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Vampires Throughout

By Jake Ball, Grace Phillips, Alex Hoehn, and Keaton Jennings
Civilization: Ancient Greek

Myth: Empusa was the daughter of the goddess Hecate

and the spirit Mormo. She feasted on blood by seducing
young men as they slept, before drinking their blood and
eating their flesh. When she spotted a man sleeping on
the road, she attacked him, little knowing he was Zeus,
king of the gods. Zeus woke and visited his wrath on her
and Empusa was killed.

Description: Empusa is pictured as a beautiful woman

with flaming hair. Her name was said to mean "one-
footed,” with a donkey's leg and a brass prosthetic leg.
Civilization: Ancient Greek

Myth: Lamia was a mistress of the Zeus, causing Zeus'

jealous wife, Hera, to kill all of Lamia's children and
transform her into a monster that hunts and devours the
children of others. Another version of the myth includes
Hera stealing all of Lamia's children and Lamia, who
loses her mind from grief and despair, starts stealing
and devouring others' children out of envy, the repeated
monstrosity of which transforms her into a monster. She
is also believed to be the mother of Scylla.

Description: She is described as a blind woman with a

serpentine tail rather than legs.
● Draugr means “One who walks after death”

● A person may become a Draugr if they have unfinished

business after death or if another Draugr infects them

● Characteristics- A pale, deathly skin tone, Superhuman

strength, Stench of decay, Large, bulky body

● A Draugr is said to slay his victims, devour him and drink

his blood. People believed in doing this, the Draugr grew
even larger in size.

● Although the Draugr is not a typical vampire, it shares

many of the same aspects, maybe even being stronger
than a stereotypical vampire.

● Portrayed in many video games including The Elder Scroll

V: Skyrim, the Witcher 2, as well as being showcased in a
● Dracula means “Son of the dragon.”

Dracula is the most prominent vampire of the late 1800’s

to early 1900’s.

● Characteristics- Pale, tall, incredibly strong, razor sharp teeth,

wrinkled hands and feet.

● Count Dracula was inspired by Vlad Dracula, a cruel Romanian

prince in the 15th century.

● As proven in pages 1-54 of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Dracula

obtains his blood from victims by trapping them into his castle, or stealing
them from the city.

● Dracula set the norm for traits of Vampires.

A.K.A (Deformed Vampires)
● These deformed vampires were given their after the
1922 movie Nosferatu.

● Characteristics- Usually a high domed head that is

bald with a visible network of livid veins, Face is long,
thin, drawn and has deep creases, Eyes are sunken in
the face. Ears are large and pointy or membranous.

● Anti-Social with both Humans and Vampires

● They obtain their blood from the their use of stealth on

humans, children, and even farm animals.

● It has been speculated that the Puerto Rican

Chupacabra is an excessively mutated Nosferatu!!!

● Unlike other vampires, they require a full mutation to

Modern Time Vampires:
● Twilight is a movie that came out in 2008

● This story focuses on two lovers, Edward and Bella, one being human and
the other a vampire.

● Edward is a vampire and has a family full as vampires as well

● Characteristics:

○ Inhumanly beautiful

○ Pale and cold skin

○ Fangs

○ Skin sparkles in the sunlight

Modern Time Vampire:
● Chupacabra means “Goat Sucker.”

● Chupacabras are legendary creatures in Central American folklore.

● First seen in Puerto Rico.

● Chupacabras attack livestock for their blood, especially goats.

● Characteristics: A reptilian body, oval head, bulging red eyes,

fanged teeth, and a long, darting tongue.

● It is thought the Mayans were the first civilization to spot this creature.

● Chupacabra sightings are reported around the world.

● Chupacabras have gained popularity through media in recent times.

Works Cited
Atsma, Aaron J. “Empousa - Vampiric Monsters of Ancient Greek Legend.” Theoi, Theoi Project, 2017.

Atsma, Aaron J. “Lamia: Demon and Sea-Monster of Greek Mythology.” Theoi, Theoi Project, 2017

Chupamacabre. “The Legend of El Chupacabra.” Chupamacabre, Chupamacabre, 2015,

MacGowan, Doug. “History of Dracula.” Historic Mysteries, Historic Mysteries, 14 Oct. 2016,

“The Twilight Saga.” Vampire Characteristics - The Twilight Saga, Accessed
Sept. 2017.

"Types of Vampires | Vampire Types Like Immortal Vampires." Hell Horror. Gorilla Nation Media. Web. 07 Sept. 2017.

Whitney. “Draugr.” Vampires, 29 Jan. 2014,

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