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What is Rerum Novarum?

† Rerum Novarum is a foundational text in the

history of Catholic social thought,
establishing the position of the Church on
issues pertaining to the proper relationship
between capital and labor
† Rerum Novarum provides a vigorous defense
of both private property and the right of
workers to form unions, among other things
† Author: Pope Leo XIII
† Release Date: May 15, 1891
† Examines the situation of poor people
and workers in industrialized countries
† Articulates everyone’s role in working
together to build a just society
Situation of Workers

† Most workers experience poverty

† There is a decline in public morality
† Greedy employers exploit workers
† Government does not give
attention to the poor
7 Guiding Principles

† Dignity of the human person

† The common good
† Subsidiary
† Participation
† Solidarity
† The right of private property
† The universal destination of goods
Role of the Church

† The Church has the right to speak since

social matters affect religion and morality
† Gospel principles help reconcile and unify
† The Church can educate people to act justly
Role of Government

† Defend and foster the rights of families

† Support both private property and common
† Safeguard the rights of workers
† Intervene when necessary to prevent harm to
individuals or common good
† Give special consideration to the poor
† Uphold social and religious rights of people
The Role of the State

† Laws must be enacted for the

common good and for private
† Make men better
† Protect men’s soul
† Labor is personal and necessary
Role of the Unions or

† Role of the Unions or Associations

† Protect Private Good
† Protect itself and society
† Betterment of its members

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