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Syazili Mustofa
Pengajar Fakultas Kedokteran
Universitas Lampung

Kompetensi dokter praktek umum

 mampu membuat diagnosis klinik dan

menentukan rujukan yang tepat pada
kelainan mulut berupa leukoplakia

 It is a precancerous lesion.

 Leukoplakia is a clinical term, and the lesion is

defined as a white patch or plaque, firmly
attached to the oral mucosa, that cannot be
classified as any other disease entity.

 The exact etiology remains unknown.

Tobacco, alcohol, chronic local friction, and
Candida albicans are important predisposing
factors. Human papilloma virus (HPV) may
also be involved in the pathogenesis of oral
Clinical features

 Three clinical varieties (Figs. 1 and 2) are

 homogeneous (common),
 speckled (less common), and
 verrucous / seperti kutil (rare).
 Speckled and verrucous leukoplakia have a
greater risk for malignant transformation
than the homogeneous form.
Kemungkinan menjadi keganasan

 The average percentage of malignant

transformation for leukoplakia varies
between 4% and 6%. The buccal mucosa,
tongue, floor of the mouth, gingiva, and
lower lip are the most commonly affected
Homogeneous leukoplakia.
Speckled leukoplakia.
Laboratory tests

 Histopathological examination.
Differential diagnosis

 Lichen planus,
cinnamon contact stomatitis,
hairy leukoplakia,
lichen planus reactions,
chronic biting,
tobacco pouch keratosis,
chemical burn,
uremic stomatitis,
skin graft,
some genodermatoses and
discoid lupus erythematosus.

 Elimination or discontinuation of
predisposing factors, systemic retinoid
compounds. Surgical excision is the
treatment of choice.

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