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Doklam or Zhoglam (in Standard Tibetan), known as Donglang in China is an area with a plateau and a

valley, lying between Tibet's Chumbi Valley toward the north, Bhutan's Ha Valley toward the east and
India's Sikkim state toward the west.
In June 2017 a military standoff occured amongst China and India as China attempted to extend the road on
the Doklam plateau southwards near the Doka La pass and Indian troops moved in to prevent the Chinese.
Key Highlights of the Issue
India claimed to have acted on behalf of Bhutan, with which it has a
'special relationship'. Bhutan has formally objected to China's road
construction in the disputed area

India responded to the call by sending troops last month to evict the
Chinese army construction party from the Doklam Plateau

The tense standoff has only escalated, raising concerns in both capitals of
an all-out military conflict. Both sides have made threats while
simultaneously calling for negotiations.
The two sides have made threats while simultaneously calling for
The U.S. State Department has urged the two sides to work together
toward a peaceful resolution.
Irrespective of the conflict and its results, China is likely to be the eventual
loser. It is already resented, if silently, in East and Southeast Asia for its
overbearing ways.
It is only a matter of time, perhaps a decade or so, before India also
acquires sufficient economic and military power to manifestly equalize
Chinese capacities in all realms.
The two countries have essentially no common culture, history, or
monetary ties.

The paste staying them together is an enthusiasm for keeping their

normal opponent, India, shaky.

In June 2015, scarcely two months after Chinese President Xi Jinping

declared plans to contribute $46bn to create framework and vitality
extends in Pakistan as a feature of the monetary passage, or CPEC,
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi disclosed to China that it was
CPEC Border
The corridor, which came into operation last November, passes through
Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan-administered Kashmir - a territory claimed
by India. Both the South Asian neighbours claim the disputed Kashmir
region in full, but control parts of it.

Only by respecting the sovereignty of countries involved, can regional

connectivity corridors fulfill their promise and avoid differences and
discord was said in a statement by Narendra Modi

India's relations with Pakistan are simply too unstable for the former's
primary land connectivity corridor to Central Asia, Russia and Europe,
to run through the latter's territory.
According to a report released by the Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute - a Swedish-based think-tank - India's opposition to CPEC
reflects a concern over the internationalisation of the Kashmir dispute and the
growing influence of China in the Indian Ocean.
It says that there is considerable concern within India that China, which has
been neutral on Kashmir since 1963, can no longer be so now that its economic
and security interests in these territories are growing.
The Chahabar Port barely 75 km from Gwadar which was seen as project
to connect with Central Asia and Europe while bypassing Pakistan , CPEC
being formed can badly affect it.The Chahabar Port deal also gave access to
India on Afghanistans land which Pakistan have always denied
The geopolitical landscape has seen a shift from West to East in the
recent past
India, Russia and China are emerging as important players in the world
India and Russia enjoy a decent political relationship
not been affected by other externalities or disharmony
its contours are not well defined (uncertainty regarding their
relations with other nations such as China, USA)
India-Russia relations have moved strength to strength since Putin took
over as the President
Indias reliance on Russia
India is an energy deficient country
Russia could be a provider of energy support.
Russia is our main strategic partner especially in the realm of
technology and defence
In Afghanistan - no 2 countrys interests converge as much as India and
From a strategic standpoint
Havent been able to capitalize on this opportunity
Russias Stance
Russia has become more stable since 1990
Russian Foreign Policy has become more consistent and pragmatic
It is not pro west or pro east
Believes in good relations with all
Indo-Russia Relations
Indo-Russia relations are good, solid and stable
India has become an important partner
Yet trade has not grown as rapidly between the two countries
We can strive for better relations when Russia is our main strategic
partner especially in the realm of technology and defence
For India - China-Russia and Pakistan-Russia relations
For Russia, Indo-US relations
Communication Strategies
To address the above concerns a hard dialogue is needed
Not beat around the bush and be straight forward rather than
Both India and Russia should dwell on more informal meetings for
better relations, where criticism is allowed
Indo-Russian defence cooperation has gone to higher level and
hopefully it will reach its maximum one day.
Overall, in the changing global scenario, this longstanding relation
should be fructified to its best for better future of both the countries
Overall, a satisfactory relation that should grow stronger over time
In 2013, Vietnam offered India seven oil blocks situated in the South
China Sea.
South China sea can possibly pull India in, either with regards to its oil
blocks, or with regards to a neighbouring country requesting support.
In either case, India will enter the South China Sea militarily, and this
will push New Delhi to specifically challenge the strength, impact and
energy of Beijing.
India getting
involved in the
South China Sea


Trade &
Globalization has interlinked all the economies of the world

The impact of this is any speculation in one country can have an effect on
several other countries

2008 Lehman Brothers crisis not only led to recession in USA but has also
affected many other countries in the world

Hence all the geo-political changes discussed above not only limits to India
but also affects other countries at large

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