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Leonardo da Vinci

By: Thalia Ortiz

Born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Republic of
Florence (present day Italy)
Died May 2, 1519 (age 67)
Born into a wealth family
After the passing of his mother, his father
remarried numerous times and family began to
grow in number.
Professional Life
In 1466, at the age of fourteen, Leonardo was apprenticed to study at a
workshop in Florence ran by artist Andrea di Cione , known as Verrocchio.
There he learned and developed many artistic skills.

Well known for using two painting techniques: Chiaroscuro and Sfumato
In between creating paintings and sketches, he also spent most of his life as
a military engineer.
Math and Science

Not only was he a visual artist, he was also spent much of his time studying

mathematics, science, architecture, music and began inventing.

De Divina Proportione- book on mathematical and artistic proportion

Viewed science and art as intertwining disciplines.

Believed studying science and math made him a better artist.

Examples of Work
Giant Crossbow
Helicopter (Aerial
Flying Machine
Armored Tanks
The Mona Lisa
Created in 1503-1506
(30 in x 21 in)
Oil Painting
Location: Musee du Louvre, Paris
Considered his most praised and visited
work of art
Most valuable in the world
The Last Supper
Created in 1494
(180 in x 350 in)
Location: Santa Maria delle
Grazie, Milan, Italy
Depicts Jesus and his twelve
apostles when Jesus announced
one of them has betrayed him
Vitruvian Man
Created in 1490
(13.6 in x 10 in)
Pen and ink drawing
Location: Gallerie dellAccademia,
Drawing incorporates da Vincis skill in
art specifically in drawing, his
understanding of the science in human
anatomy, as well as his knowledge in
mathematical proportion
Salvator Mundi
Created in 1490-1519
(25.8 in x 17.9 in)
Oil painting
Location: Private Collection, New York
Painting was lost, rediscovered and
exhibited in 2011
Painting of Christ depicted as Salvator
Why is da Vinci a Game Changer?

Created some of the most famous paintings in the world

Made many contributions to different fields of work and craft

One of the first to incorporate math and science in his art work

Questioned many ideas in order to expand his knowledge

The End

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