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City Life and

Life in the Country

When I was a child, I lived in a cottage in a nice village
and I loved the peace and quiet.
My father worked on a farm. Some farms grow crops
(wheat, apples, potatoes) and some keep animals (cows,
sheep and pigs).
In the countryside, the
cost of living is low
the pace of life is slow.
When I was older I got a job in the city. I was one of the thousands
of commuters travelling into the city for work. I couldn’t cope with
the stress of commuting, so I decided to move to the city.
I live in a skyscraper in the suburbs and parking my car is
a challenge. There is a car park in the area, but it isn’t
enough for a thousand cars!
In the city people are always in a hurry and the roads get
congested. The worst time of the day is the rush hour,
the time when people go to or return from work.
There is plenty to do in the
city. There is a wide range
of shops and there are lots
of cultural activities
(museums, theatres,
libraries, concerts, films).
I’ve got used with the
noise and the stray dogs.
But I still go back to
the countryside for
holidays to relax and
get some fresh air.
Which is better,
living in a city or
living in the
country? Why?

I. Combine words from the left and right to form compound words or phrases:

1. rush a. life
2. traffic b. of life
3. night c. of living
4. cost d. and quiet
5. car e. hour
6. stray f. park
7. pace g. jam
8. peace h. dogs

II. Complete the sentences in a suitable way :

In the city, there are lots of c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ activities. There are cinemas, theatres, museums, art galleries and everything.
There’s a wide r _ _ _ _ of shops. You can buy whatever you want.
The train was packed with c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. It is exhausting travelling between work and home every day.
There is too much traffic in Bucharest. The roads get c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the rush hour.
A place smaller than a town is called a v_ _ _ _ _ _.

III. Fill the gaps with a suitable word :

The best thing about living in the (1) ……………………… is that :

 There’s peace and (2) …………………. ;
 You breathe (3) ……………………. air ;
 The (4) ………………… of life is slow and the cost of (5) …………………. is low.

Directions: Record the advantages and disadvantages to living in the city and in the country on the chart below. Please refer
to : air pollution, education, employment, entertainment, health, night-life, people, prices, shopping, transport, way of life.

I’d love to live in the city because… I’d love to live in the city because…
More job opportunities Some occupations only possible in the country (farmer,
lumberman, shepherd…)

On second thought… On second thought…

More competition for jobs Fewer jobs / choices
I. Homework : Write an article expressing your opinion about Which is better: living in a city or living in the country? Why?

Use this outline to help you:

P1 : I think the …. (city/country) is the best place to live. There are a number of reasons for this.
P2 : One big advantage of the city/country is that… Another thing is that the city/country is better for …
P3 : However, city/country life can be ... Sometimes it is also…
P4 : To sum up, although …, I believe …

Remember that in paragraph 2 you have to write three positive things about living in a city or living in the country and give reasons
while in paragraph 3 you have to write three negative things about living in a city or living in the country and give reasons.

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