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Sandy Hook Elementary

Alex McComb
Summary of attack
On December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut, a mass
shooting occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School
A 20 year old man, Adam Lanza, fatally shot 20 children
aged 6 and 7
Before the shooting spree at the school Lanza shot his
mother in their home
He also shot and killed 6 teachers and personnel
Lanza committed suicide just before the police arrived
This all happened from 9:35 AM to 9:40 AM
Who committed the attack?
The perpetrator was Adam Lanza
He did not have a criminal record prior to the attack
At 13 Lanza was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome
and as a teenager suffered from anxiety, depression, and
obsessive-compulsive disorder
He was described by his peers at school as intelligent but
nervous and fidgety
He isolated himself from everyone
Motivation for the attack
The reason for the attack is unknown with many
Some say Lanza playing violent video games in the past
could be a reason
He had access to several guns in his home since his
mother was a gun enthusiast
He was familiar and comfortable around guns
He was preoccupied with violence
Result of the attack
20 children killed
6 teachers and staff killed
2 people were wounded
Nancy Lanza was killed
And the final death was that of Lanza himself committing
Response to the attack
01/08/13 New York enacted the Secure Ammunition &
Firearms Enforcement Act (SAFE)
04/04/13 Connecticut and Maryland enacted new
restrictions to their gun laws
The school board voted unanimously to have police
officers at all elementary schools
Sandy Hook Elementary was closed indefinitely after the
shooting and demolished in 2014
A new school was built with funds from a state grant
Work cited

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