically Developed Country
Types of impacts

Economic impact
Environmental impact
Socio-cultural impact
Economic impact
Positive impacts
Opportunities for local business(direct, indirect)
Tackling poverty
Generate income to the host
Foreign investment
Public sectors improves facilities
Private sectors gets profit
The tourism multiplier
Negative impacts
Still less income for local business or workers.
Leakage the direct amount for an area is the
amount of tourist expenditure that remains locally
after taxes, profits and wages are paid outside the
area and after imports are purchased, these
subtracted amounts are called leakage.
Import leakage tourist demands facilities that
host country can not supply (LEDC)
Export leakage Investors earning profit for their
Environmental impact
Positive impacts
Wild life preservation and protection
Africa, south America, Asia, Australia and
south pacific areas (Strict law to protect
Marine life
Coral reefs around the islands
Hawaii international centre for research in
ecological system
Examples : regenerated and redeveloped
waterfront sites

Places Areas
Baltimore Inner harbour
San Francisco Fishermans Wharf
Sydney Darling harbour
Liverpool Albert Dock
Negative impacts
Soil erosion
Increased pollution
Discharges into sea
Natural habitat loss (deforestation, urbanization,
bottom trawling)
Increased pressure on endangered species
Forest fires
Littre and hotel waste
Eco tourism -Costa Rica- overcapacity tourist
Rubbish pilling
Land filling
Burning wastes
Tourism carrying capacity (WTO)
The maximum number of people that may visit
a tourist destination at the same time, without
causing destruction of the physical, economic, socio
cultural environmental and an unacceptable
decrease in the quality of visitors satisfaction.
Socio cultural impact

Positive impacts
Cultural exchange
Upgrade in infrastructure
Transportation improvement
Renaissance of indigenous culture
Negative impacts
Demonstration effect host people copy the
behaviour of the tourist
Loss of authenticity and staged authenticity
Adaption to tourist demands
Culture clash
Sex tourism
Changing attitudes (apathy & antagonism)

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