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Fake News and


A mind opener by Surya Kant Sahu

Websites banned in India

Several hundred websites including

were banned in India as Ordered by Supreme Court
on Aug 7 2017.

These websites were “Censored” as they contained

material that followed ISIS propoganda.

But the bans were lifted on most of the websites

after a Petition.
The ‘Chip’ inside the new notes

Rumour possibly started on a Whatsapp

message; got viral.

Although, the statement by Arun Jatley

refuted this, but not before it got to
major news outlets.
What’s my point?
We’re Stupid, very very stupid.

➔ We believe almost anything,

without any proof whatsoever. .

➔ We are being manipulated.

➔ We are becoming even more

Recall ‘Choti-Caatt’ incident?
People were paid around
1lakh rupees to pretend that
their hair were chopped off.
It was a Chinese agenda.
Sorry, I was trying to experiment how well I
could make people believe anything without
any proof.

Just to be clear :
It was not a Chinese agenda or anything
How do you differentiate
fake news from ‘real’?
Ask yourselves a few questions.
Are these Posts/News
trying to deviate my political
Do they have any

Do they sound too good to

be true? Or too bad to be
true? Then it probably is not
If you think you are original and
have free will; well, you aren’t.
➔ We are biased.

➔ We are manipulated by society,

the internet, and even ourselves.

➔ We bend facts to confirm our

beliefs(Confirmation Bias).

➔ BUT, we have the most complex

structure known to us, the Brain.
I assume most do have it. :P
Simplest Solution to every problem on the
Universe :

Question everything.

Be Curious.

Be Observant.

Be Responsible.

Be a Rebel.
Thank You.

Surya Kant
B.E.-CSE, Sem-1,

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