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The Import-Export

process of a product
There are several reasons why the decision to export or import is taken. TO Here are the most common:
As an entrepreneur you can lessen the risk of being in one market; this also depends on market selection
process objective that has developed.
Leverage comparative advantages and market opportunities extended through preferential agreements, and
production advantages costs.
Pursue greater profitability in international markets and to ensure existence of the company in the long term.
Better opportunities for certain products on the market international than local.
Diversify markets to face international competition and situation of the national economy. Besides acting as
protection enter the market of its competitors (yes you get to mine, entered the yours).
growth markets with better expectations.
able to make strategic alliances with foreign companies that allow reduce costs, improve efficiency and diversify
Before attempting export process, the applicant must be account a number of important factors and which will depend on the success of the
1. Identify the advantages of the product exported taking into account:
• Volume available for the external market.
• Supply of the product or raw materials.
• Advantages in prices.
• Characteristics of product quality, superior to competitors.
• Advantages in quality.
2. It should be an analysis of the domestic production of your company to determine the volume that is available for the external market. This
must be one that can offer stable or continuously.
3. Identify the tariff position or HS Code Product chosen both in the country of origin and the country of destination, since all foreign trade
information is based on this information.
4. Run a target market research consulting requirements and income conditions of your product; must be done at least one market analysis, in those
cases where an investigation becomes complicated or costly.
5. Conduct a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and Threats) of your company in this market. Should take into account the
aspects of Production, Human Resources, Marketing, Product, Financial and Competitiveness.
Exporting is a strategic process that involves more than just the fact
make sales abroad through contacts with importers or perform various export procedures. The export process relates all functional areas of the
company, and requires dedication, research, enthusiasm and a suitable preparation process to become a successful exporter.
1. Define the Exportable Capacity Company:
This is a very important aspect when you plan to export to a market international. According to the product must determine the volume that has
available to sell in foreign markets. The volume exported must be Anyone who is able to offer continuously; this information will it will define
strategies to target market penetration.
You should verify that the product has any of the following advantages:
Advantages in price, quality or availability.
A suitable volume for the external market.
Features superior quality and while competition in the objective market.
It is advisable to note that the volume that can be offered is directly related to the ability of the on providers company to supply it at a given time.
It is therefore important to make a study of suppliers of the company and the ability of each they.
Target Market Analysis:
Study and analyze the target market requirements involves investigating the conditions and characteristics of potential markets for each product. It should be
noted that this research should be developed thoroughly and rigorously, since it depends largely on the success or failure of the export process.

Business Analysis:
They know and assess the strengths and weaknesses available to the company as the opportunities and threats to address the new market. This analysis
should involve all areas of the company, such as Human Resources, Production, Financial, Product, Marketing and Competitiveness

You need to know the current financial situation and the cost structure that manages the company; this in order to determine the funding strategies of
activities and budget management.

Plan for Exporter is important to define the products, prices, service and quality that can offer the company. This will confront the
requirements and make adjustments or adjustments that are necessary to successfully enter the market

For any company that wants to succeed in the market, it is essential to study all marketing activities, distribution and sales of their products; this in order to
respond effectively to the needs and expectations of customers in domestic and international markets manner.

Planning Export:
It is important to clearly define an international marketing plan in which the objectives, strategies and actions to be undertaken in order to succeed in foreign
markets are established.

Definition of objectives:
You must define a general objective and from this pose specific objectives defined by markets, products, and stages, so that in this way can make a detailed
schedule and a proper evaluation of the process
• 1. Location of tariff subheading. To locate the tariff subheading of your product, you have two options: a. Through
the customs tariff and / or b.With informal help offered by the Information Center. (It is important to clarify that
the DIAN is the only authorized to determine the tariff classification, according to Decree 2685/99 Art.236 and
Resolution 4240/00 Art Ente 154 to 157 of the DIAN -... Tariff Division Tel 6- 079999 Ext 2128/2129 Cost:..
Half Legal Monthly minimum Wage).

• 2. Registration as an importer. To import into Colombia should belong to the common regime, for it must be
enrolled in Chamber of Commerce and have a Single Tax-RUT, which is established as the only mechanism to
identify, locate and classify subjects administered obligations and controlled by the Directorate of National Taxes
and Customs, DIAN. To advance import activities, registration must be processed by specifying this activity
3. Market. Perform a market study and economic feasibility of importing, analyzing among other things: product
price in the international market, international transportation costs, costs of nationalization and other expenses that
might arise.

4. Identification of product
Check subheading product to import to know the customs duties (tariff levy and sales tax, VAT) and other
requirements for import. See the Customs Tariff to verify whether the product to be imported is subject to
clearances and previous registration with organizations such as ICA, INVIMA, Ministry of Mines, Ministry of
Environment-ANLA, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Agriculture, Superintendence of Surveillance and Security
private, Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, National Mining Agency AUNAP among others.
If your product is not subject to any precondition, the import regulatory approval is required.

5. Proceedings with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism (If Import Registration required). This
procedure is done solely by electronic means

Note: The importer using Customs Agency or Special Representative to expedite the Import Registration must give a
signed authorization and send it to the company or person to register it in VUCE and the system will enable, for
records import. For those companies or individuals who have and want to take digital signature database records
made, they can acquire the Aplicativo VUCE at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism will facilitate data
transfer, worth three SMLMV.
6. exchange procedure in imports. Foreign Exchange System establishes the obligation of channeling payments through foreign exchange
market intermediaries authorized by law (commercial banks, financial corporations, etc.). The importer must turn to foreign currencies for the
payment of importation, before the processing of the form CHANGE STATEMENT No.1

7. Other procedures. Check the terms of international negotiation (INCOTERMS) and if you pay the value of international transport, hire the
transport company with which those costs for transporting the goods shall be defined to the Colombian port that suits you and which may be
given indication of the bonded warehouse, where you want the merchandise while nationalizes is stored.

8. Nationalization Process
Once the goods are in Colombia in the customs warehouse, it is recommended to request authorization for a pre-inspection prior to the
presentation of the import declaration and other documents, that when doubts about the description, serial numbers or arising identification or
If the value is not less than USD 5,000, should fill the Andean Customs Valuation Declaration. This is a document supporting the Import
Declaration, which determines the value in Customs (Basis for payment of customs duties) of the goods Import and specifies the costs
incurred in that operation.
The liquidation of customs duties (Lien Tariff and VAT), is done through the Import Declaration, payment of these taxes is made to financial
intermediaries, customs where the XXI Century Information System operates, the forms are made by electronic means.
According to the Customs Statute (Decree 2685/99) may act directly DIAN:
Legal persons performing imports individually do not exceed the FOB value of thousand US dollars (USD 1,000), who will act personally and
directly through its legal representative or attorney.
Natural persons performing imports individually do not exceed the FOB value of thousand US dollars (USD 1,000), who must act personally
and directly.
Travelers in the offices of their luggage.
Note: In the case of imports whose amounts are higher than thousand US dollars (USD 1,000), you should hire the services of a Customs
Agency, to perform this process.
Importing samples of no commercial value. those samples goods declared as such and are covered in a proforma or commercial invoice are considered
of no commercial value.

For the import of such goods no registration or import license is required, unless their condition or nature require compliance with clearances or
requirements that lead to obtaining import licenses or registrations. In any case these goods are subject to payment of customs duties according to the
provisions of the relevant tariff subheading.

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