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Conf. Pasenco T.
Anatomy of the cornea
Classification of the keratitis after
Volokonenko A.
Group A. Keratitises of exogenous etiology are subdivided into:
1 - Erosion of the cornea
2 - Traumatic keratitis
3 - Infectious keratitis of bacterial etiology
4 - keratitis, caused by diseases of conjunctiva, eyelids, meibomius glands
5 - Fungous keratitis or keratomycosis
Group B. Keratitises of endogenous etiology are subdivided into:
1 - Infectious keratitis:
a) Tubercular: hematogenic and toxicoallergic
b) Syphilitic
c) Herpetic
2 - neuroparalytic keratitis
3 - avitaminotic keratitis
Group C. Keratitis of unknown etiology
Herpes simplex
Punctate keratitis
Peripheral ulcerative keratitis

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