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18 Basic Email Etiquettes in

Managerial Communications

S. M. Ikhtiar Alam
Copyright Protected
1. Use a professional email address

Use a professional email address, such

as your official email address. (Example Never use email
address that you used as a student such
as or Because such
addresses are not appropriate for use
in the workplace.
2. Don’t Hit “Reply All”
Think twice before Hitting
“Reply All”. No one wants to
read 27 emails that have
nothing to do with them.
3. Be Cautious with Humor
Be Cautious with Humor. What
may be funny when said out loud
can come across differently when
written in email text. When in
doubt, leave it out.
4. Do not write receiver's
email address first
Write text, and then make attachment, if
any, double check that the text and
attachment are right, only then write the
email address. Once sent without
attachment or with incorrect /incomplete
text, you are in trouble.
5. Include Salutation With Respect
Start with respectful salutation and
end with thanks and respect as per
requirements. For instance, before
the name write Mr., Dr., Professor Dr.,
etc. At the end write something like
sincerely, best regards, with regards,
etc. after thanks.
6. You Should Not Make Email IDs
of Your Contacts Public
Make sure that your device does
not synchronize email addresses
to Face book/ IM/Messenger and
any other similar apps that will
make the email addresses of all
recipients public.
7. Avoid "Hanky-Pinky"
Avoid "Hanky-Pinky"
Abbreviations that you do in
mobile messages nowadays.
You is not u, "Are" is not r,
“plz” is not please;, “da” is
not “the” etc.
8. Keep the conversation short
Keep the conversation short.
Email/IM/Mobile Text messages
should not be of few pages. If you
have to communicate huge things,
send it as attachment in email.
9. Do not change times or venues
of important events in email

Do not change meeting times and venues as well

as times and venues of other important events in
text or in email. It is better to call the person and
explain things. Also remember that never send
very urgent messages/information via email. IUB
will send you an email today late afternoon to let
you know that you have a special makeup class
tomorrow at 8:00 AM.
10. Never send bad news via
email messages

Never send bad (negative) news

via email messages (or IM or text
messages). You should call or
write a convincing, empathetic
letter that is more effective and
11. Make sure that the technology
is compatible & Reliable
Make sure that the technology
is compatible, reliable, and
available to receiver. Your email
massage can be open and read
easily by the receiver.
12. Include a Clear Subject Line

Whenever you compose an email

message, make sure that a clear subject
line is included. A Clear Subject Line saves
72% email time to receiver. Besides, it’s an
etiquette that is ranked as very high
(among first two).
13. Avoid words/phrases that are
Relating to marital status/gender
Ms or Mr. is okay. Mrs. are not. In Bengali, we
have to be careful. “Actress”, Chairperson. is not
Mrs. says marital status, Mr. does not.
Actress says gender status.
Chairperson also says gender status.
These two status must be avoided, where
14. Use Bcc and respect the
privacy of others’ IDs
To respect the privacy of the email IDs is
not only the cultured way of email
communication, but also a moral
responsibility. In addition, there are
legal responsibilities as well.
Thus, you should use Bcc when you
email to a group of people and respect
the privacy of others’ email ID.
15. Don’t use an old
correspondence (if any)

Don’t use an old correspondence

(if any). Always compose a new
email whenever you talk about a
new subject.
Other Three Etiquettes
16.Do not use digital signature, unless
officially required.
17.Do not use logo/softcopy of the letter
pad of your company in email text.
18. Be careful to include a third person
who will all receive the email unless
urgently required.

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