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What Diseases Can Cured By

Homeopathic Medicine
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a system of natural health care that
has been in worldwide use for over 200 years.
Homeopathy treats each person as a unique individual
with the aim of stimulating their own healing ability.

A homeopath selects the most appropriate medicine

based on the individual's specific symptoms and
personal level of health.

It is recognised by the World Health Organisation as

the second largest therapeutic system in use in the
Differences From Conventional Medicine
In conventional medical thought, health is seen simply as the absence of disease.
Assume that you are healthy if there is nothing wrong with you.

In homeopathy, health is much more than that. A healthy person is a person who is
free on all levels: physical, emotional, and mental.

An important basic difference exists between conventional medical therapy and


In conventional therapy, the aim often is to control the illness through regular use of
medical substances. If the medication is withdrawn, however, the person returns to
illness. There has been no cure.

Homeopathys aim is the cure: The complete restoration of perfect health, Samuel
Hahnemann said.
Heres are some of the diseases and disorders
What diseases homeopathy is capable of curing- asthma,
can homeopathy indigestion, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity,

cure? heart palpitations, migraines, sinus problems,

asthma, bronchitis, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome,

Homeopathy can cure a number of physical

problems including back pain, sprains, sports
injuries, corn, gout, sciatica, sprains, carpel tunnel,
arthritis, etc.

Homeopathy can be used to treat ENT problems,

acne and other skin issues, hair fall, etc.
Following Conditions Treated by homeopathic medicine

Allergies: Hay Fever

Bladder Infection
Headaches, Migraines & Clusters
Nausea, Vomiting and Coughs
Acute diarrhoea
Stress and anxiety

(but not limited too)

Allergies: Hay Fever

Homeopathic remedies can alleviate hay fever episodes and turn the allergy seasons into joyful
days you can look forward to rather than consternation.

You will confidently venture outside with your friends during lunch break rather than eat by yourself
at your desk and fill the trash bin with tissues.

Allergies are thought to be an overreaction by the body to substances in the environment. Most of us
know about seasonal allergies such as hay fever, but there are people who suffer from allergies so
severe, they have to live in conditions

As always, the homeopathic point of view is to honor the whole state of the person rather than
address only the allergies.
Bladder Infection
Fifteen percent of all woman suffer form recurring bladder infections.

The most common symptoms are: urinary frequency with great urging accompanied with possible
burning, dark colored cloudy urine and lower abdominal pain.

A common reason sighted is the proximity of the urethra to the vagina, providing easy access to the
bacteria. This implies a defect in design which clearly leaves many arguments open for debate.

Homeopathy is concerned with individual symptomatology rather then the one size fits all type of

The complexity of the physical, emotional and mental levels must fit the remedy in order to have a
long lasting cure
Headaches, Migraines & Clusters
The numbers are astounding. 70% of Americans get headaches and
9% of Americans get migraine headache contributing as many as 50
million doctor visits annually. Of note, women are affected three
times more than men. Any kind of head pain can be called a

Most headaches are caused by sinus problems, gastric complaints or

just nerves.

There are also cluster headaches which are usually like a migraine
headache but appear close together. Migraine or cluster headaches
can be brought upon by a variety of causes such as eye strain,
mental or emotional stress
PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric
Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections) is
very serious problem and ought not be dealt with lightly.

PANDAS is a hypothesis that there exists a subset of

children with rapid onset of obsessive-compulsive
disorder (OCD) or tic disorders and these symptoms are
caused by group.

A beta-hemolytic streptococcal (GABHS) infections.

It has been proposed that this autoimmune response can

result in a broad range of neuropsychiatric symptoms.
About Us
Its clear that homeopathy medicine can help to treat all kinds of problems and
disorders. Take a step forward and visit a Homeopathic Services at the earliest, and
find out how we can help you.

Goal of this Homeopathic Services is to help everyone understand homeopathy and

provide you with the necessary information to see a professional homeopath whether
one is in New York, the US or another part of the world.

Homeopathic Services is owned by Dr. Pierre Fontaine practitioner from 25+ years in
the field.

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