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What is Selenium?

Selenium is a free (open source) computerized testing suite for

web applications crosswise over various programs and stages. It

is very like HP Quick Test Pro (QTP now UFT) just that Selenium

centers around robotizing electronic applications. Testing done

utilizing Selenium instrument is normally alluded as Selenium

Main Parts of Selenium:

Selenium isn't only a solitary device however a suite of

software's, each taking into account distinctive testing needs of

an association. It has four parts.

(i)Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

(ii)Selenium Remote Control (RC)


(iv)Selenium Grid
Main Diagram of Selenium:
Introduction Selenium IDE:

• Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE)Is the most

straightforward system in the Selenium suite and is the least

demanding one to learn.

•It is a Firefox module that you can introduce as effectively as you can

with different modules.

•In any case, in light of its effortlessness, Selenium IDE should just be

utilized as a prototyping instrument.

•On the off chance that you need to make further developed

experiments, you should utilize either Selenium RC or WebDriver.

Presentation Selenium Remote Control (Selenium RC):

•Selenium RC was the flagship trying framework of the entire

Selenium venture for quite a while.

•This is the principal robotized web testing apparatus that allowed

clients to utilize a programming dialect they learn toward.

•As of variant 2.25.0, RC can bolster the accompanying

programming dialects:

(2) C#
Introduction WebDriver:

•The WebDriver substantiates itself to be better than both Selenium

IDE and Selenium RC in numerous viewpoints.

•It executes a more current and stable approach in mechanizing the

program's activities.

•WebDriver, not at all like Selenium RC, does not depend on

JavaScript for Automation.

•It controls the program by specifically speaking with it.

•The upheld dialects are the same as those in Selenium RC.

Selenium Grid:

•Selenium Grid is a device utilized together with Selenium RC to run

parallel tests crosswise over various machines and distinctive programs

all in the meantime. Parallel execution implies running various tests on

the double.


•Empowers synchronous running of tests in numerous programs and


•Spares time tremendously.

•Uses the center and-hubs idea.

•The center point goes about as a focal wellspring of Selenium orders to

every hub associated with it.
Introduction to Selenium IDE:

•Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is the easiest

instrument in the Selenium Suite. It is a Firefox add-on that makes
tests rapidly through its record-and-playback usefulness. This
component is like that of QTP. It is easy to introduce and simple to

•In view of its straightforwardness, Selenium IDE should just be utilized

as a prototyping instrument, not a general answer for creating and
keeping up complex test suites.

•In spite of the fact that you will have the capacity to utilize Selenium
IDE without earlier information in programming, you ought to in any
event be acquainted with HTML, JavaScript, and the DOM (Document
Object Model) to use this instrument to its maximum capacity. Learning
of JavaScript will be required when we get to the area about the
Selenese charge "runScript."
Advantages in Selenium:

•As specified before, the greatest quality of Selenium is that it is a
freeware and a compact apparatus. It has no forthright direct costs
included. The instrument can be uninhibitedly downloaded and the help
for it is unreservedly accessible, as it is group based.

2.Backings dialects:

•Selenium bolsters a scope of dialects, including Java, Perl, Python, C#,

Ruby, Groovy, Java Script, and so on. It has its own particular content,
however it doesn't restrain it to that dialect.

3.Backings Operating Systems:

•Selenium can work and support over different Operating Systems(OS)

like Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX, and so on. With Selenium Suite of
arrangements, a customized testing suite can be made over any stage
and after that executed on another. For example, you can make test
cases utilizing Windows OS and run it easily on a Linux based
Drawbacks of Selenium:

•Selenium prerequisites extraordinarily information resources. The

source likewise should be superbly experienced in system structures.

•Selenium just encourages web based application and doesn't help

windows-based programming.

•It's trying to check picture based programming.

•Selenium require outside help with respect to proclamation innovation

practice like dependence on TestNG or Jenkins.

•Selenium doesn't bolster worked in include ins help.

•Selenium individual needs online help for that issues they experience.

•Selenium doesn't supply any implicit IDE in regards to programming

period likewise it require extra IDE like Eclipse with respect to making
Selenium @ Greens Technologys

•Greens Technology is recognized for its Selenium Training in both

retail and corporate market.

•We have trained above 28,000 students exclusively on QTP and

Selenium in last 7 years.

•All our trainer expertise's on both development and training which

helps us deliver project based training.

Chennai , Bangalore

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