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Social philosophy: the

subject matter and the

1. The specific character of social
philosophy. Social being and social
2. Philosophical meaning of the concept of
society. Society as a system.
3. Social systems structure and its basic
4. Historical periodization of social
development: formational, civilization,
axial and wave approaches.
1. BORCHERT Donald M. Encyclopedia Of Philosophy, Gacl., 2006
2. HARRISON-BARBET A. Mastering Philosophy. PALGRAVE, 2001.
3. PARKINSON G. Routledge History of Philosophy: 10 Volume Set. Routledge, 2003
4. PHILOSOPHY: The Power of Ideas, by Barnett D., Moore B.N., Bruder K. California,
London, Toronto, 1996
5. PHILOSOPHY: The Quest for Truth By Louis P. Pojman Publisher: Oxford University Press,
6. REAL PHILOSOPHY: An Anthology of the Universal Search for Meaning /Ed. By J.
Needleman, D. Appelbaum, London, 1990
7. SPIRKIN ALEXANDER Fundamentals of Philosophy.-M.: Progress Publishers, 1990.- P.
267, 298-303

1. PHILOSOPHY and CHOICE. Selected Reading from Around the World /Ed. by Kit R.
Christensen. Lnd., Toronto: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1999
2. THEORIES of MODERNITY and POSTMODERNITY /Ed. By Bryan S. Turner. Lnd.:
SAGE Publications, 1991


1. KOZLOVSKI P.: Postmodernism Culture, Moscow: Republic, 1997,
2. MARCUSE HERBERT One-Dimensional Man (Boston: Beacon, 1964)
3. ORTEGA y GASSET Revolt of the Masses
4. FRANK S. The Spiritual Basis of the Society. Moscow: Mir. Rogers K. (1995)
5. SPENGLER O. The Decline of the West (Oxford Paperbacks) by Oswald Spengler, Helmut
Werner, Arthur Helps and Charles Francis Atkinson. Paperback.-Febr.14, 1991.- P.76-79.
6. TOYNBEE ARTHUR A Study of history. London: Oxford University Press, 1961.- P.123-125

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