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Introduction to Neural

John Paxton
Montana State University
Summer 2003
Chapter 6: Backpropagation
1986 Rumelhart, Hinton, Williams
Gradient descent method that minimizes
the total squared error of the output.
Applicable to multilayer, feedforward,
supervised neural networks.
Revitalizes interest in neural networks!
Appropriate for any domain where inputs
must be mapped onto outputs.
1 hidden layer is sufficient to learn any
continuous mapping to any arbitrary
Memorization versus generalization
input layer, hidden layer, output layer

1 1

x1 z1


xn zp
General Process
Feedforward the input signals.

Backpropagate the error.

Adjust the weights.

Activation Function Characteristics
Monotonically nondecreasing.
Easy to compute.
Saturates (reaches limits).
Activation Functions
Binary Sigmoid
f(x) = 1 / [ 1 + e-x ]
f(x) = f(x)[1 f(x)]

Bipolar Sigmoid
f(x) = -1 + 2 / [1 + e-x]
f(x) = 0.5 * [1 + f(x)] * [1 f(x) ]
Training Algorithm
1. initialize weights to small random
values, for example [-0.5 .. 0.5]

2. while stopping condition is false do

steps 3 8

3. for each training pair do steps 4-8

Training Algorithm
4. zin.j = S (xi * vij)
zj = f(zin.j)
5. yin.j = S (zi * wij)
yj = f(yin.j)
6. error(yj) = (tj yj) * f(yin.j)
tj is the target value
7. error(zk) = [ S error(yj) * wkj ] * f(zin.k)
Training Algorithm
8. wkj(new) = wkj(old) + a*error(yj)*zk
vkj(new) = vkj(old) + a*error(zj))*xk

a is the learning rate

An epoch is one cycle through the training

Initial Weights
random [-0.5 .. 0.5], dont want the derivative
to be 0
b = 0.7 * p(1/n)
n = number of input units
p = number of hidden units
vij = b * vij(random) / || vj(random) ||
Stopping Condition (avoid overtraining!)

Set aside some of the training pairs as a

validations set.
Stop training when the error on the validation
set stops decreasing.
Number of Training Pairs

total number of weights / desired average

error on test set

where the average error on the training pairs

is half of the above desired average
Data Representation
Bipolar is better than binary because 0 units
dont learn.
Discrete values: red, green, blue?
Continuous values: [15.0 .. 35.0]?
Number of Hidden Layers
1 is sufficient
Sometimes, multiple layers might speed up
the learning
Bipolar data representation.
Bipolar sigmoid activation function.
3 input units, 5 hidden units,1 output unit
Initial Weights are all 0.
Training example (1 -1). Target: 1.
4. z1 = f(1*0 + 1*0+ -1*0) = 0.5
z2 = z3 = z4 = 0.5
5. y1 = f(1*0 + 0.5*0 + 0.5*0 + 0.5*0 +
0.5*0) = 0.5
6. error(y1) = (1 0.5) * [0.5 * (1 + 0) * (1
0)] = 0.25
7. error(z1) = 0 * f(zin.1) = 0 = error(z2) =
error(z3) = error(z4)
8. w01(new) = w01(old) + a*error(y1)*z0
= 0 + 1 * 0.25 * 1 = 0.25

v21(new) = v21(old) + a*error(z1)*x2

= 0 + 1 * 0 * -1 = 0.
Draw the updated neural network.

Present the example 1 -1 as an example

to classify. How is it classified now?

If learning were to occur, how would the

network weights change this time?
XOR Experiments
Binary Activation/Binary Representation:
3000 epochs.
Bipolar Activation/Bipolar Representation:
400 epochs.
Bipolar Activation/Modified Bipolar
Representation [-0.8 .. 0.8]: 265 epochs.
Above experiment with Nguyen-Widrow
weight initialization: 125 epochs.

D wjk(t+1) = a * error(yj) * zk + m * D wjk(t)

D vij(t+1) = similar
m is [0.0 .. 1.0]

The previous experiment takes 38 epochs.

Batch update the weights to smooth the
Adapt the learning rate. For example, in
the delta-bar-delta procedure each weight
has its own learning rate that varies over
2 consecutive weight increases or decreases
will increase the learning rate.
Alternate Activation Functions
Strictly Local Backpropagation
makes the algorithm more biologically
plausible by making all computations local
cortical units sum their inputs
synaptic units apply an activation function
thalamic units compute errors
equivalent to standard backpropagation
Strictly Local Backpropagation

input cortical layer -> input synaptic layer ->

hidden cortical layer -> hidden synaptic layer ->
output cortical layer-> output synaptic layer
-> output thalamic layer

Number of Hidden Layers

Hecht-Neilsen Theorem

Given any continuous function f: In -> Rm

where I is [0, 1], f can be represented
exactly by a feedforward network having n
input units, 2n + 1 hidden units, and m
output units.

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