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Unit 6 #2.

1. Engineering/CAD

1. What did Gaspard Monge from the early 1800s develop?

- Gaspard Monge had developed a system using two planes of projection

at right angles to each other for graphical description of solid objects.
2. Engineering/CAD

2. What is Descriptive Geopmetry?

-provided a method of graphically describing objects

3. Engineering/CAD

3. What does Orthographic Projection mean?

-Orthographic Projection is a graphical method in modern engineering

4. Engineering/CAD

4. Describe two types of Otho-graphic Projection.

First angle/ Whether you view the objects from the left or the right, the
order in which the drawing views are arranged puts the image that you
see after the object, object first then the image.

Third Angle/Whether you view the objects from the left or the right, the
order in which the drawing views are arranged puts the image that you
see before the object, image first then the object.
5. Engineering/CAD

5. What are objects said to be in the first quadrant?

-Projections created with the object placed in the first quadrant are
said to be in First Angle projection, and likewise, projections
created with the object placed in the third quadrant are said to be
in Third Angle projection.
6. Engineering/CAD

6. Define first angle projection.

The right hand side image is the plan or top elevation and the
image to the left is the side elevation.
7. Engineering/CAD

7. Define third angle projection.

- the left hand image is the plan or top elevation and the image to the
right is the side elevation.
8. Engineering/CAD

9. What angles of projection does Europe & America use?

Europe uses first angle projection and In the USA and UK they
use third angle projection
10. Engineering/CAD

10. List and define three different types of pictorial drawings

Perspective/ Used with more free hand sketching. Parallel lines converge
and meet at a vanishing point.
Isometric/ Receding lines drawn at 30 and are usually kept at true
measured lengths
Oblique/ Front face sketched as a true shape. Starts with two axes, one
horizontal, one vertical. The third axis is usually drawn at 45 and lengths
are reduced by 50% of true lengths

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